8 Google My Business Optimization that Boosted Local Search Visibility Inquiries 8 Google My Business Optimization that Boosted Local Search Visibility & Inquiries

8 Google My Business Optimization that Boosted Local Search Visibility & Inquiries

In the digital age, optimizing your Google My Business (GMB) listing is crucial for enhancing local search visibility. We’ve gathered insights from top industry professionals, including a Digital Marketer and a Director of Marketing, to share their specific optimizations. From leveraging the “Post an Update” feature to geo-tagging images to connect locally, discover the eight impactful strategies these experts have used to improve their GMB listings.

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Leverage ‘Post an Update’ Feature

Google Business listings are a fantastic way of increasing visibility for locally-based businesses, but every business can use this platform. One feature that I try to use often, which I feel is frequently overlooked, is the “Post an Update” feature. Don’t think of this update feature as something only to be used for major business-related changes (like business hours, product availability, sales, etc.). 

Instead, think of it as an extension of your content marketing strategy. For example, whenever I post a new blog article to my website, I use this “update” feature in GMB to share that new piece of content. I ALWAYS see a big difference in profile interactions and views when I’m consistently using this feature versus letting my profile go dormant.

Christy Hunter Featured 8 Google My Business Optimization that Boosted Local Search Visibility & Inquiries

Christy Hunter, SEO Coach and Educator for Creative Small Businesses, SEO Coaching for Creatives

Update Regularly with Quality Content

Keeping your GMB profile regularly updated with all the necessary information about your business and posting fresh content at specific intervals can ensure more visibility and user engagement. A few optimization tricks that I used to improve local search inquiries include uploading high-quality images of my products and business, which made my GMB profile look appealing and professional. 

Also, posting regular updates about offers, promotions, etc., has increased visibility and viewer interest and improved chances of getting queries from prospective buyers. The more reviews and requests I attempt to answer, the better my chances are of converting leads.

Fahd Khan Featured 10 8 Google My Business Optimization that Boosted Local Search Visibility & Inquiries

Kartik Ahuja, Digital Marketer, kartikahuja.com

Enhance Listing with Professional Photos

One impactful optimization was adding high-quality, professional photos of our jets and services to our Google My Business listing. This visual enhancement not only made our listing more appealing but significantly increased engagement. 

It led to a noticeable uptick in inquiries and clicks through to our website, as potential clients could see the luxury and quality we offer, differentiating us in local searches. Visual content powerfully communicates the experience, making it a key factor in improving local search visibility and attracting more business.

Fahd Khan Featured 9 8 Google My Business Optimization that Boosted Local Search Visibility & Inquiries

Fahd Khan, Director of Marketing and Technology, JetLevel Aviation

FAQs and Fresh Photos Boost Visibility

Here are a few quick points I’d make about an optimization to our Google My Business listing:

Added FAQs based on top customer questions. Drove more visibility in Google search by having content relevant to what people are asking.

Uploaded new exterior and interior photos every month. Fresh imagery signals to Google that our listing is current and active. Photos also help customers get a feel for our business before visiting.

Responded to all reviews, positive and negative. This shows Google and potential customers that we value feedback and actively manage our online reputation. Review responses can also naturally include relevant keywords.

These optimizations helped our business appear in more relevant local searches. Saw a 20% uptick in website visits and direction requests coming from our Google listing after making these updates. Well worth the effort to improve our Google My Business presence.

Casey Jones Featured 5 8 Google My Business Optimization that Boosted Local Search Visibility & Inquiries

Casey Jones, Founder and Head of Marketing, CJ&CO

Encourage and Respond to Customer Reviews

One specific optimization we implemented was focusing on collecting and responding to customer reviews on our Google My Business listing. Recognizing that reviews play a pivotal role in local search rankings and consumer trust, we encouraged satisfied customers to share their positive experiences. To facilitate this, we streamlined the review process, making it as easy as possible for customers to leave feedback.

In response, we saw a noticeable increase in our local search visibility, which directly correlated with a higher volume of inquiries and bookings. This boost in engagement not only improved our online reputation but also significantly enhanced our ability to attract and retain customers in a competitive market.

David Bui Featured 8 Google My Business Optimization that Boosted Local Search Visibility & Inquiries

David Bui, Director and Business Specialist – Automotive & Automations, Schmicko

Keep Business Hours Accurate and Updated

One specific optimization I implemented for our Google My Business listing was to regularly update our business hours. By ensuring that our opening hours were always accurate and up-to-date, we were able to build trust with potential customers and also improve our local search visibility. 

This simple change led to an increase in inquiries and visits from local customers, as they could rely on the information provided on our listing. It’s incredible how small details like this can make a big difference in attracting local traffic.

Daniel Lynch Featured 8 Google My Business Optimization that Boosted Local Search Visibility & Inquiries

Daniel Lynch, President and Owner, Empathy First Media

Engage Community with GMB Posts

At Digital Web Solutions, recognizing the untapped potential of our Google My Business (GMB) listing was a game-changer. One specific optimization we made was fully utilizing the “Posts” feature, where we began sharing weekly updates about our services, industry insights, and client testimonials. This kept our listing fresh and engaging and significantly increased our visibility in local search results. By providing valuable, up-to-date content, we noticed a marked improvement in our local SEO performance, leading to a 40% increase in inquiries through our GMB listing.

This experience underscored the importance of actively managing and optimizing our GMB profile. It taught us that beyond the basic information, continuously adding new and relevant content could dramatically boost our online presence and attract more local businesses. The key takeaway? Never underestimate the power of engaging directly with your community through every channel, including GMB. This approach improved our local search visibility and enhanced our reputation as a dynamic and customer-focused digital marketing agency.

Vaibhav Kakkar Featured 15 8 Google My Business Optimization that Boosted Local Search Visibility & Inquiries

Vaibhav Kakkar, CEO, Digital Web Solutions

Geo-Tagged Images Connect Locally

Our journey through the Google My Business (GMB) cosmos has been nothing short of an odyssey, filled with tweaks, turns, and twists. Here’s a look at how we dialed up our local search game:

Utilizing High-Quality, Geo-Tagged Images: We decided to enrich our GMB listing with high-quality, geo-tagged images of our team in action, our workspace, and events we’ve hosted or attended. This wasn’t just about beautification; it was about grounding our digital presence in the physical world, making our brand more relatable and authentic to the local audience. These images served as visual proof of our active involvement and commitment to our local ecosystem.

The impact was clear: an increase in engagement and inquiries, as potential clients felt a stronger, more personal connection to our brand. It’s comparable to inviting the community into our office for a virtual cup of coffee, making them feel welcome and valued.

Marc Bishop Featured 11 8 Google My Business Optimization that Boosted Local Search Visibility & Inquiries

Marc Bishop, Director, Wytlabs

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