10 Alternatives to Facebook Pixel for Conversion Tracking 10 Alternatives to Facebook Pixel for Conversion Tracking

10 Alternatives to Facebook Pixel for Conversion Tracking

To help you find the best alternative to Facebook Pixel for conversion tracking, we asked founders and digital marketers this question for their expert opinions. From considering Sirge for accurate tracking to using UTM parameters with CRM, here are the top ten alternatives these professionals recommend.

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Consider Using Sirge for Accurate Tracking

As an alternative to Facebook Pixel, I would recommend Sirge. As the founder of Sirge, an AI-powered ad-analytics platform, I built it to provide unbiased and accurate data for Shopify stores. 

Sirge tracks users across devices and platforms to provide a single view of the customer journey. We place tracking pixels on your website to see how users are actually interacting with your ads and site. This allows us to attribute sales to the right campaigns so you know exactly where to spend your ad dollars.

For example, one of our customers, XYZ Fitness, was shocked to see 40% of their sales were actually coming from Instagram influencers and not Facebook as their pixel had been reporting. By using Sirge, they were able to optimize their ad spend and increase revenue by 63% the following month. 

Sirge emphasizes ease of use and accuracy at an affordable price. For any e-commerce brand looking to gain true insights into their marketing performance, Sirge is a great alternative to Facebook Pixel.

Chase Chappell Featured 7 10 Alternatives to Facebook Pixel for Conversion Tracking

Chase Chappell, Founder, Sirge

Try AnyTrack for Affordable Conversion Tracking

One effective alternative to Facebook Pixel for conversion tracking is AnyTrack. I find AnyTrack particularly advantageous for smaller clients due to its affordability and intuitive features. It provides an infinite-attribution window, allowing for comprehensive tracking of conversions from various sources, including Facebook and Google. This tool integrates seamlessly with existing data, enhancing Facebook’s datasets for improved ad performance. Google Analytics is a good choice, but it often requires more setup and understanding of UTM parameters, which can be harder for beginners. AnyTrack simplifies this process, making it accessible for those with limited budgets. In summary, AnyTrack stands out as a robust solution for effective conversion tracking without the complexities associated with Facebook Pixel.

Kartik Ahuja Featured 14 10 Alternatives to Facebook Pixel for Conversion Tracking

Kartik Ahuja, Digital Marketer, kartikahuja.com

Leverage LinkedIn Insight Tag for B2B

One highly effective alternative to Facebook Pixel for conversion tracking is LinkedIn Insight Tag. Speaking from my experience as a marketing expert, the LinkedIn Insight Tag offers a unique advantage, particularly for B2B marketers. It feels like tapping into a goldmine of professional data, allowing you to track conversions and gain insights about the industries and job titles of the leads visiting your site. This precision in targeting is almost like having a personalized consultant guiding your marketing strategy. Yes, the platform may seem niche and specific to professional audiences, but the depth of information and targeting capabilities it offers can be transformative. Utilizing LinkedIn Insight Tag empowers you to craft campaigns that don’t just reach an audience but connect deeply with the right professionals, driving higher-quality conversions that genuinely fuel business growth.

Rohit Vedantwar Featured 3 10 Alternatives to Facebook Pixel for Conversion Tracking

Rohit Vedantwar, Co-founder & SEO Expert, Supramind.com

Utilize Google Analytics for Comprehensive Insights

As an alternative, I’d recommend Google Analytics. It provides a comprehensive view of your website visitors and their behavior.

Unlike Facebook Pixel, which only tracks Facebook data, Google Analytics captures your visitors from all sources—social, search, email, and more. It uses powerful machine learning to analyze patterns and insights in real-time. This allows you to see which marketing channels are driving the most valuable traffic so you can optimize your ad spend.

For example, one e-commerce client found that a small portion of their traffic from Quora was actually converting at a much higher rate. By gaining these insights with Google Analytics, they were able to invest more in Quora ads and increase revenue by over 30% the following month.

For any brand looking to optimize their marketing, Google Analytics provides robust customer data and granular insights that Facebook Pixel lacks. Its advanced tracking and reporting give you a precise understanding of how to accelerate growth.

Luke Heinecke Featured 10 Alternatives to Facebook Pixel for Conversion Tracking

Luke Heinecke, Mid-Market Manager, Linear

Opt for Piwik PRO Tag Manager

One specific alternative to Facebook Pixel for conversion tracking is Piwik PRO Tag Manager. This tool is all about privacy; it lets you keep your data on your servers or in dedicated cloud instances, so you know exactly where it is and who can access it. This is useful for industries like healthcare, finance, and government that handle sensitive information. The tool is very customizable in that you can use it with many different tags for web analytics, advertising, and tracking user behavior. It allows you to create custom triggers and variables to collect the data you need to track conversions.

