8 Alternatives to SMS Surveys for Customer Feedback 8 Alternatives to SMS Surveys for Customer Feedback

8 Alternatives to SMS Surveys for Customer Feedback

Exploring alternatives to SMS surveys for gathering customer feedback, we’ve compiled insights from founders, CEOs, and other key industry players. From leveraging chatbots to an innovative snapshot feedback system, discover eight specific methods these experts recommend for capturing the voice of your customers.

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Leverage Chatbots for Candid Feedback

Online chatbots have provided useful customer feedback for us. We incorporated a chatbot on our website to answer basic questions and guide customers to resources. The chatbot also asks for feedback on their experience. Customers seem more willing to provide candid feedback to a bot versus a person. We’ve learned how to improve our knowledge base and better assist customers. For example, the chatbot received several comments about unclear return policies. We updated the site content and the chatbot to provide the details customers needed.

Community outreach has been valuable for feedback and growth. We started a local meetup group centered around our industry. At events, we openly ask attendees for input on what we’re doing well and how we can improve. People seem eager to share once they’ve connected in person. The meetups have also increased brand awareness and referral business. For instance, an attendee recommended us to her company, leading to a long-term client partnership.

We also analyze aggregated data from online reviews and social media. Tools provide an overview of key topics, sentiments, and trends. We look for patterns to improve, but also shoutouts to celebrate. Recently, data showed a dip in satisfaction with a new product feature. We made refinements based on specific feedback comments. When ratings improved again, we knew the changes resonated with customers.

Brian Kratt Featured 8 Alternatives to SMS Surveys for Customer Feedback

Brian Kratt, Founder and CEO, Plumb Development, Inc

Host Meetups for Direct Input

One specific alternative to SMS surveys for customer feedback is using email surveys. Email surveys allow businesses to reach their customers in a more detailed and personalized manner. For example, a retail company can send a follow-up email to customers after a purchase, including a survey link. This email can be customized with the customer’s name, details about their recent purchase, and a clear call to action encouraging them to provide feedback. 

Email surveys often provide more room for open-ended responses and can include multimedia elements, such as images or videos, to make the survey more engaging. Additionally, email platforms often offer advanced analytics to track response rates and analyze the data collected, helping businesses gain deeper insights into customer satisfaction and areas for improvement.

Chris Hunter Featured 2 8 Alternatives to SMS Surveys for Customer Feedback

Chris Hunter, Director of Customer Relations, ServiceTitan

Analyze Online Reviews for Insights

One specific alternative is in-app surveys. It offers a seamless and integrated way of collecting customer feedback within the environment where the user interacts with your product or service. 

These surveys can be done at strategic moments in the user journey, such as after a purchase, completing a specific task, or reaching a milestone within the app. This allows users to provide feedback while their experience is still fresh in their minds, leading to more accurate and relevant responses. 

It allows businesses to reach users without interrupting their experience. Unlike external survey methods that require users to move away from the app, in-app surveys are designed to appear as a natural part of the user experience. For example, a brief survey might pop up after a client completes a transaction, asking them to rate their satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 5. 

Moreover, in-app surveys utilize the app’s existing design elements and user interface to create a cohesive and branded survey experience. This consistency helps maintain the user’s trust and comfort with the brand, which leads to higher response rates. 

Overall, in-app surveys are a powerful tool for gathering detailed and timely customer feedback in a way that feels natural and convenient for the user.

Peter Bryla Featured 4 8 Alternatives to SMS Surveys for Customer Feedback

Peter Bryla, Senior Community Manager, Resume-Now

Utilize Email Surveys for Depth

Online reviews and ratings have provided invaluable insights into customer experiences. Customers openly share what they love and areas we can improve. The data helps me make key business decisions. For example, after seeing several reviews mention our checkout process was tedious, we optimized the flow and increased conversion rates by 15%.

We also analyze social media mentions and engage with customers there. It’s an authentic way to get unfiltered feedback in customers’ own words. We’ve discovered new product ideas, learned how to better service customers, and built brand loyalty by addressing concerns publicly. For instance, a tweet complained about a shipping delay. We apologized, expedited their order, and provided a discount on their next purchase. They became a vocal brand advocate.

Focus groups are useful for in-depth conversations. However, they can be expensive and time-consuming to conduct and analyze. To balance this, we aim for two to three groups annually with seven to twelve participants in each. We get detailed feedback on new services or redesigns. Participants also share how we can refine the customer experience. Focus groups were instrumental when developing our training programs. Customers wanted more hands-on guidance, so we created interactive video courses and a dedicated support team.

