11 Ways to Create and Use Alter Egos for Persona Based Marketing 11 Ways to Create and Use Alter Egos for Persona-Based Marketing

11 Ways to Create and Use Alter Egos for Persona-Based Marketing

Diving into the creative world of persona-based marketing, we’ve gathered eleven unique insights from founders, CEOs, and marketing executives. From leveraging user-generated content challenges to creating interactive advertising campaigns, these industry leaders provide specific tips and techniques for crafting and utilizing alter egos to engage your audience.

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Leverage User-Generated Content Challenges

One specific tip for creating and using alter egos for persona-based marketing is to leverage user-generated content (UGC) challenges that align with these alter egos. At MBC Group, we utilized this technique effectively with our AI-driven chatbot, AiDen, and saw remarkable results. By launching a challenge where users had to submit their own personalized interactions or questions with AiDen, we engaged our audience in a way that allowed them to see themselves reflected in our personas.

For example, we created personas like “Eco-conscious Emma” and “Fitness Fanatic Frank.” We encouraged users to share their own tips and tricks under these personas using specific hashtags on social media. Not only did this generate a treasure trove of UGC, but it also created a community around our personas, fostering engagement and brand loyalty. This approach resulted in a 35% increase in social media interactions and a 20% growth in organic reach within a quarter.

Utilizing streaming videos was also crucial. We held live sessions where AiDen interacted with users as these personas, answering questions and providing advice. This real-time engagement made the personas come to life and built a more interactive and immersive experience for our audience. On platforms like Instagram and TikTok, these live interactions led to boosts in followership and engagement rates, with TikTok videos garnering five times the average views compared to static posts.

Matthew Montez Featured 3 11 Ways to Create and Use Alter Egos for Persona-Based Marketing

Matthew Montez, Founder, The MBC Group

Use LinkedIn Outreach for Qualified Calls

One specific technique for creating and using alter egos in persona-based marketing is leveraging LinkedIn outreach with these personas to schedule qualified sales calls. Let me illustrate with a concrete example. At Cleartail Marketing, we developed a persona named “Decision-Maker Dave,” specifically targeting C-suite executives. By embodying “Decision-Maker Dave,” we tailored our LinkedIn messages to address top-level concerns such as strategic growth and operational efficiency. This approach helped us schedule over 40 qualified sales calls per month, directly boosting our client acquisition rate.

Additionally, integrating these personas into your email marketing campaigns can be incredibly effective. We crafted an alter ego named “Ecom Emily” for a client in the e-commerce space. “Ecom Emily” was utilized in email newsletters to share valuable e-commerce tips, product recommendations, and industry insights, tailored according to segmented audience data. This approach resulted in over a 14,000% increase in website traffic for our client, showcasing the power of a well-crafted persona.

Lastly, we implemented “Startup Steve” as part of a chatbot lead capture strategy on a client’s website. “Startup Steve” engaged visitors in real-time, answering questions and providing startup advice, while capturing valuable lead data. This integration was seamless and easy to set up by adding a snippet of HTML code to the site. With “Startup Steve,” we added over 400 emails per month to the client’s contact list, dramatically increasing their potential customer base and paving the way for more personalized marketing efforts.

Magee Clegg Featured 7 11 Ways to Create and Use Alter Egos for Persona-Based Marketing

Magee Clegg, CEO, Cleartail Marketing

Conduct Persona Workshops for Client Insight

Running persona workshops where clients create their own alter egos can be a game-changer in persona-based marketing. These workshops provide an interactive environment where clients can craft fictional but detailed personas that align with their brand’s values and audience. This exercise brings a deeper understanding of their target market and reveals unique insights into customer preferences and behaviors.

Using the data and personas developed in these sessions, you can tailor future marketing strategies with razor-sharp precision. This approach ensures your campaigns resonate strongly with your audience, driving engagement and conversion. It’s not just about creating characters; it’s about immersing in the customer’s psyche to build more effective marketing initiatives.

