5 Ways to Leverage Internal Linking to Increase Time On Site for a News Portal 5 Ways to Leverage Internal Linking to Increase Time On Site for a News Portal

5 Ways to Leverage Internal Linking to Increase Time On Site for a News Portal

In the fast-paced world of digital news, keeping readers engaged is paramount. We’ve gathered insights from top industry professionals, including CEOs and Founders, to share their singular best tips. From strategically placing descriptive links to positioning related links high on the page, explore five expert strategies to increase time on site for a news portal.

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Strategically Place Descriptive Links

Strategic use of internal linking is one effective way for news portals to increase time on-site. By strategically placing pertinent links within articles, we can direct visitors to further explore related topics and increase their time on the site.

The best benefits, in my experience, come from anchoring these links within the content itself using descriptive anchor text. This strategy invites users to explore the portal’s content further by skillfully incorporating other resources within the reading experience.

Also, this method can be strengthened by giving priority to internal linking inside articles that receive a lot of traffic or have enduring importance. We encourage readers to stay on the site longer and consume more of our great material by pointing them toward evergreen content or relevant updates.

It’s also critical to examine and update internal links regularly. I’ve seen from experience that obsolete or broken links can negatively impact both SEO and user experience. We ensure a smooth surfing experience for our audience and optimize our site’s search engine visibility by upholding a strong internal linking structure.

Essentially, from my experience working in the industry, news portals can increase their duration on-site by implementing strategic internal linking. It improves the user experience while also helping the site succeed overall and perform better in search results.

Rajesh Namase Featured 5 Ways to Leverage Internal Linking to Increase Time On Site for a News Portal

Rajesh Namase, Professional Blogger, TechRT

Create Engaging Topic Clusters

At RankWatch, one effective technique for leveraging internal linking to increase time on-site for a news portal is to create topic clusters. This involves grouping related articles around a central pillar content piece. By linking all related articles to the main pillar page and to each other, you create a network of interconnected content that keeps readers engaged.

An example is when we applied this strategy to a client’s news portal. We created comprehensive pillar articles on broad topics and linked them to more specific, related articles. For instance, an in-depth article on “Digital Marketing Trends” was linked to various related pieces like “SEO Best Practices,” “Content Marketing Strategies,” and “Social Media Tips.” 

This approach improved the site’s SEO and significantly increased the average time readers spent on the site as they explored related content. This strategic internal linking kept readers engaged and encouraged deeper dives into the content, enhancing their overall experience.

Sahil Kakkar Featured 2 5 Ways to Leverage Internal Linking to Increase Time On Site for a News Portal

Sahil Kakkar, CEO and Founder, RankWatch

Link to Related Articles for Context

One technique for leveraging internal linking to increase time-on-site for a news portal is strategically using “related articles” links within the content. 

At Innovate, we’ve found that placing links to related articles or relevant stories within the body of an article encourages readers to continue exploring the site. This can be achieved by identifying critical points in the article where additional context or further reading is available and then linking to those articles. 

By providing readers with easy access to more content that interests them, this approach enhances their user experience and significantly increases the time they spend on the site, leading to better engagement and lower bounce rates.

Daniel Bunn Featured 2 5 Ways to Leverage Internal Linking to Increase Time On Site for a News Portal

Daniel Bunn, Managing Director, Innovate

Guide Readers with Helpful Links

At Digital Web Solutions, we’ve mastered the technique of strategic internal linking to boost engagement on digital platforms, especially news portals. One specific tip is to use context-rich, relevant links within articles that guide readers to related content. This enhances the user experience by providing additional value and increases time on site as readers navigate through interconnected articles.

For instance, on a recent project with a local news portal, we implemented a “related articles” section at the end of each piece, along with occasional inline links connected to stories of similar interest or follow-up coverage. This approach not only kept readers engaged but also significantly reduced bounce rates. By carefully choosing links that are genuinely interesting and relevant to the readers, we managed to increase the average time on site by over 30%, a clear indication of the effectiveness of thoughtful internal linking.

Vaibhav Kakkar Featured 1 5 Ways to Leverage Internal Linking to Increase Time On Site for a News Portal

Vaibhav Kakkar, CEO, Digital Web Solutions

Place Related Links High on the Page

I worked at Amazon for four years as a software engineer on the Amazon Fulfillment Technology team (software that powered all the fulfillment centers in the world).

One effective technique for increasing time on site for a news portal is to strategically place internal links to related articles high up on the page. This encourages readers to explore more content early on, reducing bounce rates and increasing engagement.

Peter Wang Featured 6 5 Ways to Leverage Internal Linking to Increase Time On Site for a News Portal

Peter Wang, Founder, Exploding Insights

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