10 Ways to Integrate Podcasts into a Digital Marketing Strategy for a Law Firm 10 Ways to Integrate Podcasts into a Digital Marketing Strategy for a Law Firm

10 Ways to Integrate Podcasts into a Digital Marketing Strategy for a Law Firm

Exploring the synergy between legal expertise and digital marketing, we’ve gathered insights from Attorneys and Marketing Directors on weaving podcasts into a law firm’s digital strategy. From launching an informative legal podcast to encouraging listener questions for relevance, dive into these ten specific methods that legal professionals and marketers swear by.

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Launch an Informative Legal Podcast

We have found success integrating podcasts into our marketing strategy by launching our own show, ‘The Legal Advisor.’ Our attorneys discuss legal news and issues in simple terms. Episodes are under 15 minutes, so people with busy lives can listen. Within six months, we had over 10,000 downloads and new clients contacting us.

The key is choosing topics that would interest potential clients and demonstrating how we can assist them. For example, in an episode on estate planning, we explained the benefits of setting up a trust to avoid probate. To start, you need a mic, a host, and discussion points. Record, edit out ‘um’s,’ add an intro and outro. Promote by posting on your site and social media, and submitting to platforms like Apple Podcasts so people can subscribe.

Releasing one to two episodes a month keeps people engaged. Our podcast drove considerable new traffic and clients. While time-consuming, the show establishes us as leaders. A podcast integrated into your digital marketing can generate leads and connect with your audience.

David Fritch Featured 10 Ways to Integrate Podcasts into a Digital Marketing Strategy for a Law Firm

David Fritch, Attorney, Fritch Law Office

Invite Guests for Diverse Legal Insights

For me, what makes any podcast interesting (regardless of the topic) are the guests that are invited. Guests often create interesting banter that pulls listeners in and makes them want to continue to listen and even subscribe to the podcast. For this reason, I think anyone in the legal industry can benefit from inviting other legal professionals or others in a similar field (e.g., real estate, finance professionals, etc.) on their podcast to discuss certain topics related to the industry. 

Guests bring diverse viewpoints and experiences, enriching the content of your podcast, which can attract a broader audience interested in different aspects of the law or specific legal topics. Having guests allows for a wider range of topics and discussions beyond what your firm may cover alone. This keeps the content fresh, interesting, and relevant to listeners, encouraging them to return for new episodes.

Featuring respected guests also reinforces social proof for your firm, and listeners may perceive your firm more favorably when associated with reputable experts in the legal industry, building trust and credibility.

Meghan Freed Featured 2 10 Ways to Integrate Podcasts into a Digital Marketing Strategy for a Law Firm

Meghan Freed, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Freed Marcroft

Share Client Stories for Personal Connection

We’ve integrated podcasts into our law firm’s digital marketing strategy by creating a client-story series, where we interview past clients about their legal journeys. This approach humanizes our services and showcases real-world outcomes. Each episode is carefully edited to maintain client confidentiality while highlighting our firm’s expertise and compassionate approach. We optimize podcast metadata with location-specific keywords to improve local SEO. The series is promoted through geo-targeted social media ads, reaching potential clients in our service areas. We’ve implemented a remarketing strategy, serving ads for relevant practice area pages to podcast listeners. This has resulted in a 30% increase in qualified leads from our website. Additionally, we’ve seen a 45% improvement in client trust ratings, as new clients often mention feeling more comfortable after hearing others’ experiences. This strategy effectively combines storytelling with targeted marketing to build trust and generate leads.

Alex Begum Featured 1 10 Ways to Integrate Podcasts into a Digital Marketing Strategy for a Law Firm

Alex Begum, Texas Personal Injury Lawyer, Villarreal & Begum, Texas Law Guns

Build Authority with a Legal Trends Podcast

We launched a podcast discussing trends in business and real-estate law. In under six months, the show became a top resource for clients and professionals. 

For our firm, the podcast built authority and trust. Episodes discussing data privacy or contract disputes show how we advise clients. The format’s convenience and on-demand access appeal to busy executives. 

Promoting the podcast on social media and our website drives significant traffic. We submit to platforms like Apple Podcasts so people can find and subscribe easily. A consistent release schedule, such as two episodes each month, keeps listeners engaged. 

The podcast is now a major lead source. While gaining initial traction took time, the show boosts visibility and fuels new business. For any firm, a podcast is a simple, low-cost tool to integrate into your digital marketing.

MICHELE DIGLIO BENKIRAN Featured 10 Ways to Integrate Podcasts into a Digital Marketing Strategy for a Law Firm

MICHELE DIGLIO-BENKIRAN, Attorney, Legal Counsel, PA

Discuss Current Events in ‘Legal Roundtable’

Our law firm has leveraged podcasts in our digital marketing strategy by creating a “Legal Roundtable” series that addresses current events from a legal perspective. We invite local journalists and community leaders as guests, discussing legal implications of newsworthy issues.

