5 Alternatives to Remarketing Email Campaigns 5 Alternatives to Remarketing Email Campaigns

5 Alternatives to Remarketing Email Campaigns

Looking for fresh strategies beyond remarketing emails? We’ve gathered five savvy alternatives from professionals including a CEO and a growth and marketing manager. From implementing retargeting ads to embracing a content marketing strategy, discover their top recommendations for your marketing mix.

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Implement Retargeting Ads

You can try retargeting. One specific alternative to remarketing email campaigns is retargeting through paid ads. While remarketing focuses on personalized communication with existing customers via email or SMS, retargeting utilizes digital ads on platforms like social media and search engines. This method targets potential customers who have already shown interest in your brand by visiting your website or engaging with your social content. 

Retargeting ads can include elements of social proof, such as customer reviews or testimonials, which can be highly effective in encouraging conversions. So, my recommendation would be to implement retargeting ads. By reminding those who have previously interacted with your brand to come back and make a purchase, you can significantly enhance your chances of conversion.

Swapnil Kumar Featured 5 Alternatives to Remarketing Email Campaigns

Swapnil Kumar, Growth & Marketing Manager, Smartlead

Leverage SMS Marketing

One alternative I use to remarket email campaigns is to leverage SMS marketing as a direct and impactful way to reach customers. SMS marketing stands out for its high open and engagement rates compared to emails. It allows businesses to send personalized messages to a customer’s mobile device, offering instant notifications about promotions, updates, or reminders to complete a purchase.

I recommend using SMS marketing, particularly for time-sensitive offers or reminders, due to its immediacy and ubiquitous nature—nearly everyone has their mobile phone within reach at all times. However, it’s crucial to use it sparingly and ensure that the messages provide real value to the recipient to avoid intrusion. Proper segmentation and personalization can significantly enhance the effectiveness of SMS campaigns, making them a powerful tool in a marketer’s arsenal.

Kartik Ahuja Featured 6 5 Alternatives to Remarketing Email Campaigns

Kartik Ahuja, Digital Marketer, kartikahuja.com

Utilize Push Notifications

A more specific alternative to remarketing email campaigns is push notifications. Push notifications can provide the opportunity to send timely, personalized messages directly to users’ devices and engage them instantly without having to use email, which is a potential channel to drive re-engagement, special offers, and even abandoned-cart notifications. I would recommend personalization of the audience according to their behaviors and preferences so that the notifications are relevant and have a value that will increase the likelihood of interaction and conversion.

Gaby Alexander Featured 1 5 Alternatives to Remarketing Email Campaigns

Gaby Alexander, Sales Director, SERPninja

Engage With Social Media Retargeting

One specific alternative to remarketing email campaigns is social media retargeting. This approach involves displaying targeted ads to users who have previously interacted with your website or content on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. By placing a pixel or code on your website, you can track visitor behavior and create custom audiences for your ads. These ads can then be shown to users as they browse their social media feeds, keeping your brand top-of-mind and potentially driving conversions.

My recommendation is to implement social media retargeting as a complement to your existing marketing efforts. Start by identifying your most valuable website pages or products, then create engaging ad content that speaks directly to users who have shown interest in these areas. Use compelling visuals and concise messaging to grab attention in busy social media feeds. 

Also, segment your audience based on their level of engagement (e.g., casual browsers vs. cart abandoners) and tailor your ad content accordingly. Regularly analyze the performance of your retargeting campaigns and adjust your strategy as needed to maximize ROI.

Lucy Wenham Featured 1 5 Alternatives to Remarketing Email Campaigns

Lucy Wenham, Marketing Team Leader, ID Card Centre

Embrace Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is the best alternative to remarketing email campaigns because of the creative flexibility it allows your brand and the opportunity to offer value in various formats. Customers who have interacted with your business previously are known, saving you the stress of tailoring the perfect customer persona to reach them.

Leveraging this information, you can create high-quality content, including blog posts, video content, and infographics, that effectively address the needs and interests of your target audience. Combined with SEO optimization, the content marketing campaign can reach a broader audience that matches the one you are targeting and provide value over an extended period compared to remarketing email campaigns.

Clooney Wang Featured 1 5 Alternatives to Remarketing Email Campaigns

Clooney Wang, CEO, TrackingMore

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