7 Mobile Design Changes that Boosted Our SEO Rankings 7 Mobile Design Changes that Boosted Our SEO Rankings

7 Mobile Design Changes that Boosted Our SEO Rankings

In the ever-evolving landscape of mobile SEO, we’ve gathered insights from seven industry professionals, including co-founders and SEO specialists, to shed light on effective design changes. From increasing readability and navigation to switching to a collapsible menu design, discover how these specific website tweaks have led to improved mobile SEO rankings.

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Increase Readability and Navigation

One simple change we made to a website’s mobile design to improve its SEO was increasing the space between paragraphs for better readability and adding more headers for easier navigation. Mobile readers are notorious for their short attention spans. Once we made the information much more digestible, we saw a significant boost in our page’s ranking within a month.

Munir Alsafi Featured 7 Mobile Design Changes that Boosted Our SEO Rankings

Munir Alsafi, Co-Founder, VixelStudio

Mirror Desktop Menu on Mobile

Ensure that the mobile menu mirrors the desktop menu. It might seem trivial, but crafting effective mobile menus can be challenging, leading many websites to opt for oversimplified versions. This approach is a mistake! Devoting equal attention to your mobile menus is crucial, as Google values and rewards this consistency.

Marco Genaro Palma Featured 7 Mobile Design Changes that Boosted Our SEO Rankings

Marco Genaro Palma, Freelance CMO and SEO Consultant, GenaroPalma.com

Adopt Responsive Website Design

Implementing responsive design was one specific change to our website’s mobile design that significantly improved its mobile SEO rankings. 

By ensuring that our website adapts and functions seamlessly across various mobile devices, we enhanced the user experience and decreased bounce rates. This change led to increased mobile traffic, longer average session durations, and higher engagement metrics, ultimately signaling to search engines that our website provides valuable content and a positive user experience. 

Additionally, the responsive design helped us avoid duplicate content issues that can occur with separate mobile sites, further boosting our mobile SEO performance.

Thomas Niemczewski Featured 7 Mobile Design Changes that Boosted Our SEO Rankings

Thomas Niemczewski, SEO Specialist, Dream Chasers

Optimize Images for Faster Loading

After consulting with a couple of really close friends who are super-versed in mobile SEO, I decided to implement a specific change to my website’s mobile design that significantly improved its mobile SEO rankings. The change involved optimizing my site’s images for faster loading times on mobile devices. It was about ensuring no image was above 100 KB in total. 

Before this adjustment, I hadn’t realized how much image sizes were affecting my site’s load speed and, consequently, user experience and SEO rankings on mobile searches. By compressing images and using more efficient formats, I noticed a dramatic decrease in load times, which directly contributed to a lower bounce rate and higher engagement metrics. This experience taught me the critical importance of mobile optimization in today’s mobile SERPs. 

Not only did my website climb in mobile search rankings, but overall visitor satisfaction also increased, highlighting the direct link between site performance, user experience, and SEO success.

Jason Vaught Featured 7 Mobile Design Changes that Boosted Our SEO Rankings

Jason Vaught, President, Houston SEO Company

Delay Iframes for Better INP

Iframes on a mobile site consume resources and block or delay the response when users interact with the page. We realized that the real estate on mobile makes the iframe components at the bottom of the page appear much later in a user’s scroll compared to desktop. So, loading components that take up network and DOM interactivity bandwidth with a delay helped us improve the INP of the page.

Google has recently introduced INP as a core web vital, and we have seen significant improvement in Search Console reports after we made this change.

Siddhartha Gunti Featured 7 Mobile Design Changes that Boosted Our SEO Rankings

Siddhartha Gunti, Co-founder, Adaface

Implement Accelerated Mobile Pages

After discovering that our mobile bounce rates were much higher than those of our desktop website, we started improving the user experience. A major gap I found was the loading speed. 

We employed Accelerated Mobile Pages, an open-source framework for creating content optimized for mobiles, to boost it. My team began converting our existing content into AMP-compatible formats to implement the framework. This step includes restructuring HTML codes, optimizing images, and following other AMP guidelines.

Once we completed the implementation, we tested our web pages to see if they had been rendered correctly and if the load times had been reduced. The results were immediate and brilliant. Our bounce rates decreased, while our mobile traffic and search visibility increased. With time, our mobile base has almost doubled, increasing our ad revenue and user loyalty simultaneously.

Dhari Alabdulhadi Featured 7 Mobile Design Changes that Boosted Our SEO Rankings

Dhari Alabdulhadi, CTO and Founder, Ubuy Kuwait

Switch to Collapsible Menu Design

Implementing a collapsible-menu design was a game-changer for our website’s mobile SEO rankings. Before, our mobile site was a bit cluttered, making it hard for users to navigate and find what they were looking for quickly. 

By switching to a collapsible menu, we significantly improved the user experience, making the site cleaner and more navigable. This change directly impacted our mobile SEO by reducing bounce rates and increasing page dwell time. Search engines took note of these user engagement improvements, leading to better rankings in mobile search results. It was a simple tweak, but the positive effects on mobile SEO were clear and measurable.

Bhavik Sarkhedi Featured 7 Mobile Design Changes that Boosted Our SEO Rankings

Bhavik Sarkhedi, Growth Head & CMO, Content Whale

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