This approach broadens our audience beyond those actively seeking legal services. We promote episodes through targeted ads on podcast platforms, reaching listeners interested in current affairs and local news. Each episode includes a call-to-action for a free legal resource related to the topic, driving traffic to landing pages on our website.

We’ve seen a 35% increase in newsletter sign-ups and a 20% boost in consultation requests from these targeted landing pages. This method has effectively positioned our attorneys as go-to experts for media commentary, further enhancing our firm’s visibility and credibility in the community.

Jon Sills Featured 10 Ways to Integrate Podcasts into a Digital Marketing Strategy for a Law Firm

Jon Sills, Connecticut Criminal Defense Lawyer, Sills Law Firm

Create a Niche-Focused Podcast Series

As the Marketing Director at The Lanier Law Firm, I’m excited about our plans to implement podcasts as part of our digital marketing strategy. One specific method I would recommend is creating a weekly podcast series called “Mesothelioma Insights: Legal and Medical Perspectives.” 

In this series, we’ll invite our top attorneys to discuss various aspects of mesothelioma litigation, alongside guest appearances from medical experts and patient advocates. Each episode will focus on a specific topic, such as “Understanding Your Legal Rights After a Mesothelioma Diagnosis” or “Latest Developments in Mesothelioma Treatment Options.”

We’ll promote each episode across our social media channels and website, creating teaser clips to generate interest. We’ll also transcribe the podcasts to create SEO-friendly blog posts, extending their reach and providing content for those who prefer reading to listening.

By consistently delivering valuable, expert content through this medium, we aim to position our firm as thought leaders in the field, provide essential information to those affected by mesothelioma, and create a new channel for potential client engagement. This approach will not only enhance our digital presence but also demonstrate our commitment to educating and supporting the mesothelioma community.

Johnny Cargill Featured 1 10 Ways to Integrate Podcasts into a Digital Marketing Strategy for a Law Firm

Johnny Cargill, Marketing Director, The Lanier Law Firm

Guest Appearances on Established Legal Podcasts

Incorporating podcasts into your law firm’s marketing strategy is a smart move that I’ve seen work very well. Here’s a tip I have: Try being a guest on popular legal podcasts. This way, you tap into an audience that’s already established, saving you the hassle of building one from scratch. Choose podcasts that speak directly to your firm’s specialty and your clients’ interests. Sharing your strategies here can really improve your firm’s profile.

Don’t forget to promote your podcast appearances. Spread the word on your firm’s website, over social media, and in your email newsletters. It’s a great way to expand your reach and strengthen your firm’s presence online. Plus, it builds trust and draws potential clients to your firm. This technique has helped many firms I know interact more with their audience and increase their client base.

Steven Rodemer Featured 10 Ways to Integrate Podcasts into a Digital Marketing Strategy for a Law Firm

Steven Rodemer, Owner and Attorney, The Law Office of Rodemer & Kane

Use Podcasts as Backlink Magnets

Podcast content is an excellent backlink magnet, as long as you can host it on your own website. Attract other websites to link to your best podcasts with the best content and the best guests, etc. It develops brand authority and demonstrates your expertise in the field. Podcasts are, quite frankly, excellent ways to maximize other marketing channels. Use clips on social media, build links for SEO, and build an authoritative brand.

Tom Marriott Featured 10 Ways to Integrate Podcasts into a Digital Marketing Strategy for a Law Firm

Tom Marriott, Editor & Podcaster, Get into Podcasting

Engage Listeners with Multiple Hosts

Integrating podcasts into a law firm’s marketing strategy is a fantastic way to increase exposure, build credibility, and encourage trust and familiarity.

To keep it conversational and engaging, rather than simply stating facts, have at least two hosts. You could have Q&A episodes as well as bring on other experts for special episodes.

To incorporate podcasting into a digital marketing strategy, set aside a few hours two days a month. The first day would be to batch content episodes and record as many back-to-back episodes as possible. The second day would be at the end of the month to plan out episodes for the following month, write out a list of guests, and even make a schedule.

Madelyn Furlong, Marketing Strategist, Madelyn Victoria Co

Encourage Listener Questions for Relevance

One method for integrating podcasts into a digital marketing strategy for a law firm is to engage with its audience by encouraging listeners to submit their legal questions, which can be answered in future episodes. This interactive approach not only fosters a sense of community but also ensures that the content remains relevant and engaging for the audience.

By addressing real questions from listeners, the firm can demonstrate its expertise and provide practical solutions to common legal issues, making the podcast a valuable resource. To facilitate this, the firm can create a dedicated email address or a form on their website where listeners can easily submit their queries. Featuring listener questions can also help build a loyal audience, as people are more likely to tune in if they feel their specific concerns are being addressed.

Lucy Wenham Featured 10 Ways to Integrate Podcasts into a Digital Marketing Strategy for a Law Firm

Lucy Wenham, Marketing Team Leader, ID Card Centre

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