6 Ways to Develop SEO Strategies for Podcasts On Educational Topics 6 Ways to Develop SEO Strategies for Podcasts On Educational Topics

6 Ways to Develop SEO Strategies for Podcasts On Educational Topics

Diving into the world of podcasting, we’ve gathered six specific tips from SEO experts and digital marketers to enhance your educational content’s online visibility. From incorporating keywords to enhance discoverability to linking back and providing full transcripts, discover the most effective SEO strategies these professionals recommend for your podcast.

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Incorporate Keywords to Enhance Discoverability

By incorporating relevant keywords that your target audience is likely to search for, you can enhance the discoverability of your podcast. Also, consider transcribing your podcast episodes to make the content more accessible to search engines. 

This can significantly improve the podcast’s visibility and ranking in search results. Optimize your podcast website with relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and tags to further boost its SEO performance.

Thomas Niemczewski Featured 1 6 Ways to Develop SEO Strategies for Podcasts On Educational Topics

Thomas Niemczewski, SEO Specialist, Dream Chasers

Conduct Comprehensive Keyword Research

Conducting keyword research is a crucial step in creating an SEO plan. This entails determining the terms and expressions people use to search for topics related to your material online. To find the most popular terms in your area, use tools like Ubersuggest or Google Keyword Planner. Seek out highly searched-for terms that aren’t overly crowded. 

Pay attention to long-tail keywords; these are more specialized, longer phrases that people employ to locate in-depth information. They are highly targeted yet typically less competitive. Use your list of keywords organically in your content’s titles, headers, and meta descriptions. Doing this can improve how search engines perceive your content and raise its position in search results. Researching keywords effectively can help draw in more traffic.

Oliver Andrews Featured 1 6 Ways to Develop SEO Strategies for Podcasts On Educational Topics

Oliver Andrews, Digital Marketing, OA Design Services

Upload Podcasts to YouTube

My advice is to consider uploading your podcast episodes to YouTube as part of your SEO strategy. Don’t forget that YouTube is the second-largest search engine, and having your content there can significantly boost your visibility. 

Optimize the video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords related to your educational topics. This not only helps with SEO but also allows you to reach a broader audience who may prefer consuming content on YouTube.

Marco Genaro Palma Featured 6 Ways to Develop SEO Strategies for Podcasts On Educational Topics

Marco Genaro Palma, Freelance CMO and SEO Consultant, GenaroPalma.com

Create Keyword-Rich Show Notes

A specific tip for developing SEO strategies for educational podcasts is to focus on creating detailed, keyword-rich show notes and episode descriptions. When working with clients at The Digital Projects, we’ve seen significant improvements by incorporating primary and secondary keywords naturally into the show notes. For instance, ensure that each episode’s notes thoroughly cover the key topics discussed, utilizing long-tail keywords like “advanced calculus lessons for college students” instead of just “calculus podcast.”

Additionally, transcribing your podcast episodes can be a game-changer. Transcriptions make your content accessible not only to search engines but also to a broader audience. For example, we implemented transcription strategies for an educational client and embedded relevant keywords organically into these transcripts. Over three months, this led to a 35% increase in organic traffic, as the transcripts provided more indexable content for search engines.

Lastly, leverage social media snippets to drive traffic back to your podcast. At The Digital Projects, we’ve created shareable graphics and short audio clips with key points from podcast episodes, posting them on platforms like Instagram and Twitter. Linking these snippets back to the full transcriptions or show notes on your website helps to increase engagement and attract backlinks, further boosting your SEO efforts. This approach resulted in a 30% increase in organic traffic for one of our educational clients by improving social shares and visibility.

Rhealyn Mugri Featured 3 6 Ways to Develop SEO Strategies for Podcasts On Educational Topics

Rhealyn Mugri, Founder, The Digital Projects

Optimize Transcriptions and Podcast Notes

One effective technique for developing SEO strategies for educational podcasts is to create comprehensive episode transcriptions and optimize those for relevant keywords. At Cleartail Marketing, we’ve seen transcriptions dramatically improve organic traffic. For example, a client involved in B2B education saw a 35% increase in organic traffic after we started incorporating detailed transcriptions of their podcast episodes. These transcriptions included relevant keywords like “advanced business management tactics” and were formatted to enhance readability and search engine crawlability.

Another key strategy is to create detailed, keyword-rich show notes for each episode. For instance, if your podcast focuses on educational topics like digital marketing, your show notes should include keywords such as “SEO strategies for content marketing” and “pay-per-click advertising basics.” We applied this technique to a client’s podcast series, and the keyword optimization helped boost their website traffic by 12% within three months.

Lastly, ensure to embed multimedia elements like relevant images or infographics into your podcast blog posts. This not only enhances the user experience but also gives search engines more content to index. For example, we added schema markup to one client’s educational podcast page, leading to a 28% increase in search visibility and engagement rates. This holistic approach—combining transcriptions, keyword-rich show notes, and multimedia—has proven highly effective in driving organic growth for our clients.

Magee Clegg Featured 4 6 Ways to Develop SEO Strategies for Podcasts On Educational Topics

Magee Clegg, CEO, Cleartail Marketing

Link Back and Provide Full Transcripts

Absolutely! Our first easy tip is to make sure that you are including a link back to your website in your bio to help build link equity (especially on a high-DA site like Spotify). Then, we recommend formulating topics that you are an expert on so that you can schedule deliverables. 

Next, do some keyword research and optimize your title and podcast description so that users can find it easily when they are searching for information on the topic you record about. Last but not least, we recommend providing full transcripts of episodes. 

Since search engines are unable to listen to audio, providing them with a means to rank your podcast is essential. There are tools that can help you do this to make the task easier, so be sure to use your resources!

Ashlee Dickson Featured 6 Ways to Develop SEO Strategies for Podcasts On Educational Topics

Ashlee Dickson, Sales And Marketing Associate, Console Vault

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