6 Ways to Create Interactive Content to Boost User Engagement 6 Ways to Create Interactive Content to Boost User Engagement

6 Ways to Create Interactive Content to Boost User Engagement

Seeking innovative ways to captivate your audience, we turned to the experts for their singular insights on crafting interactive content. From implementing informative polls and quizzes to incorporating polls for active participation, discover the unique strategies shared by founders and content creators in our compilation of six engaging tips.

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Implement Informative Polls and Quizzes

An effective technique I’ve been using is the implementation of polls/quizzes that are informative, entertaining, and also relevant to the audience.

Make sure the design elements of the quiz are eye-catching and that it is easy to navigate through. Add interactive elements to it as well, such as graphics, a loading bar, and immediate feedback. Moreover, ask the audience to share their results on social media, which can lead to greater engagement.

Azam Mohamed Nisamdeen Featured 6 Ways to Create Interactive Content to Boost User Engagement

Azam Mohamed Nisamdeen, Founder, Convert Chat

Ramp Up Video Marketing Expertise

Video marketing is at an all-time high among marketers. So that makes it imperative for businesses to ramp up their video creation/production expertise to create interactive content for user engagement. This means hiring sharp content creators who know how to shoot content on their devices for use on social feeds (X, Snapchat, IG, TikTok, Facebook). They also need to know how to edit and produce using tools like Canva, Adobe Creative Suite, and other video editing software. Plus, there’s a whole new slew of AI video tools (hello, Dream Machine!) emerging, which is already changing things very quickly on social media.

Dave Murrow Featured 6 Ways to Create Interactive Content to Boost User Engagement

Dave Murrow, Chief Content Creator, ThinkFast Media

Know Your Audience for Engagement

The best way to increase user engagement through interactive content is to know your audience. If you know what they like and respond to, they are more likely to be engaged. Users love voicing their opinions and giving advice. Create content that encourages your viewers to share their individual opinions. To take it a step further, follow up with active users via DM. This will make them feel valued and appreciated, building a deeper connection with your brand.

Katharina Garmon Featured 6 Ways to Create Interactive Content to Boost User Engagement

Katharina Garmon, CEO & Founder of Socialkind Studio, Socialkind Studio LLC

Use Educational Calls to Action

Creating interactive content will all depend on the medium that you’re creating content on, but the main underlying way to create interactive content? CTAs. And I’m not just talking about salesy, what I’d call transactional CTAs like “buy my course,” or “subscribe to my content!” I’m talking about educational CTAs. This can include things like: 

  • Answer the following questions to help you with X. 
  • Plan your own X by doing exactly this. 
  • Write down X so you can be better at X. 
  • Download this free template so you can start doing X right now. 

These educational CTAs should directly serve as a way for your audience to put your content and value into action. This will help your audience see the actionable value in your content (especially since we’re seeing so many AI-generated pieces of content adding no value) and will have them wanting to come back for more!

Kira Violet Featured 6 Ways to Create Interactive Content to Boost User Engagement

Kira Violet, Content Creator, Musician, Violet Gaze

Ask Questions to Spark Conversations

As a travel blogger, I’ve found that asking questions in social media posts is a game-changer for engagement. Here’s my go-to technique: End each post with a question related to the content. For instance, if I’m sharing about a hidden beach in Hawaii, I’ll ask, “What’s the most secluded spot you’ve discovered on your travels?” 

This invites followers to share their own experiences, sparking conversations and creating a sense of community. It also provides valuable insights for future content. Remember, the key is to make the question genuinely interesting and easy to answer.

Joy Nyargem Featured 6 Ways to Create Interactive Content to Boost User Engagement

Joy Nyargem, Founder and Chief Content Creator, Afrostylicity 

Incorporate Polls for Active Participation

One effective technique for creating interactive content to boost user engagement is to incorporate polls and quizzes into your digital strategy. This approach is excellent for fostering interaction because they invite users to actively participate rather than passively consume information. And not only will it enhance user engagement, but it will also build a sense of community and connection with your brand. Don’t forget to keep the content visually appealing and easy to share to maximize its reach and impact.

Hanna Larsson Featured 6 Ways to Create Interactive Content to Boost User Engagement

Hanna Larsson, Startup Advisor, Content Creator & Founder at Huntrs, Huntrs

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