Devin Zander Featured 8 Alternatives to SMS Surveys for Customer Feedback

Devin Zander, Founder & CEO, Skup

Incorporate In-App Surveys for Relevance

SMS surveys are great for quick, short-form feedback, but they have limitations. I’ve found that in-app surveys offer a more effective alternative. We’ve implemented in-app surveys that pop up at key points in the user journey. This allows us to capture detailed, contextual feedback without interrupting the user’s workflow. By asking targeted questions based on user behavior, we’ve gained deeper insights into product usage, pain points, and feature preferences. This data has directly influenced our product roadmap and led to significant improvements in customer satisfaction.

Raviraj Hegde Featured 4 8 Alternatives to SMS Surveys for Customer Feedback

Raviraj Hegde, SVP of Growth & Sales, Donorbox

Employ QR Codes for Eco-Friendly Feedback

We’ve successfully employed QR code-based feedback collection as an innovative alternative to SMS surveys. By placing QR codes on our eco-friendly product packaging, customers can quickly scan and provide feedback directly through their smartphones. This approach not only minimizes paper waste but also enhances customer convenience, aligning perfectly with our sustainability values. 

Since implementing QR code feedback collection, we’ve achieved an impressive 41% response rate from customers within the first month alone. This method allows us to gather actionable insights in real-time, improving our products and services while demonstrating our commitment to eco-conscious practices. QR code feedback has proven to be a highly effective tool for engaging our environmentally aware customer base and fostering a community focused on sustainable living.

Chaitsi Ahuja Featured 4 8 Alternatives to SMS Surveys for Customer Feedback

Chaitsi Ahuja, Founder & CEO, Brown Living

Embed In-App Feedback Tools

Using in-app feedback tools is a good alternative. This is particularly effective for businesses with a mobile app or software product. In-app feedback mechanisms allow customers to provide feedback directly within the application they are using, making the process intuitive and immediately relevant to their experience.

For example, apps like Slack and Airbnb use embedded tools to prompt users for feedback at specific interaction points. This can include pop-up surveys or a feedback button that users can click to report issues or provide suggestions. Such real-time feedback is valuable as it captures the user’s thoughts and experiences while actively engaging with the product, providing more accurate and actionable insights.

In-app feedback is advantageous because it is less intrusive than SMS surveys. It can increase engagement and response rates, leading to more meaningful and timely improvements in user experience and satisfaction.

Kartik Ahuja Featured 2 8 Alternatives to SMS Surveys for Customer Feedback

Kartik Ahuja, Digital Marketer, kartikahuja.com

Innovate with Snapshot Feedback System

We’ve implemented an innovative “Snapshot Feedback” system in place of traditional SMS surveys. Here’s how it works:

When we deliver products, our team takes a photo of the installed water feature. We then email this photo to the customer with a simple question: “How happy are you with your new oasis?” Customers can respond by clicking on a mood emoji, ranging from ecstatic to disappointed.

If they click anything less than the top rating, they’re immediately prompted to provide more details. This opens a quick, user-friendly form where they can elaborate on their concerns.

This approach has been remarkably effective:

  1. Visual Trigger – The photo reminds customers of their initial excitement, often leading to positive responses.
  1. Simplicity – The one-click emoji response makes it easy for customers to give quick feedback.
  1. Timely Follow-Up – We can address any issues immediately, often turning potential negative experiences into positive ones.
  1. Personalization – Using actual photos of their purchases makes the feedback request feel more personal and relevant.
  1. Higher Response Rates – We’ve seen a 40% increase in response rates compared to our old SMS surveys.

For instance, when a customer indicated slight dissatisfaction with their fountain installation, we were able to quickly send out a technician to make adjustments. The customer was so impressed with our proactive approach that they ended up purchasing additional lighting features.

The main challenge was setting up the system to automatically send personalized emails with the correct photos. However, the insights gained and the boost in customer satisfaction have made it well worth the effort.

This method gives us more contextual, actionable feedback than standard SMS surveys, allowing us to continuously improve our products and services.

Jonas Murphy Featured 1 8 Alternatives to SMS Surveys for Customer Feedback

Jonas Murphy, Fulfillment Manager, Pond Fountain Depot

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