Casey Meraz Featured 4 11 Ways to Create and Use Alter Egos for Persona-Based Marketing

Casey Meraz, Owner & Digital Marketing Expert, Casey Meraz

Storytell with Detailed Alter Ego Backstories

Creating an effective alter ego for persona-based marketing hinges on storytelling. Imagine your alter ego as a character in a novel. This character needs a backstory, personality traits, and goals. The more fleshed-out and relatable this character is, the more effectively they can connect with your audience. For example, if your brand is a tech company and you create an alter ego named “Tech Tim,” make sure Tim has quirks and interests that resonate with your target audience. Tim could be someone who loves gadgets, stays up-to-date with the latest tech news, and has a knack for explaining complex concepts in simple terms.

The real magic happens when you start creating content from this alter ego’s perspective. Tech Tim doesn’t just share product info; he offers insights, solves problems, and maybe even cracks a joke or two. This persona should feel so real that they seem like a friend or mentor to your audience. Doing this builds trust and makes your brand more approachable and memorable. It’s not just about marketing; it’s about creating a character that people want to hear from.

Casey Meraz Featured 3 11 Ways to Create and Use Alter Egos for Persona-Based Marketing

Casey Meraz, CEO, Juris Digital

Integrate Personas into Website Interactivity

One specific tip for creating and using alter egos for persona-based marketing is to integrate these personas into your website’s interactive elements to build deeper engagement. For instance, at Randy Speckman Design, we developed a persona named “Startup Steve” for a client’s new product launch aimed at early-stage entrepreneurs. “Startup Steve” was featured prominently on the landing page and throughout the site, providing tips, welcoming messages, and even quick FAQ sections via interactive chat.

By using “Startup Steve,” visitors felt like they were interacting with a trusted guide who understood their journey. This strategy led to a 50% increase in repeat customer business and significantly improved user retention on the site by making the browsing experience feel personal and relevant. It also boosted response rates for email campaigns tied to “Startup Steve,” leading to higher conversion rates.

Additionally, we saw remarkable results using “Eco Ella,” a persona designed to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. By positioning “Eco Ella” in social media campaigns and email newsletters, we were able to create relatable content that drove a 3,000% increase in online engagement. “Eco Ella” shared eco-friendly product tips, sustainable practices, and even live Q&A sessions—making the persona as interactive and informative as possible. This approach cemented customer loyalty and elevated brand identity, showing how aligning personas with customer values can profoundly impact engagement and sales.

Randy Speckman Featured 6 11 Ways to Create and Use Alter Egos for Persona-Based Marketing

Randy Speckman, CEO, Randy Speckman Design

Develop Alter Egos with Resonant Backstories

Creating an alter ego for persona-based marketing can be incredibly powerful. One essential technique is to develop a backstory for your alter ego that resonates deeply with your target audience. This backstory should reflect experiences, challenges, and aspirations that your audience can relate to. By doing this, you create a more authentic and engaging presence that feels like a trusted friend.

For instance, if your product caters to busy moms looking for natural wellness solutions, your alter ego could be a mom who discovered the benefits of natural health methods while juggling a busy life. Share stories and tips from this perspective, aligning with your audience’s daily struggles and triumphs. This approach not only builds emotional connections but also establishes your brand as a relatable and credible source of solutions.

Daisy Cabral Featured 2 11 Ways to Create and Use Alter Egos for Persona-Based Marketing

Daisy Cabral, Dynamic CEO, Bella All Natural

Craft Content for Specific Persona Goals

One effective technique for creating and using alter egos in persona-based marketing is to develop a detailed backstory for each persona. This includes their goals, challenges, values, and interests.

For example, if targeting young professionals, create an alter ego like “Career-Climbing Chris,” a 28-year-old marketing manager who is passionate about productivity and work-life balance. 

Craft content that speaks to Chris’s ambitions and pain points, like articles on time management or videos on balancing career growth with personal wellness. This specificity makes your marketing more relatable and engaging, driving better connections and results.

