Link-Building Strategies for Marketers

11 Top Link-Building Strategies for Marketers in 2024

In search of the most effective link-building strategies for marketers in 2024, we’ve gathered eleven insights from Founders and CEOs at the forefront of the marketing world. From prioritizing authoritative backlinks to requesting brand stockist listings, these seasoned professionals share their top recommendations to enhance your digital presence.

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Prioritize Authoritative Link-Building Strategies for Marketers

In 2024, my top recommendation for link-building strategies for marketers is to focus on quality over quantity. Don’t just aim to get lots of backlinks; instead, aim to get high-quality ones from authoritative websites. I’ve seen impressive SEO improvements with clients who had links from high-domain-authority websites. 

You can identify potential sources with tools like Ahrefs or Moz’s Link Explorer. I’d advise rejuvenating old content by replacing outdated links with yours—if relevant. 

For instance, if a reputable site has a broken link to an article similar to the one you’ve written, offer your link as a replacement. To review your backlink strategy’s effectiveness, track your organic traffic and Domain Authority. Small but steady improvements over time can lead to significant SEO gains.

Link-Building Strategies for Marketers with Joe Amaral

Joe Amaral, Founder, Elevated Marketing Experts

Leverage Manufacturer Relationships

One of the best link-building strategies for marketers in a niche industry in 2024, especially if you are a retailer, is to reach out to your product’s manufacturers. Many times, you find that the manufacturer’s website will list their retailers with links pointing to their websites. Without contacting them, you most likely won’t be listed. 

For our company, whenever we add a new manufacturer, the first thing we do is contact them and ask them to add our company, along with a link to our website, to their business website. We have been able to get dozens of links this way.

Link-Building Strategies for Marketers with Jeff Michael

Jeff Michael, E-commerce Business Owner, Supplement Warehouse

Guest Post on Niche Sites

Guest posting on niche websites is highly recommended. The key is to find websites that align with your industry, appeal to your target audience, and have good domain authority, preferably above 50.

When reaching out, offer valuable content tailored to their audience, rather than self-promotional material. Aim for a “do-follow” link in your bio or within the content. 

This link-building strategies for marketers works because it benefits both parties—you gain a quality backlink, and the site gets engaging relevant content. Personalization and alignment with the host site’s brand are crucial for this strategy.

Link-Building Strategies for Marketers with Marco Genaro Palma

Marco Genaro Palma, Content Marketing Manager, PRLab

Cultivate Industry Relationships

In 2024, a key recommendation for link-building strategies for marketers is to build relationships with authoritative and relevant websites within your industry. Networking and establishing partnerships with these sites can lead to organic, high-quality backlinks that significantly boost your SEO. 

Prioritize creating valuable, shareable content that naturally encourages these sites to link back to you. This approach not only improves your backlink profile but also aligns with the evolving algorithms of search engines that increasingly favor authenticity and relevance over the sheer volume of links.

Link-Building Strategies for Marketers with Barry Conybeare

Barry Conybeare, Michigan Car Accident Lawyer, Conybeare Law Office PC

Utilize Podcast Interviews

Getting interviewed on podcasts can be a tremendous link-building strategies for marketers. It’s easy to deploy with the help of various podcast matchmaking services. 

Podcasters are often in search of engaging content and are typically happy to provide a link back to a guest’s website. 

This approach offers the opportunity to network with industry peers, refine business talking points, and potentially generate direct sales through podcast appearances.

Link-Building Strategies for Marketers with Robert Brill

Robert Brill, CEO, Brill Media

Collaborate With Industry Influencers

Building relationships with industry influencers and content creators will continue to be super effective in 2024. Instead of traditional link exchanges or cold outreach, investing time in networking and collaborating with experts in your industry is beneficial. 

Engaging through guest posts, joint webinars, or co-created content can earn high-quality, more organic, and valuable backlinks. For example, in a recent campaign, partnering with a well-known digital marketing blogger for a joint piece resulted in obtaining a valuable backlink and increased visibility. 

