6 Alternatives to White Papers for Thought Leadership 6 Alternatives to White Papers for Thought Leadership

6 Alternatives to White Papers for Thought Leadership

Exploring alternatives to white papers for showcasing thought leadership, we’ve gathered varied perspectives from founders and CEOs. From hosting virtual AMA sessions to creating engaging virtual workshops, delve into these six innovative strategies provided by seasoned professionals.

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Host Virtual AMA Sessions

I’ve discovered that hosting virtual “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) sessions can be a powerful substitute for white papers in establishing thought leadership. By directly engaging with our audience, answering their pressing investment questions in real-time, we showcase our expertise and adaptability. This approach not only demonstrates our deep knowledge but also builds a stronger connection with our community, setting us apart as an accessible and authoritative voice in the investing world.

Adam Garcia Featured 6 Alternatives to White Papers for Thought Leadership

Adam Garcia, Founder, The Stock Dork

Engage Through Interactive Webinars

I’ve found that webinars are a great alternative to white papers for sharing our expertise. They let us talk directly to our audience, answer questions in real-time, and keep things interactive and engaging.

We’ve hosted a bunch of webinars at Leverage on topics like insurance trends and financial planning for small businesses. These sessions allow us to dive into important subjects while also letting people ask questions and get immediate answers.

One webinar that really stands out was on “Navigating Insurance During Economic Uncertainty.” We brought in some industry experts and let participants ask questions throughout. The feedback was awesome—people loved being able to get their questions answered right away.

Webinars are also super accessible. Anyone can join from anywhere, and the interactive format keeps things interesting. Plus, we record our webinars and offer them on-demand, so people can watch them later if they miss the live session.

In a recent webinar on financial planning, I shared some of my own experiences as an entrepreneur. This personal touch helped build trust and connect with our audience on a deeper level.

Rhett Stubbendeck Featured 6 Alternatives to White Papers for Thought Leadership

Rhett Stubbendeck, CEO & Co-Founder, Leverage Planning

Share Insights via Video Content

As a serial entrepreneur, I’ve found video to be an extremely effective alternative to white papers for building thought leadership. Through short explainer videos, video blogs, or live streams, I’m able to share insights and experiences in an authentic, visual way. 

For example, on my YouTube channel, I post short video blogs discussing strategies for overcoming obstacles I faced while building my companies. Viewers gain actionable advice and a behind-the-scenes look at what it really takes to launch a business. Video allows your personality and passion to come through, and it’s a medium that today’s audiences crave. 

While producing video requires investment, it pays dividends in brand visibility, influence, and new opportunities. For thought leaders, video is a must. Start your own channel or appear as a guest expert on leading channels in your niche. The hard work will drive real results.

Will Mitchell Featured 6 Alternatives to White Papers for Thought Leadership

Will Mitchell, Founder, StartupBros

Build Leadership With Podcast Interviews

Podcasts are a great alternative to white papers for building thought leadership. I host a podcast where I interview industry leaders about building successful brands. Through candid conversations, we explore behind-the-scenes strategies for creating thriving businesses. Listeners gain valuable insights they can apply to their companies.

Podcasting establishes you as an insider who understands business realities. It allows your expertise to shine through authentically. And it fosters meaningful connections with your audience that translate into new opportunities. Several guests have become clients, partners, or mentees.

While producing a podcast requires investment, it pays off in brand visibility, influence, and revenue. For any thought leader looking to scale their reach and impact, podcasting is a must. Put in the work to launch your own show or appear as a guest on other leading podcasts in your niche. The returns will be worth the effort.

Nicole Farber Featured 1 6 Alternatives to White Papers for Thought Leadership

Nicole Farber, CEO, ENX2 Legal Marketing

Establish Expertise With eBooks

As the founder of a digital marketing agency, I’ve found eBooks to be an effective alternative for thought leadership. We created an eBook on “The Future of Social Media Marketing,” where we analyzed trends and made data-driven predictions. By sharing insights from industry experts and case studies of successful campaigns, we established our team as forward-thinking leaders.

The eBook was a gift to our email subscribers and promoted through social media. Over 2,000 people downloaded it, expanding our reach and credibility. We followed up with 30% of downloaders, leading to new projects and long-term clients. 

eBooks require time and resources but build trust in your brand as a source of valuable information. Develop a topic you have a unique perspective on and fill it with actionable advice and examples. Keep the content focused and avoid overly promoting your services. An informative, helpful eBook demonstrates your expertise better than any sales pitch.

Josh Cremer Featured 2 6 Alternatives to White Papers for Thought Leadership

Josh Cremer, CEO, and Creative Director, Redfox Visual

Create Engaging Virtual Workshops

Considering your subject matter and target audience is a critical starting point. If you know their preferences for consuming educational content, then it can open doors for many alternative vehicles.

White papers help to educate with research, facts, examples, stories, and actionable insights. But I have found success in focusing on adding the word “experiences” to the term thought leadership.

Virtual workshops are a thought leadership experience and have worked well as an alternative, as they can provide the platform for you to “show your work/value” to an engaged audience.

These are workshops, not webinars. Successful workshops that I’ve run included interactive exercises, real-time reviews, and audits of actual attendee scenarios, and breakout groups to allow for deeper connections and tangible value.

These workshops are about quality versus quantity. Having 15-20 attendees all engaged around similar challenges, being emotionally connected, and all achieving a level of value, cements a thought leadership experience.

Fahd Alhattab Featured 6 Alternatives to White Papers for Thought Leadership

Fahd Alhattab, Founder & Leadership Development Speaker, Unicorn Labs

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