10 Alternatives to Social Media Contests for Audience Engagement 10 Alternatives to Social Media Contests for Audience Engagement

10 Alternatives to Social Media Contests for Audience Engagement

Looking for fresh ways to engage your audience without relying on social media contests? We’ve gathered insights from social media managers, CEOs, and various industry experts. From engaging audiences with polls to fostering community with User-Generated Content (UGC) campaigns, discover the top ten alternative strategies they recommend.

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Engage Audiences with Polls

A key part of getting audiences engaged is to start a conversation with them. One easy conversation-starting tool that is available on most social media platforms is polls. Be sure to include “Other – See Comments” as the last option, inviting people to share their perspectives.

Fey Grimm Featured 10 Alternatives to Social Media Contests for Audience Engagement

Fey Grimm, Social Media Manager, Starkey

Implement Points-Based Rewards

I’d say that one effective alternative to traditional social media contests for fostering audience engagement is implementing a “points-based rewards system.” In this approach, participants earn points for completing a variety of tasks, such as sharing posts, liking content, or leaving comments.

For me, this strategy not only motivates audience interaction but also creates a sense of community among participants, as they actively contribute to the brand’s online presence.

As they accumulate points, participants can redeem them for exciting freebies or exclusive offers from our partner companies. I believe that this incentivisation enhances our user engagement and also strengthens partnerships with other brands.

Our goal is to cultivate a more engaged and devoted audience by providing tangible rewards—ultimately resulting in deeper connections and increased brand awareness.

David Rubie Todd Featured 10 Alternatives to Social Media Contests for Audience Engagement

David Rubie-Todd, Co-Founder & Marketing Head, Sticker It

Leverage Memes for Organic Engagement

If you want your social media posts to generate authentic engagement, they need to be fun. Contests are definitely a way to do this, but we’ve also had a lot of success by simply getting on top of memes and trends. Customers are much more likely to engage with content that isn’t actively trying to sell them something. These posts go viral more easily and are great for building brand awareness and organic engagement.

Nick Valentino Featured 10 Alternatives to Social Media Contests for Audience Engagement

Nick Valentino, VP of Market Operations, Bellhop

Share Customer Success Stories

A strategy I’ve employed that outshines social media contests is storytelling through customer success stories. Instead of asking for likes or shares, you share real stories of your customers’ journeys with your product or service. I did this for a client in the fitness industry by showcasing the transformation stories of their customers. 

The impact was profound—engagement soared because people could see themselves in these stories, and it sparked conversations in the comments. This approach leverages the power of narrative, creating an emotional connection without the gimmicks of a contest. Ultimately, it’s about making your audience feel seen and heard through relatable experiences.

Vaibhav Kakkar Featured 10 Alternatives to Social Media Contests for Audience Engagement

Vaibhav Kakkar, CEO, Digital Web Solutions

Host Interactive Live-Streaming Sessions

One specific alternative to social media contests for audience engagement is hosting interactive live-streaming sessions, such as Q&A sessions, tutorials, or behind-the-scenes tours. This approach fosters real-time interaction, allowing audiences to ask questions, provide feedback, and engage directly with the host or brand. 

Unlike contests, which often focus on short-term participation, live streaming builds a deeper connection by giving value and fostering a sense of community. It encourages ongoing engagement as viewers feel more connected and invested in the content, leading to a more loyal and active audience. This method also allows brands to showcase their expertise, authenticity, and responsiveness, strengthening trust and building brand loyalty over time.

Saneem Ahearn Featured 10 Alternatives to Social Media Contests for Audience Engagement

Saneem Ahearn, VP of Marketing, Colorescience

Surprise with Discounts or Gifts

Surprising your audience with a gift or discount is a great approach to increase engagement while also keeping them satisfied. For example, you might surprise new customers with a voucher to use on their first purchase, or even add a present that they will only notice when the item they purchased arrives. 

Or, hold a random flash sale one weekend to express gratitude to your fans for their support. This surprise will capture their attention and is an excellent approach to increase your audience’s engagement while also keeping them interested. 

Discounts and gifts, as opposed to contests, can benefit a larger audience, promoting a sense of inclusiveness. They also provide faster results since buyers can redeem offers immediately rather than waiting for a contest to end.

Rebecca Xing Featured 10 Alternatives to Social Media Contests for Audience Engagement

Rebecca Xing, CEO, Trustana

Create Educational Content Series

A great way to engage your audience is by creating an educational content series. Offering valuable insights, how-to guides, or expert interviews keeps your audience coming back for more. This approach not only attracts people but also builds trust by positioning your brand as a go-to resource.

Regular, informative content can be more effective than one-off contests in maintaining long-term engagement.

Marco Genaro Palma Featured 10 Alternatives to Social Media Contests for Audience Engagement

Marco Genaro Palma, Co-Founder, TechNews180

Collaborate with Influencers

I have always been interested in finding new and innovative ways to engage with my audience. Social media contests are a popular choice for many businesses, but they may not be the best option for everyone. 

One alternative that I believe is highly effective is collaborating with influencers. Influencers are individuals who have a large following on social media platforms and can sway the opinions and behaviors of their followers. By partnering with an influencer who aligns with your brand, you can tap into their established audience and reach a wider group of potential customers.

One key advantage of working with influencers is the level of trust they have built with their followers. These individuals have worked hard to establish themselves as experts or authorities in their respective fields, and their recommendations carry weight. By collaborating with an influencer, you are tapping into this trust and credibility, which can help to boost your brand’s reputation.

Lance Doty Featured 10 Alternatives to Social Media Contests for Audience Engagement

Lance Doty, Acquisitions Manager, Home Buying Guys

Incorporate Gamified Content

One specific alternative to social media contests for audience engagement is incorporating interactive content, such as gamification or user-generated content (UGC). These methods not only foster higher engagement but also provide valuable insights into your audience’s preferences and behaviors, allowing you to tailor future content more effectively. Social media games, for example, are excellent for growing your audience and driving interactions. Far from being limited to traditional consumer brands, gamification can be a powerful tool across various sectors. 

Additionally, using trending topics in a way that aligns with your brand can make you more relatable to the market. As people are constantly engaged with social media, they are more likely to take interest when brands show relevance to current trends. By leveraging these strategies, you can enhance engagement, build stronger relationships with your audience, and gather insights that inform your content strategy.

Priyanka Sharma Featured 10 Alternatives to Social Media Contests for Audience Engagement

Priyanka Sharma, Social Media Manager, Michelin

Foster Community with UGC Campaigns

An alternative to social media contests for audience engagement is User-Generated Content (UGC) campaigns with an inclusive decision-making twist.

UGC has rapidly become a staple for engaging audiences by inviting them to create and share content related to their favorite products or brands. People crave feeling part of something special, and UGC taps into the creativity of the community in an authentic and relatable way that traditional advertising often lacks. It fosters a sense of belonging and offers fresh perspectives, contributions, and experiences while enriching the brand narrative.

Adding an inclusive decision-making component further elevates the impact of UGC campaigns by allowing participants to provide input on anything from themes and product development to sharing rituals or routines. For example, a brand might hold a vote for the most innovative ritual involving their product, and the winning entry could become part of a future marketing campaign.

The benefit extends beyond rewarding participation; it creates shared ownership with your audience in your brand’s success. Leveraging the power of UGC with this inclusive twist has the potential to create meaningful, vibrant, and engaged communities, as well as better-aligned products and services that truly resonate with the market’s needs.

Autumn Reece Featured 10 Alternatives to Social Media Contests for Audience Engagement

Autumn Reece, Head of Accounts, Brainstorm MKTG

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