This approach enhances link-building strategies for marketers efforts and fosters long-term partnerships and brand credibility.

Link-Building Strategies for Marketers with Daniel Bunn

Daniel Bunn, Founder and Director, DB IT

Engage in Podcast Conversations

One of the link-building strategies for marketers I recommend is getting interviewed on podcasts. Often, people build links by writing guest posts, but creating a unique article is a lot of work. Instead, you can just plan out what you want to talk about and chat with a podcast host, and usually, they’ll link back to your site.

Podcasts are really popular now because you can listen to them anywhere and learn new things. Plus, there’s a podcast for pretty much any topic you’re interested in.

For example, I was once on a business and marketing podcast. They put the conversation on their blog and included links to my website. I also get invited to talk on other podcasts about marketing, entrepreneurship, social media, influencer marketing, and other areas I’m good at. Those podcasts often link to my website too.

Link-Building Strategies for Marketers with Karl Kangur

Karl Kangur, Managing Director, DreamGrow

Emphasize Relevance in Link-Building

For 2024, I recommend link-building strategies for marketers to prioritize quality over quantity in their link-building efforts. Securing links from authoritative and relevant sources within your niche will be more beneficial than accumulating many links. 

You can attribute this to the fact that search engines nowadays increasingly value contextual relevance and credibility. Crafting interesting content that naturally attracts links will indirectly assist the team in building genuine connections with influencers and industry leaders. 

Finally, indulge in diverse practices such as guest blogging, influencer partnerships, and marketing across all social media platforms to diversify your link profile organically.

Link-Building Strategies for Marketers with Faizan Khan

Faizan Khan, PR and Content Marketing Specialist, Ubuy UK

Target Industry-Specific Backlinks

In 2024, for effective link-building strategies for marketers, my key recommendation is to focus on obtaining backlinks from companies within your industry. This targeted approach ensures that the links are relevant and authoritative, which is crucial for search engine rankings. 

If you’re a local business, aim to secure backlinks from other local businesses. This local-focused strategy helps boost your visibility in local search results. The days of benefiting from backlinks from random, unrelated websites are over; relevance and industry alignment are now the cornerstones of successful link-building.

Link-Building Strategies for Marketers with Justin Silverman

Justin Silverman, Founder and CEO, Merchynt

Forge Meaningful Collaborations

In 2024, link-building strategies for marketers will continue to play a crucial role in driving organic traffic and improving search engine rankings. 

Link-building strategies for marketers I recommend focusing on building high-quality and relevant backlinks. Instead of chasing after quantity, prioritize quality by seeking authoritative websites and influencers in your industry. Engage in meaningful collaborations and partnerships that can naturally lead to backlinks. 

Consider diversifying your link-building efforts by exploring new avenues such as guest blogging, social media mentions, and influencer marketing. The key is to create valuable content that others will want to link to and to build relationships with key players in your niche. Stay creative, stay relevant, and watch your link-building efforts pay off in 2024 and beyond!

Link-Building Strategies for Marketers with Alex Stasiak

Alex Stasiak, CEO and Founder, Startup House

Request Brand Stockist Listings

My link-building strategies for marketers recommendation for 2024 is to proactively reach out to brands whose products you sell and request to be added to their “stockist” page. This strategy serves a dual purpose:

Backlink Acquisition: By being listed on the brand’s stockist page, you gain a valuable backlink to your website. Backlinks are crucial for search engine optimization (SEO), helping to improve your website’s authority and visibility in search engine results.

Local Visibility and Customer Engagement: Being featured on the stockist page enables brand-loyal customers, particularly those who prefer shopping locally, to discover your business. This increases your online presence and enhances the chances of attracting local customers who are actively seeking the products you offer.

Link-Building Strategies for Marketers with Tracey C

Tracey C, Senior Bra Fitter, Illusions Lingerie

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