6 Innovative Ways Virtual and Augmented Reality Enhance Marketing Campaigns 6 Innovative Ways Virtual and Augmented Reality Enhance Marketing Campaigns

6 Innovative Ways Virtual and Augmented Reality Enhance Marketing Campaigns

Diving into the innovative realm of virtual and augmented reality, we’ve gathered insights from six marketing professionals and technology experts. From boosting engagement with AR furniture to enhancing the shopping experience with AR jewelry try-ons, discover how these cutting-edge tools are reshaping promotional strategies and driving results.

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Boost Engagement with AR Furniture

Not us, but one of our clients in the furniture industry, for whom we provided AR/VR-ready 3D models, incorporated them into their marketing campaign very seamlessly.

In one instance, they started attaching QR scanners to the furniture used in their social media posts, and their audience was able to experience the furniture in AR, which helped them increase their post engagement by 36%.

Talking of another implementation, they kept a couple of VR headsets in the store instead of keeping all the inventory, allowing customers to interact with the furniture they wish to buy in mixed reality. This saved them the logistic and storage costs of many products, while customers could choose from every store offering.

Sahil Kumar Featured 6 Innovative Ways Virtual and Augmented Reality Enhance Marketing Campaigns

Sahil Kumar, Marketing Associate, Ikarus 3D

Create Virtual Showroom with Direct Purchase

For a marketing campaign, we created a virtual showroom for our customers through augmented reality. In this virtual setting, we showed our collection of home-decor items in a realistic environment. Users could walk through our spaces and interact with the items. This experience created a higher level of engagement for our customers, which increased their likelihood of purchasing. Since virtual reality technology still has a long way to go, it was a new and immersive experience.

Like offline stores, we didn’t want the user to leave the virtual reality experience to buy something. Hence, we offered a direct purchasing feature within the VR experience. The campaign also improved our brand awareness and image by positioning us as a company that quickly adopts new technologies. Customers were satisfied, and we made great profits. Isn’t that the perfect campaign?

Faizan Khan Featured 7 6 Innovative Ways Virtual and Augmented Reality Enhance Marketing Campaigns

Faizan Khan, Public Relations and Content Marketing Specialist, Ubuy UK

Immersive VR/AR for Oil and Gas Exploration

We utilize both virtual reality and augmented reality technologies to create an immersive experience for one of the largest oil and gas exploration companies. They have developed an ROV-like device called the AD Spice Rack and want to showcase its functionality and appearance. 

Traditional audiovisual presentations have proven challenging for marketing teams to effectively convey its features. Hence, we’ve developed VR and AR solutions compatible with HTC, Oculus, and Microsoft HoloLens. These tools empower marketing personnel and delegates to immerse themselves in firsthand experiences, leading to positive business outcomes.

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Chandrakant Aknurwar, XR Industry Advisor

Explore Private Jets Interiors via AR

We integrated augmented reality (AR) into a marketing campaign by creating an interactive experience where users could virtually explore the interiors of our private jets through a mobile app. This immersive experience allowed potential clients to visualize the luxury and comfort of our offerings in a novel way, directly from their smartphones. 

The result was a significant increase in engagement on our platform, with a notable uptick in inquiries and bookings. This campaign not only showcased the innovative edge of JetLevel Aviation but also demonstrated the potential of AR to enrich customer experience and interaction in the luxury travel sector.

Fahd Khan Featured 5 6 Innovative Ways Virtual and Augmented Reality Enhance Marketing Campaigns

Fahd Khan, Director of Marketing & Technology, JetLevel Aviation

Virtual Property Tours Increase Sales

In our marketing campaign, we employed VR to offer potential buyers an immersive experience of touring properties from the comfort of their homes. Through our VR app, clients could explore every nook and cranny of our listed properties as if they were physically present. 

The results were exceptional. We witnessed a significant increase in engagement levels, with prospective buyers spending more time interacting with our listings. This translated into higher conversion rates as clients were better able to visualize themselves in the properties, leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

Adam Seguin Featured 2 6 Innovative Ways Virtual and Augmented Reality Enhance Marketing Campaigns

Adam Seguin, Owner, Myrtle Beach Home Buyers

AR Jewelry Try-On Enhances Shopping Experience

We implemented an augmented reality (AR) app allowing customers to virtually try on our artisanal jewelry collection. By superimposing our pieces onto real-time images of customers, we offered an immersive shopping experience. 

The results were astounding, with a 30% increase in app downloads and a 25% rise in online sales. Not only did this innovative approach boost engagement, but it also minimized returns, as customers could confidently visualize how our jewelry complemented their style before purchasing.

Nidhi Sood Ruperee Featured 1 6 Innovative Ways Virtual and Augmented Reality Enhance Marketing Campaigns

Nidhi Sood Ruperee, Partner, LoveNTouch Handicraft LLC

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