Despite its powerful features, Piwik PRO Tag Manager is easy to use. Its user-friendly interface allows even people with little technical knowledge to manage tags. Plus, their customer support is excellent, helping you set up, troubleshoot, and optimize your tags. Security is a big deal with Piwik PRO Tag Manager. It has built-in features like data encryption and regular security audits. This level of safety is hard to find in other tag-management systems, making it a unique choice for businesses that need to protect their data. In summary, Piwik PRO Tag Manager is a rare and unique alternative to Facebook Pixel for conversion tracking. It is perfect for businesses that prioritize data privacy and security.

Peter Bryla Featured 14 10 Alternatives to Facebook Pixel for Conversion Tracking

Peter Bryla, Senior Community Manager, MyPerfectCV

Switch to Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is my go-to alternative to Facebook Pixel for conversion tracking. Its user-friendly nature means it is easy to use for marketers and does not require coding knowledge to track conversions or set up custom-tracking events.

Google Tag Manager also works well with Google Analytics, allowing you to centralize all your website tracking data in one place to get a better view of your campaign data. It also works well with other third-party tag tools that you may need to use for your conversion tracking.

The best part of Google Tag Manager is its version-control capabilities. This feature ensures that you can easily switch between different versions of the tag manager in case you want to tweak settings wholesomely or revert to previous preferences.

Clooney Wang Featured 2 10 Alternatives to Facebook Pixel for Conversion Tracking

Clooney Wang, CEO, TrackingMore

Explore Stape for Targeted Data

We recently started using Stape as an alternative to Facebook Pixel for conversion tracking. With Stape, we can track specific events and actions on our website that are unique to our business. This allows us to gather more targeted data and gain deeper insights into our conversion rates. Additionally, Stape has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for even non-technical team members to set up and manage conversion tracking. This eliminates the need for constant IT support or additional training, ultimately saving us time and resources.

Amira Irfan Featured 10 Alternatives to Facebook Pixel for Conversion Tracking

Amira Irfan, Founder and CEO, A Self Guru

Choose Matomo for Detailed User Insights

Matomo offers a robust alternative to Facebook Pixel for conversion tracking. This open-source analytics platform provides detailed insights into user behavior and conversion paths, allowing for full data ownership and privacy compliance. Its customizable features and comprehensive reporting tools make it a versatile choice for tracking and optimizing conversions.

Petteri Pucilowski Featured 10 Alternatives to Facebook Pixel for Conversion Tracking

Petteri Pucilowski, CEO, Search Engine Wizards

Implement Server-Side Tracking

One alternative to the Facebook pixel for conversion tracking is server-side tracking. This allows you to take all of the same user ID and cookie-session tracking that Facebook used to be able to do natively (pre-iOS 14), build it into your own data system, and track that data for up to a year.

Server-side tracking platforms push the data (around anonymous customers who were previously trackable in Facebook) not only into Facebook but into other marketing platforms like Google, TikTok, and email platforms. Brands have said things like, “The lights finally came back on” because they finally have access to all that anonymous user data again.

Jeremy Horowitz Featured 10 Alternatives to Facebook Pixel for Conversion Tracking

Jeremy Horowitz, CEO, Let’s Buy a Biz!

Use UTM Parameters with CRM

One alternative I’ve found surprisingly effective for tracking conversions, especially for smaller e-commerce businesses, is using UTM parameters in conjunction with a simple spreadsheet or CRM.

Essentially, UTM parameters are snippets of code that you add to the end of your URLs, allowing you to track the source, medium, and campaign name of the traffic that’s coming to your website. You can create unique UTM codes for each of your marketing channels or campaigns, and then monitor the data in Google Analytics (or any other analytics platform you’re using) to see which ones are driving the most conversions.

But here’s the twist: instead of relying solely on automated analytics reports, I like to create a simple spreadsheet or leverage my CRM to manually track conversions associated with specific UTM codes. This gives me a more granular view of my campaign performance and allows me to connect specific sales or leads to individual marketing efforts.

Susan B. Merry Featured 1 10 Alternatives to Facebook Pixel for Conversion Tracking

Susan B. Merry, Owner, Inner Joy Activewear

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