4 Alternatives to LinkedIn Pulse for Professional Content Sharing 4 Alternatives to LinkedIn Pulse for Professional Content Sharing

4 Alternatives to LinkedIn Pulse for Professional Content Sharing

In the quest for platforms that rival LinkedIn Pulse for professional content sharing, we’ve gathered insights from top executives, including founders and CEOs. From engaging with LinkedIn Groups to sharing visuals on SlideShare, discover the four specific alternatives these professionals recommend.

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Engage With LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Groups are my go-to alternative for professional content sharing. As the founder of two e-commerce companies, I’ve used LinkedIn Groups to share insights, case studies, and trend analyses with over 7,000 entrepreneurs. The reach and engagement in niche Groups can surpass other platforms. 

For example, in my E-Commerce Masterminds Group, a case study on scaling a Shopify store to seven figures garnered over 500 reactions and 50+ comments in a week. The discussions and connections in Groups are highly valuable. Members tend to be genuinely interested in learning from each other.

Medium is great for long-form content, but I prefer Groups for quick insights and conversations. The feedback and discussions help validate ideas and uncover new opportunities. Sharing in relevant Groups has led to new partnerships, affiliate deals, and consulting clients for my companies. For professional networking and content sharing, LinkedIn Groups are an underutilized resource.

Will Mitchell Featured 1 4 Alternatives to LinkedIn Pulse for Professional Content Sharing

Will Mitchell, Founder, StartupBros

Publish Articles on Forbes

I prefer using Forbes as an alternative to LinkedIn Pulse. Forbes accepts contributed articles from industry experts and thought leaders. Publishing on Forbes establishes credibility and exposure, with over 61 million monthly readers.

I have published several articles on Forbes, covering topics like “4 Ways Law Firms Can Improve Their Online Reputation” and “How to Choose a Law Firm Marketing Agency.” These articles highlighted my expertise in legal marketing and helped to position me as a thought leader.

For visual content, I recommend SlideShare. I have shared presentations from industry events, reaching over 70 million monthly users. For example, my slide deck on “The State of Law Firm Marketing” has over 50,000 views.

These platforms provide more opportunities to establish expertise and generate new business than LinkedIn Pulse alone. With the right content and distribution strategy, Forbes and SlideShare can significantly amplify your message.

Nicole Farber Featured 1 4 Alternatives to LinkedIn Pulse for Professional Content Sharing

Nicole Farber, CEO, ENX2 Legal Marketing

Expand Reach on Medium

One great alternative to LinkedIn Pulse is Medium. Medium has a large, diverse readership, so your content can reach way beyond your usual professional circle to an expanded audience. The platform also uses a recommendation algorithm, so your work can be discovered by people who are genuinely interested in what you’re doing. While it might not be as purely professional as LinkedIn, many professionals and thought leaders use it, giving you good networking opportunities. 

Overall, it’s a very useful platform with a solid mix of readers and the engagement tools necessary to help you connect with a broader audience and other like-minded professionals.

Lia Munson Featured 4 Alternatives to LinkedIn Pulse for Professional Content Sharing

Lia Munson, Co-Founder, Resilient Stories

Share Visuals on SlideShare

SlideShare is another great option, similar to LinkedIn Pulse. It lets professionals upload and share presentations, infographics, and documents. This platform is ideal for presenting detailed information in an attractive visual format. Using SlideShare to share marketing strategies and research findings has proven very effective. It captures the audience’s attention and simplifies complex information. SlideShare integrates seamlessly with LinkedIn, ensuring your content reaches your LinkedIn connections. It combines the strengths of both platforms for sharing professional content.

Shane McEvoy Featured 4 Alternatives to LinkedIn Pulse for Professional Content Sharing

Shane McEvoy, MD, Flycast Media

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