6 Alternatives to Voice Search Optimization for Emerging Tech Marketing 6 Alternatives to Voice Search Optimization for Emerging Tech Marketing

6 Alternatives to Voice Search Optimization for Emerging Tech Marketing

To explore alternatives to voice search optimization for emerging tech marketing, we asked founders and digital marketing managers for their insights. From leveraging augmented reality experiences to incorporating video SEO strategies, here are six specific alternatives these experts recommend.

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Leverage Augmented Reality Experiences

One specific alternative to voice-search optimization for emerging tech marketing is leveraging augmented reality (AR) experiences. In my opinion, AR presents a dynamic and interactive way to engage potential customers, offering unique benefits that voice-search optimization cannot match. Augmented reality allows brands to create immersive experiences that blend digital content with the real world. For emerging tech products, this can be particularly impactful as it enables customers to visualize and interact with products in a highly engaging manner. 

For example, an AR app could allow users to see how a new piece of technology would look in their home or how it functions in a simulated environment. This hands-on experience can drive deeper understanding and interest in the product, which is often crucial for complex or innovative tech items. Moreover, AR can significantly enhance the customer journey by providing personalized and contextually relevant experiences. 

For instance, an AR-enabled marketing campaign can guide users through product features and benefits, offering real-time demonstrations and tutorials. This level of interactivity can help demystify advanced technologies and make them more accessible to a broader audience. Unlike voice search, which primarily focuses on information retrieval, AR engages multiple senses and can create a more memorable and impactful interaction. 

We have seen the potential of AR in action. For a client in the smart home industry, we developed an AR campaign that allowed users to visualize how smart devices would integrate into their living spaces. Users could see virtual representations of products like smart lights, thermostats, and security cameras in their own homes through their smartphones. This not only enhanced their understanding of the products but also increased their confidence in making a purchase. 

AR also offers opportunities for social sharing and virality. Users who experience something novel and exciting through AR are likely to share it on social media, amplifying the reach and impact of the campaign. This organic promotion can be particularly valuable for emerging tech brands looking to build awareness and credibility in competitive markets.

John Reinesch Featured 6 Alternatives to Voice Search Optimization for Emerging Tech Marketing

John Reinesch, Founder, John Reinesch Consulting

Utilize Interactive Content

As an emerging tech marketer, I see interactive content as an alternative to voice-search optimization with huge potential. Tools like interactive quizzes, surveys, and assessments have allowed us to learn more about our audience and build buyer personas. 

With one interactive quiz focused on how our product improves productivity, we gathered over 10,000 email leads in 2 weeks for only $500 in Facebook ads. The leads were very engaged since the quiz showed how our tool specifically benefited them. Interactive content is more memorable and shareable, leading customers to spread it through their networks.

Startups should test interactive content to boost brand awareness and generate quality leads. The data and insights gained are invaluable for targeting your messaging. And when done right, these experiences become their own form of word-of-mouth marketing. For cash-strapped startups, interactive content is a growth hack waiting to happen.

Chase Chappell Featured 5 6 Alternatives to Voice Search Optimization for Emerging Tech Marketing

Chase Chappell, Founder, Sirge

Implement Advanced Chatbots

We implemented an advanced chatbot on our website to guide visitors through our tech product offerings. The chatbot provided instant answers to common questions, personalized recommendations based on user preferences, and seamless navigation assistance.

This approach led to a 35% increase in user engagement and a 25% improvement in conversion rates. The chatbot’s ability to provide personalized, real-time assistance enhanced the customer experience and ensured users received the information they needed quickly. Utilizing chatbots in tech marketing offers an effective way to engage with potential customers and drive conversions, serving as a valuable alternative to voice-search optimization.

Slavko Kovacevic Featured 6 Alternatives to Voice Search Optimization for Emerging Tech Marketing

Slavko Kovacevic, Head of SEO, Health Link SEO

Focus on Visual-Search Optimization

One specific alternative to voice-search optimization for emerging tech marketing is focusing on visual-search optimization. Visual search, which allows users to search using images instead of text, is becoming increasingly popular with the rise of technologies like Google Lens and Pinterest Lens. As consumers gravitate towards more intuitive and interactive ways to find products and information, optimizing for visual search can significantly enhance a brand’s visibility and engagement.

In my experience, implementing visual-search strategies can be a game-changer for tech marketers. For instance, I worked with a client in the home decor industry who integrated high-quality images with proper tagging and metadata into their online catalog. This not only improved their rankings on visual-search platforms but also increased their website traffic by 30% within six months. By leveraging visual search, brands can connect with users in a more immersive way, capturing their attention and driving conversions through compelling visual content.

Brandon Leibowitz Featured 4 6 Alternatives to Voice Search Optimization for Emerging Tech Marketing

Brandon Leibowitz, Owner, SEO Optimizers

Optimize Content for AI

An underrated emerging tech marketing strategy is optimizing content for AI. We aim for AI—like ChatGPT—to mention our client’s company, product, or research, enhancing visibility while preventing misinformation.

To get started, we typically suggest auditing an organization’s online presence and engaging with AI platforms. This approach positions your business ahead of the curve in a growing area, getting you in front of potential audiences as this technology evolves.

Deborah Forrister Featured 1 6 Alternatives to Voice Search Optimization for Emerging Tech Marketing

Deborah Forrister, Search Strategist, Envoca Search Marketing

Incorporate Video SEO Strategies

One specific alternative to voice search optimization for emerging tech marketing is video SEO. While voice search revolves around auditory results, video SEO focuses on video content optimization to increase their visibility in search engine results pages and video platforms like YouTube. Just as voice search optimization involves adjusting the content for conversational queries, video SEO requires focus on the right keywords, title, description, and tags to make videos more discoverable to the audience. 

Additionally, ensuring high-quality video content and optimizing for mobile devices, given their popularity for video viewing, can boost SEO. Incorporating video content into marketing strategies provides an alternative to voice search optimization and addresses the growing trend of consumers preferring visual and engaging content.

Fahad Khan Featured 9 6 Alternatives to Voice Search Optimization for Emerging Tech Marketing

Fahad Khan, Digital Marketing Manager, Ubuy Nigeria

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