7 Ways to Design and Execute a Content Marketing Strategy for a Seasonal Product 7 Ways to Design and Execute a Content Marketing Strategy for a Seasonal Product

7 Ways to Design and Execute a Content Marketing Strategy for a Seasonal Product

Crafting a content marketing strategy for seasonal products requires both creativity and precision. We’ve gathered seven expert tips from content marketing managers, CEOs, and other marketing professionals. From starting your content strategy post-season to teasing and educating ahead of the season, these insights will help you captivate your audience year-round.

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Start Content Strategy Post-Season

Given how long it might take Google to rank any organic content you create, the one tip I’d always recommend is to start executing next year’s strategy almost immediately after the end of your seasonal product’s life cycle.

If you’re writing blogs, write them throughout the year, as each one might take a bit longer to find its footing for SEO. By the time your seasonal product is ready to launch, your articles should have plenty of keywords and new traffic headed their way.

Also, starting your content creation and distribution early allows you to stay top-of-mind for consumers throughout the year, rather than just the few months your product is needed. This allows for anticipation to build as exciting new developments are planned, and customers learn to interact with your brand consistently, versus on a short-term basis.

Garrett Carlson Featured 7 Ways to Design and Execute a Content Marketing Strategy for a Seasonal Product

Garrett Carlson, Content Marketing Manager, The Loop Marketing

Create Themed Content Hubs

A particularly effective strategy we employ at our company for seasonal products is the creation of themed content hubs on our website. These hubs are dedicated sections that aggregate all content related to the seasonal product—from articles and how-to guides to videos and user testimonials. Leading up to the season, we populate these hubs with SEO-optimized content that not only draws in traffic through organic search but also educates and engages visitors. This builds a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in the season’s theme, positioning our client as an authority.

We enhance these hubs with interactive elements like quizzes or polls to increase user engagement and time spent on the site. Additionally, these hubs are updated and repurposed each year, which not only saves resources but also strengthens the SEO value over time, making each subsequent season potentially more successful than the last. This long-term approach ensures sustained interest and relevance, drawing in both new and returning customers.

Jason Hennessey Featured 4 7 Ways to Design and Execute a Content Marketing Strategy for a Seasonal Product

Jason Hennessey, CEO, Hennessey Digital

Begin Marketing Campaign Early

Making sure to begin my marketing campaign early is one tip that has proven effective for me when it comes to designing and executing a content marketing strategy for a seasonal product. When it comes to generating attention for seasonal products, the truth is that the early birds have it easier. This is because by being a few steps ahead of others and being the first to make their mark in the market, they make the most compelling impact.

By starting early, not only do you give your audience something to look forward to, but your brand successfully becomes one of the first voices to bring it to their notice. This, in turn, helps your brand stay memorable for when the season eventually comes.

Edmafe Eclavea Featured 1 7 Ways to Design and Execute a Content Marketing Strategy for a Seasonal Product

Edmafe Eclavea, Marketing Manager, Couponsnake

Understand Customer Journey Year-Round

Know your customer journey well. Conduct detailed customer or persona research. Find out how your customers feel throughout the year, and pay special attention to the season when the product sells the most and the time right before and after that. From this, work out what kind of content would educate and persuade your customer to do more, even outside of the high season. 

Many ski brands do this well, posting ski videos starting at the point when summer ends. Timing your content will be important, as well as deciding what content would resonate at different stages of the customer journey!

Nicole Lee Featured 7 Ways to Design and Execute a Content Marketing Strategy for a Seasonal Product

Nicole Lee, Content Marketing Manager, Upland Software

Adjust Timing for Seasonal Demand

Timing is everything. Demand for moving services fluctuates seasonally, but it does so by different amounts in different areas and with different demographics. The seasonal swing is biggest among parents with children and in northern climates, and it’s lowest among retirees and in warm-weather areas of the country. There’s also a distinct delay between booking and actual moving day. This means that we need to start our advertising push for the busy season in February or March across much of the country.

Nick Valentino Featured 1 7 Ways to Design and Execute a Content Marketing Strategy for a Seasonal Product

Nick Valentino, VP of Market Operations, Bellhop

Leverage Nostalgia to Boost Excitement

When it comes to marketing seasonal products, the good news is that your market audience is most definitely expectant and excited in anticipation because they know that this is not an opportunity they will always have all the time.

In my digital marketing experience, one technique I have always found effective when designing and executing a content marketing strategy for seasonal products is boosting my audience’s excitement by tapping into their nostalgic memories.

By leveraging nostalgia in marketing, I have been able to remind my market audience of the fond memories they have created in the past with our product (I have found that it’s quite effective when old marketing videos are recycled because, by being easily recognizable, they help facilitate an immediate connection with the market audience). This way, I am also able to influence positive feelings about the upcoming season, making it so that my marketing audience wouldn’t want to miss out.

Umeadi Grace chisom Featured 7 Ways to Design and Execute a Content Marketing Strategy for a Seasonal Product

Umeadi Grace Chisom, Marketing Manager, Expressdentist

Tease and Educate Ahead of Season

In my experience, an effective way to market seasonal products is through an “anticipation and education” content series. I start months ahead by teasing the product with sneak peeks and countdowns to keep it in the minds of consumers. As the season nears, I focus on educational content that explains the product’s benefits and uses, like showing how different swimsuits offer sun protection and suit various activities. This approach educates and excites customers by showing how the product enhances their seasonal activities. 

I boost engagement by featuring user-generated content and reviews, which offer genuine feedback and depict the product in actual use. During the peak season, I use targeted retargeting and timely reminders to drive sales, highlighting the product’s limited availability. This method has consistently increased both brand awareness and sales during crucial seasonal times.

Amit Ranjan Featured 7 Ways to Design and Execute a Content Marketing Strategy for a Seasonal Product

Amit Ranjan, Business Manager, Stratosphere

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