11 Ways to Leverage Lesser Known Social Media Platforms for Tech Startups 11 Ways to Leverage Lesser-Known Social Media Platforms for Tech Startups

11 Ways to Leverage Lesser-Known Social Media Platforms for Tech Startups

Diving into the world of emerging social media platforms can be a game-changer for tech startups looking to stand out. We’ve gathered insights from CEOs and marketing experts, offering their best tips from engaging in niche online communities to establish thought leadership on Quora. Discover eleven unique strategies that these industry leaders recommend for leveraging the less-traveled corners of the social media landscape.

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Engage in Niche Online Communities

A relevant approach that has seen success is to join niche forums and communities on channels such as Reddit and Quora.

Their deep engagement with specific interest communities makes them ideal for tech startups looking to reach niche audiences. Taking part in subreddits is a great way to talk to users who are interested in potential technology subjects, directly. This will help you establish credibility and create a regular customer pool who is being updated, answering questions, asking for feedback, etc. I once worked with a cybersecurity startup that attributed a large portion of its user acquisition to its involvement in cybersecurity subreddits—not only did this startup help other Reddit users, but it also passed around feedback on its product.

Quora is also a good way to gain credibility in your industry. You can attract an engaged audience by responding to questions within your niche and providing expert-based solutions. A fintech startup I worked with, for example, was able to drive traffic and boost product usage very quickly by answering lots of incredibly detailed questions about financial technology. This perked up the community’s ears and had people flooding to their website for answers.

Adam Bogle Featured 1 11 Ways to Leverage Lesser-Known Social Media Platforms for Tech Startups

Adam Bogle, Senior Marketing-Coordinator, Richards-Wilcox Canada

Participate in Specialized Forums

I’d recommend focusing on some of the more niche communities on platforms that aren’t traditionally thought of as social media, Discord and Reddit in particular. These are great options to find specialized forums where your potential crowd gathers to discuss specific technologies, so you just need to find one where you would fit. 

By identifying and actively participating in these relevant communities, a social media-savvy startup can engage directly with a highly targeted audience, gain valuable feedback, and build strong relationships with early adopters and influencers. This is invaluable for early-stage growth, so I highly recommend it.

Dragos Badea Featured 3 11 Ways to Leverage Lesser-Known Social Media Platforms for Tech Startups

Dragos Badea, CEO, Yarooms

Connect on Product Hunt

Utilize niche platforms like Product Hunt to gain early traction. For instance, Notion, now a popular productivity tool, initially gained visibility by engaging with the Product Hunt community. Share your startup’s journey, solicit feedback, and connect with early adopters who are passionate about tech innovations.

Authentic engagement and storytelling can create a loyal user base and generate valuable word-of-mouth promotion. Similarly, leveraging Reddit’s specific tech communities, like r/startups or r/Entrepreneur, can provide targeted exposure. For example, Calendly gained significant traction by participating in relevant subreddits, answering questions, and offering value without overtly marketing, thereby building trust and credibility within the community.

Shariq Kazmi Featured 11 Ways to Leverage Lesser-Known Social Media Platforms for Tech Startups

Shariq Kazmi, Senior Digital Marketing Specialist, Cloudways by DigitalOcean

Provide Value on Subreddits

Leveraging lesser-known social media platforms like Reddit and Hacker News can be a game-changer for tech startups. I’ve worked extensively with both platforms to engage with highly specialized communities and generate organic interest. One effective technique is to participate in relevant subreddits or discussion threads, not merely to promote your product but to provide genuine value by sharing insights, answering questions, and contributing to ongoing discussions.

For instance, I once worked with a health IT startup that needed to build credibility and awareness. We identified specific subreddits related to health technology and started participating actively. We shared case studies, responded to users’ issues with detailed, helpful advice, and clearly explained our solutions without hard selling. Within six months, our subreddit engagement led to a noticeable uptick in site traffic—up by 18%—and several direct inquiries about partnerships.

Another platform to consider is Dribbble for startups focused on design-oriented technology. By showcasing the visual aspects of your software or user interfaces, you can attract the attention of designers and potential clients looking for cutting-edge solutions. In my experience with a digital marketing campaign, we focused on posting high-quality design work and actively engaging with comments. This strategy increased our referral traffic from Dribbble by 22%.

Lastly, always track your metrics to understand what resonates most with each community. Use this data to adjust your approach continuously, ensuring that your contribution remains valuable and relevant. This tactical, community-focused approach can significantly enhance your brand’s visibility and trustworthiness among a targeted, high-value audience.

David Pumphrey Featured 11 Ways to Leverage Lesser-Known Social Media Platforms for Tech Startups

David Pumphrey, CEO, Riveraxe LLC

Share Insights on GrowthHackers

One specific tip for leveraging lesser-known social media platforms for tech startups is capitalizing on GrowthHackers. GrowthHackers is a community-driven platform focused on marketing strategies and startup growth. It’s ideal for sharing case studies, insights, and growth techniques.

At Randy Speckman Design, we used GrowthHackers to share an in-depth case study on how our SEO strategy reduced production costs by 66%. This wasn’t just a promotional piece—it included actionable insights and a step-by-step breakdown of our methodology. By doing so, we gained significant credibility in the community and saw a direct correlation in traffic back to our website.

