7 Alternatives to Branded Content for Storytelling 7 Alternatives to Branded Content for Storytelling

7 Alternatives to Branded Content for Storytelling

Exploring alternatives to branded content for storytelling, we turned to a diverse group of founders and marketing experts for their unique perspectives. From the immersive potential of interactive content to the genuine appeal of customer stories, discover the top seven strategies these professionals recommend for captivating your audience.

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Interactive Content Engages Audiences

As a storyteller and content creator, I often suggest interactive content experiences as an alternative to traditional branded content. Things like livestreams, podcasts, and virtual events allow for two-way engagement with your audience in real time. 

For example, I launched a livestream series where I shared behind-the-scenes insights into building my marketing agency. Viewers could ask questions and provide feedback, giving them a transparent look into our processes. Many became long-term clients because of the access and value the livestreams provided.

Podcasts are another great option. I started a podcast discussing strategies for growing an e-commerce business. In each episode, I shared experiences from client work and gave actionable tips listeners could apply. The podcast positioned me as an authority, generated new leads, and strengthened relationships with current clients.

Interactive content creates meaningful connections with your audience that branded content alone can’t achieve. By highlighting the human elements of your business in an authentic way, these approaches keep people engaged and coming back for more.

Chase Chappell Featured 1 7 Alternatives to Branded Content for Storytelling

Chase Chappell, Founder, Sirge

Content Series Foster Emotional Connection

Content series are an effective alternative to traditional branded content for storytelling because they provide a structured, ongoing narrative that keeps your audience engaged over a longer period. Each installment in the series can build anticipation for the next, increasing viewer retention and loyalty. Implementing content series allows for more complex and nuanced storytelling compared to single pieces of content and provides the opportunity to develop characters or themes over time, making the story more compelling and relatable.

A series format makes for a stronger emotional connection as audiences invest in the story and characters over time. Regular installments encourage a loyal following, as your followers look forward to each new release. Consistent publishing can also lead to increased website traffic as audiences return for new installments, and each part of the series can target different keywords, improving overall SEO performance and visibility.

Some great examples of content series include weekly blog post series exploring different aspects of a single topic, such as sustainable fashion practices; a YouTube series featuring interviews with industry experts, behind-the-scenes looks at your company, or step-by-step tutorials; or an Instagram or TikTok series where each post or video builds on the previous one, telling an ongoing story or offering daily tips and insights.

Tom Richards Featured 7 Alternatives to Branded Content for Storytelling

Tom Richards, Director and Founder, Adbetter

User-Generated Content Builds Credibility

As a digital marketing consultant, I would suggest user-generated content as an alternative storytelling approach. For example, highlighting positive reviews and testimonials from your clients and customers. People trust stories from other real users more than branded messaging. Collecting and promoting authentic user stories shows you have satisfied clients and builds credibility.

For medical practices specifically, encouraging patients to share their experiences on social media is impactful. A video testimonial about a successful procedure or life-changing diagnosis can resonate deeply with potential new patients. The key is to make sharing easy for clients by providing suggested social posts and hashtags. Promote the best stories on your own channels to increase their reach.

For tech companies, behind-the-scenes “making-of” content featuring how products are built or problems are solved also works great. These insights give a raw, unproduced peek into company culture and innovation that people find fascinating. Balance showcasing your brand’s personality with more formal thought leadership to provide value to clients and build authority in your industry.

Jeff McGeary Featured 7 Alternatives to Branded Content for Storytelling

Jeff McGeary, Founder & CEO, PracticeVIP LLC

Q&As Offer Genuine Interaction

Q&As are a terrific option if you’re searching for something different from sponsored content for storytelling. They can be quite captivating since they provide a sincere and personal touch. Q&As allow actual people to ask actual questions, which fosters a more genuine connection than merely marketing a product or service. They can address certain interests or issues that your audience may have and facilitate a natural flow of discourse. 

This method makes it easier for your audience to relate to and interact with the information because it frequently feels less manufactured and more like an honest conversation. Without the usual promotional flair of branded material, it’s an excellent approach to foster trust and offer insightful information. It gives your audience a chance to interact directly.

Kartik Ahuja Featured 7 Alternatives to Branded Content for Storytelling

Kartik Ahuja, Digital Marketer, kartikahuja.com

Educational Content Establishes Authority

One effective method is creating educational content that addresses the pain points of your audience. We developed a series of webinars and in-depth guides focusing on social media management best practices. This content positioned us as thought leaders and provided immediate value to our audience. By focusing on education rather than direct promotion, we were able to build a loyal following who viewed us as a trusted resource in the industry. This strategy has been instrumental in driving organic growth and establishing long-term customer relationships.

Dinesh Agarwal Featured 7 Alternatives to Branded Content for Storytelling

Dinesh Agarwal, Founder, CEO, RecurPost

User-Generated Content Enhances Trust

One specific alternative to branded content for storytelling is user-generated content (UGC). UGC involves leveraging content created by customers or users about a brand, which can include reviews, testimonials, social media posts, and videos. This approach offers authenticity and relatability, as it showcases real experiences and opinions from actual users, enhancing trust and credibility.

Encouraging users to share their stories can also foster community engagement and brand loyalty. By highlighting UGC, brands can benefit from diverse perspectives and genuine endorsements, which often resonate more deeply with potential customers than traditional branded content. Additionally, UGC can be cost-effective and scalable, providing a continuous stream of fresh content. Brands can curate and repurpose this content across various marketing channels, further amplifying its impact and reach.

Kseniia Cherniaieva Featured 7 Alternatives to Branded Content for Storytelling

Kseniia Cherniaieva, PR Manager, StrategEast

Customer Stories Provide Authenticity

Customers telling their own stories about a product or service give it authenticity and a variety of perspectives. Take a skincare brand that asks people to post photos showing before-and-after results, and to talk about their skin health journey on websites like Instagram. This can create compelling stories that people can relate to. I think when prospective buyers see real people achieving positive results from the product, it builds trust and a sense of community. That makes the storytelling aspect feel more genuine and has a powerful impact.

Tornike Asatiani Featured 7 Alternatives to Branded Content for Storytelling

Tornike Asatiani, CEO, Edumentors

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