Bhavik Sarkhedi Featured 2 11 Ways to Create and Use Alter Egos for Persona-Based Marketing

Bhavik Sarkhedi, CMO, Write Right

Embed Personas in Direct-to-Consumer Channels

One specific tip for creating and using alter egos for persona-based marketing is to integrate those personas into your product’s storytelling via direct-to-consumer (DTC) channels. At BuzzShift, we collaborated with brands like Everlane and Mooala to develop detailed personas that embodied their consumers’ lifestyle aspirations. For instance, developing a persona like “Sustainable Susie” for Everlane helped us craft narratives around eco-friendly fashion choices and ethical sourcing practices. We then utilized email marketing and social media to continuously engage with audiences under this persona, resulting in a 25% increase in email open rates and a 30% rise in social media engagement.

For Oak & Eden Whiskey, we created “Craftsman Carl,” a persona that resonated with consumers who appreciated artisan-crafted spirits. We used this persona to drive content for social media and email campaigns, emphasizing the handcrafted nature of our whiskey. Live tastings and behind-the-scenes content featuring “Craftsman Carl” stirred a sense of authenticity and exclusivity, which massively boosted engagement rates and contributed to a 20% growth in online sales over a quarter.

Another example is the creation of “Glow Guru Gina” for Glow Therapy, the skincare brand I co-founded. This persona was designed to speak directly to skincare enthusiasts interested in cutting-edge beauty technology like red light therapy. “Glow Guru Gina” shared skincare routines, user tips, and educational content via Instagram Stories and live Q&A sessions. This approach made the brand’s offerings more relatable and trustworthy, leading to a 35% increase in customer retention and repeat purchases.

Cameron Gawley Featured 11 Ways to Create and Use Alter Egos for Persona-Based Marketing

Cameron Gawley, Owner, Cameron Gawley

Personify Brand Values with Eco-Emmy

One effective technique for utilizing alter egos in persona-based marketing for the company is to personify sustainability itself. We create an alter ego named “Eco-Emmy,” who embodies the ideals and values of our brand. Eco-Emmy becomes the face of our marketing campaigns, representing our commitment to environmental responsibility in a relatable and engaging way. 

For instance, we showcase Eco-Emmy’s journey to living a plastic-free lifestyle, sharing tips and insights along the way. By personifying sustainability through Eco-Emmy, we’ve seen a remarkable 73% increase in brand engagement and customer loyalty. This approach not only humanizes our brand but also builds a deeper connection with our audience, driving home the message that each individual has the power to make a positive impact on the planet.

Chaitsi Ahuja Featured 1 11 Ways to Create and Use Alter Egos for Persona-Based Marketing

Chaitsi Ahuja, Founder & CEO, Brown Living

Start with Basics for Alter Ego Creation

The best approach for creating and using alter egos in persona-based marketing is to put yourself in the shoes of the person you are targeting, beginning with the basics. Consider this: Everyone has unique backgrounds and perspectives. 

No one likes to feel embarrassed for not knowing something. Think about what you knew as a student or an entry-level entrepreneur. What would you want to see? How easy should new technology or services be to understand?

To start, focus on people who are just potentially considering your product or even an analog. Communicating with this group is crucial. Begin with their needs in mind. Once your entry-level employee or an uninvolved friend can grasp the value and cost of your offer, you’re ready to develop more complex personas.

These advanced personas are essentially the same initial personas but with added layers of experience, knowledge, successes, and challenges. By gradually building on this foundation, you can effectively reach and resonate with a broader audience.

Marta Prysiazhna, Senior Account Executive, RiverNorth Communications

Create Interactive Advertising Campaigns

One highly effective technique is to build interactive advertising campaigns where your audience can directly engage with a well-crafted alter ego. Picture this: Instead of a static ad, you create a dynamic experience where users can pose questions to an alter ego, receive personalized responses, or even solve problems alongside them. Imagine a legal firm’s ad featuring a quirky, knowledgeable attorney character who guides potential clients through common legal concerns in a fun, memorable way.

This approach does more than just grab attention; it creates a deeper connection and makes your brand unforgettable. Users are more likely to explore and remember your brand when they interact with a character who feels real and relatable. This fosters not just interest, but trust, making your marketing efforts far more impactful. Give it a try—let your alter ego do the talking and see how it reshapes your audience engagement.

Cesar Cobo Featured 11 Ways to Create and Use Alter Egos for Persona-Based Marketing

Cesar Cobo, Director of Operations, Webris

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