Leverage Social Proof

5 Ways Brands Can Leverage Social Proof for Better Marketing Outcomes

To help brands leverage social proof for better marketing outcomes, we’ve gathered five insightful strategies from industry professionals, specifically social media managers and community managers. From leveraging user-generated content to engaging audiences on social media platforms, these experts share their top tips on how brands can effectively use social proof.

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Leverage UGC to Showcase Customer Expertise

A powerful way to boost marketing outcomes is by leveraging social proof through user-generated content (UGC). We do this at LearnWorlds by showcasing our customers’ know-how.

Encourage users to share their expertise via UGC, offering practical tips and insights. For example, for us, a skilled course creator might highlight effective learner engagement through quizzes or by spicing up courses with videos. A YouTube influencer shares how he got to 1 million followers.

In my experience, allowing customers to talk less about the brand and share more practical strategies really resonates. We spread these insights on social media and, in case studies, create a tapestry of authentic knowledge.

By shining a light on customer expertise, we create social proof beyond the usual reviews. We’re not just promoting a product; we’re showing how to empower educators to make a real impact. This builds trust and cements us as the go-to place for crafting standout online learning.

Leverage Social Proof with Andreea Constantin

Andreea Constantin, Social Media Manager, LearnWorlds

Boost Marketing with Customer Referrals

As a seasoned marketing expert, one specific strategy I’ve found incredibly effective for brands to harness the power of social proof is by leveraging customer referrals. Customer referrals offer a dynamic avenue to leverage social proof and elevate brand credibility. I’ve witnessed firsthand how, when customers actively recommend a business to their peers through avenues such as emails, social media, and messaging, it significantly bolsters the likelihood of those recommendations converting into sales and fostering lasting customer loyalty.

To fully capitalize on the potential of customer referrals, it’s imperative to establish a well-structured referral program, ideally utilizing specialized referral software. Drawing from my own experiences, I’m confident in saying that this approach, rooted in the art of leveraging customer referrals, has the potential to significantly elevate a brand’s marketing goals.

Leverage Social Proof with Samantha Hawrylack

Samantha Hawrylack, CEO, SJ Digital Solutions

Utilize Testimonials and Endorsements

Brands can leverage social proof in the form of testimonials, endorsements, or case studies to establish trust with their audience. When followers or clients see authentic testimonials with positive outcomes, it helps them feel more confident interacting with a brand. If a brand’s goal is increased engagement, this could help tremendously. 

Newfound confidence can also establish trust between clients and a brand, which could lead to increased sales. Social proof as endorsements or influencer marketing can make an enormous impact in this way. Think about how many times you’ve been influenced to buy a product because you saw someone else sharing how much they loved it!

If a brand is looking to grow their client roster, case studies are the way to go. By showing potential clients the proof of how a brand inspires transformation, it could inspire them to want the transformation for themselves. You can’t deny a concrete before and after!

Leverage Social Proof with Chelsea Evans-Flower

Chelsea Evans-Flower, Owner, Scott Social

Collaborate Through Influencer Marketing to Leverage Social Proof

One way for brands to leverage social proof is through influencer marketing. Having influencers talk about your product or service on their channels not only increases awareness but also demonstrates its quality through the support of someone trusted by a large following. 

You can create sponsored content, review videos, contests, or giveaways—all featuring influencers—that directly promote your brand as well as larger conversations around its value proposition and unique features compared to competitors. 

This type of social proof showcases not just what you offer but why it’s different or better than other similar products or services out there, which helps leverage social proof and build trust within your prospective customer base. This ultimately leads to higher conversion rates.

Leverage Social Proof with Roksana Bielecka

Roksana Bielecka, Community Manager, ResumeHelp

Engage Audience on Social Media Platforms

Brands can improve marketing outcomes by actively engaging with their audience on social media platforms to leverage social proof. This includes responding to comments, sharing user-generated content, hosting interactive sessions, and Leverage Social Proof. 

By building a loyal and engaged following, brands can enhance their social proof and increase customer trust and engagement. For example, a clothing brand could host a live styling session where customers can interact with stylists, ask questions, and share their experiences. 

This type of engagement not only showcases the brand’s expertise but also creates a sense of community and authenticity, ultimately improving marketing outcomes.

Leverage Social Proof with Ben Lau

Ben Lau, Founder, Featured SEO Company

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