5 Google Ads Targeting Tactics to Lower Your Cost Per Acquisition 5 Google Ads Targeting Tactics to Lower Your Cost-Per-Acquisition

5 Google Ads Targeting Tactics to Lower Your Cost-Per-Acquisition

In the quest to optimize Google Ads for a lower cost-per-acquisition, we’ve gathered insights from the minds behind the clicks. From the strategic refinement of campaign structures by a Head of PPC to the granular audience targeting tactics of a CTO and founder, here are five detailed examples that have transformed the advertising game.

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Refine Campaign Structure for Ideal Customers

To drastically reduce your CPA, you must first revisit your account structure and establish a campaign structure that specifically targets your ideal customer. Target high-intent keywords and drive high-converting products with higher margins. 

Create an account structure that focuses on keywords and/or products that have converted well in the past, across your entire digital landscape. Slowly introduce additional keywords and products into your account thereafter.

Regularly monitor your keywords and products and make adjustments based on their CPA and conversion data over a large time period. High CPA keywords and products that aren’t converting can be paused to re-funnel your budget back into higher converting, lower CPA keywords and products.

However, always monitor these keywords and products over search trend reports, as online search patterns can change continuously. Ensure you are consistently researching your customers’ online habits and adjust your targeting accordingly.

Kathryn Pearson Featured 1 5 Google Ads Targeting Tactics to Lower Your Cost-Per-Acquisition

Kathryn Pearson, Head of PPC, The SEO Works

Target High-Conversion Landing Pages

I have a client that offers services with sector-specific landing pages targeting different industries. We analyzed which pages generated the highest conversion rates from our organic traffic, and the results were clear: These pages had significantly better conversion rates. 

Based on these findings, we decided to conduct a test and focus our advertising solely on these high-performing pages. The outcome was remarkable—we achieved three times more conversions, specifically in the form of leads using the contact form to request a quote.

Marco Genaro Palma Featured 15 5 Google Ads Targeting Tactics to Lower Your Cost-Per-Acquisition

Marco Genaro Palma, Freelance CMO and SEO Consultant, GenaroPalma.com

Leverage Niche Audience Segmentation

One detailed example of a Google Ads targeting strategy that drastically reduced cost-per-acquisition involved refining audience targeting to focus on highly specific demographics and interests. 

By analyzing past conversion data and leveraging Google’s audience targeting tools, we identified and targeted niche audience segments most likely to convert. This precision targeting minimized wasted ad spend on irrelevant audiences, resulting in a lower cost-per-acquisition and improved campaign ROI.

Madison T Featured 6 5 Google Ads Targeting Tactics to Lower Your Cost-Per-Acquisition

Madison T, Ecommerce Manager, My Supplement Store

Implement Retargeting for Lower CPA

An effective Google Ads targeting tactic that notably reduced my business’s cost-per-acquisition (CPA) involved launching a retargeting campaign. Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is the process of targeting ads to individuals who have already interacted with your brand or website in some way. This could include visiting your website, adding items to their cart, or signing up for your email list. 

By targeting these individuals who have already shown interest in your brand, you are able to keep your business top-of-mind and increase the likelihood of converting them into paying customers. In our specific case, we saw a significant decrease in CPA by implementing a retargeting campaign on Google Ads. We created custom audiences based on website visitors who had not completed a purchase and created tailored ads to entice them to return and complete their purchase. 

In addition to retargeting, we also utilized demographic targeting on Google Ads. By analyzing our current customer data, we were able to determine the age, gender, and location of our most valuable customers. We then targeted our ads toward individuals within these demographics, resulting in a higher conversion rate and lower CPA. 

Furthermore, we utilized keyword targeting on Google Ads to ensure our ads were being shown to individuals actively searching for products or services related to our business. This helped us target potential customers who were already interested in what we had to offer, increasing the chances of conversion and reducing overall CPA.

Justin Turner Featured 5 Google Ads Targeting Tactics to Lower Your Cost-Per-Acquisition

Justin Turner, Founder & CEO, Turner Home Team

Utilize Granular Audience Targeting

One strategy that significantly reduced my cost-per-acquisition was implementing granular audience targeting. Instead of targeting broad demographics, I narrowed down to the specific interests, behaviors, and demographics of my ideal customers. I utilized Google’s audience targeting options, such as affinity audiences, custom intent audiences, and remarketing lists, to precisely reach potential customers who were more likely to convert. 

By focusing on highly relevant audiences, I increased click-through rates and conversions while lowering the overall cost-per-acquisition, resulting in a more efficient and effective ad campaign.

Dhari Alabdulhadi Featured 4 5 Google Ads Targeting Tactics to Lower Your Cost-Per-Acquisition

Dhari Alabdulhadi, CTO and Founder, Ubuy Kuwait

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