We also actively participated in discussions, offering tips on web design and marketing tactics. Consistency is key; we contributed regularly without expecting immediate returns. Over six months, this helped us build a reputation as thought leaders and led to a 20% increase in qualified leads from users who discovered us through GrowthHackers.

Another example was our engagement in platform-specific AMAs. Hosting an AMA about innovative website design techniques attracted a niche audience interested in our services. This approach not only increased visibility but also fostered direct interactions with potential clients, contributing to a significant boost in our online engagement by 3,000%.

Randy Speckman Featured 3 11 Ways to Leverage Lesser-Known Social Media Platforms for Tech Startups

Randy Speckman, CEO, Randy Speckman Design

Build Communities on Discord

One way that tech startups have begun to leverage the use of lesser-known social media platforms is through building niche communities on platforms such as Discord or Telegram. For a technology startup, this type of platform is especially useful because it allows you to build and host communities around one or more niche areas where member engagement and interaction are much more meaningful compared to saturated platforms.

Both Discord and Telegram are allowing startups to create their exclusive channels or groups for sharing updates, conducting discussions, and directly supporting users. In doing so, tech startups can develop a following of dedicated users who feel a personal tie to the brand. It is a way of maximizing the retention of users while building a direct feedback channel from the wider community, which is essential for the development and enhancement of the product.

For example, a tech startup can create a Q&A or AMA (Ask Me Anything) channel on Discord where they offer a live demo of new features every week. This immediate interaction creates trust and makes the startup seem more human and involved. Moreover, these platforms facilitate instant communication to help businesses resolve issues and problems faster, which leads to higher customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.

Staci Anderson Featured 1 11 Ways to Leverage Lesser-Known Social Media Platforms for Tech Startups

Staci Anderson, Director of Marketing, Raynor Garage Doors

Create Authentic Founder Content

Lesser-known social platforms are typically used by people who feel the big platforms are too corporate or too stuffed with ads. 

Lean into this, and don’t set up a brand page—instead, create a personal account for your company founder and create authentic content about their life, their insights, and their view of the world.

Martin Byrne Featured 11 Ways to Leverage Lesser-Known Social Media Platforms for Tech Startups

Martin Byrne, Founder and Marketing Consultant, Pidgin Marketing

Collaborate with Micro-Influencers

Throughout my marketing career, I’ve found that one of the most effective ways to leverage lesser-known social media platforms is through “Micro-Influencer Marketing.” These platforms often harbor niche communities with more intimate, tight-knit, and engaged user bases, making them an ideal ground for tech startups. 

The key is to identify micro-influencers who share commonalities with your target audience and are already organically engaged with the platform’s user base. Collaborating with these influencers could help you build authenticity and gain the trust of potential customers. A real-life success example of this is our campaign at BusinessMap. 

We associate ourselves with micro-influencers on a budding platform and witnessed a significant increase in our user engagement and customer acquisition rates. Remember, it’s often not about being on the “biggest” platform, but about being where your audience feels most comfortable and engaged.

Pavel Naydenov Featured 11 Ways to Leverage Lesser-Known Social Media Platforms for Tech Startups

Pavel Naydenov, Head of Marketing, Businessmap

Offer Solutions on Tech Forums

The technique that’s quite useful for startups is to help the tech community on Q&A social media platforms, social chat forums, and other forums where people discuss their tech problems with the online community. The key here is that one should not spam. The focus should be on providing insights that can actually solve a problem.

Nauman Lodhi Featured 11 Ways to Leverage Lesser-Known Social Media Platforms for Tech Startups

Nauman Lodhi, Digital Marketing Specialist, Sorcim

Contribute to Niche Subreddits

Focus on niche communities where your target audience is active. For example, platforms like Reddit or Quora can be highly effective. Participate in relevant subreddits or answer questions related to your industry on Quora, providing valuable insights and subtly promoting your startup. 

This approach helps build credibility and attract a dedicated audience interested in your tech solutions, driving organic growth and engagement without the competition saturation seen on larger platforms.

Inge Von Aulock Featured 11 Ways to Leverage Lesser-Known Social Media Platforms for Tech Startups

Inge Von Aulock, CEO, Top Apps

Establish Thought Leadership on Quora

I’ve been in the digital marketing industry for over two decades and have seen the power of niche social media platforms in boosting brand visibility for tech startups. One specific technique I recommend is leveraging Quora for thought leadership and organic traffic growth.

Quora allows you to demonstrate your expertise by answering relevant questions in your industry. For instance, we helped a tech startup by consistently responding to queries about their technology niche. This generated significant interest and drove a 15% increase in their website traffic in just three months.

Make sure your answers are detailed and insightful. Use concrete data and case studies where applicable. Another tip: Repurpose your answers into blog posts on your website. This not only showcases your expertise but also boosts your site’s SEO performance.

Finally, engage with the community by following relevant topics and connecting with other experts. This builds a network and can lead to collaborations or partnerships, which are invaluable for a tech startup aiming to get its foot in the door.

Robert P. Dickey Featured 11 Ways to Leverage Lesser-Known Social Media Platforms for Tech Startups

Robert P. Dickey, President and CEO, AQ Marketing

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