8 Ways SEO Audits Identify and Fix Crawl Errors for University Websites 1 8 Ways SEO Audits Identify and Fix Crawl Errors for University Websites

8 Ways SEO Audits Identify and Fix Crawl Errors for University Websites

In the fast-evolving world of university website management, SEO audits are crucial for maintaining a flawless online presence. Drawing from the expertise of SEO Strategists and CEOs, we’ve compiled eight specific tips, ranging from updating content and using indexing APIs to conducting thorough crawl reports with SEO tools, to help you identify and rectify crawl errors effectively.

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Update Content and Use Indexing API

If a blog or a specific page does not crawl, then there are some issues with the content on the page or the blog. Either you have not followed the content-writing guidelines, or your website is entirely new.

I have two tips to help you crawl a specific page or a blog using Google search. The first one is updating your content. Add the proper keywords that your competitor is ranking on, add images, format the page or blog with proper headings and paragraphs, add schema and FAQs, and resubmit your blog or the page on Google Search Console for the crawl.

The second one is a lot simpler, and it ties in with the first tip. If you want to, you can update your content if you think that it is not that strong, or go with the same content and submit your blog or the page through an indexing API, which gives out even faster signals to the crawlers and bots to visit your website and crawl your page. You can use Rank Math’s indexing API, which works well.

Here is a bonus tip: You can also send social signals by sharing content on social media platforms, which helps a lot; it sends signals to bots and crawlers to visit your website and crawl your uncrawled or deindexed page. These tips are basic enough to be implemented on any website in any niche.

Hamza Hanif Featured 8 Ways SEO Audits Identify and Fix Crawl Errors for University Websites

Hamza Hanif, SEO Strategist, Post SMTP

Inspect the Site Structure Like a Detective

When it comes to optimizing a university website through SEO audits, my standout tip is to approach it like a detective. Dive deep into the website’s structure, meticulously inspecting for crawl errors, like broken links or duplicate content. 

Use tools like Google Search Console and Screaming Frog to uncover these issues. Then, prioritize fixing them promptly to ensure seamless navigation for users and improved search engine visibility for the university.

Dan Ponomarenko Featured 5 8 Ways SEO Audits Identify and Fix Crawl Errors for University Websites

Dan Ponomarenko, CEO, Webvizio

Schedule Audits Regularly for Maintenance

Use SEO tools that offer detailed crawl error reports (I swear by Ahrefs). These tools can systematically scan the website, highlighting broken links, incorrect redirects, or inaccessible pages that might hinder search engines from indexing the site effectively. It’s crucial to prioritize these issues based on their impact on user experience and search visibility.

Important: Regularly scheduling these audits and promptly addressing the identified crawl errors ensures the website remains navigable for both users and search engine bots. This means that it’s enhancing its overall SEO performance. Of course, this practice not only optimizes the site’s discoverability but also contributes to maintaining the institution’s online reputation.

Michael Lazar Featured 8 Ways SEO Audits Identify and Fix Crawl Errors for University Websites

Michael Lazar, Executive, Content Author

Focus on Critical Errors First

In the realm of university websites, harnessing SEO audits to tackle crawl errors is pivotal. One standout approach is prioritizing critical errors first, such as broken links or inaccessible pages. 

By focusing on these, you ensure a smoother user experience and bolster search engine visibility. Remember, addressing crawl issues promptly enhances site credibility and user satisfaction, essential for any educational institution’s online presence.

Koray Tugberk GUBUR Featured 8 Ways SEO Audits Identify and Fix Crawl Errors for University Websites

Koray Tugberk GUBUR, Founder and Owner, Holistic SEO

Detect and Fix Redirect Chains

One of such best practices that I would urge everyone to do is to pay attention to detecting redirect chains and loops in SEO audits. Chains and loops can massively block search engine bots from effectively crawling through your site. Very important academic content might not even be indexed and, therefore, may not be found by potential students.

One of the solutions involves checking for superfluous or broken redirects on the website using a tool like Screaming Frog. The solution here is either getting rid of too many interim redirects or fixing any broken ones. Such an action allows for the cleaning of the navigational structure of your site and improves its authority at the same time by ensuring the most direct and efficient flow of link equity.

For instance, the university client I worked with, after that recommendation, restructured their site and realized a 15% gain in organic search visibility, with academic program pages—critical during their enrollment period—being indexed a lot faster.

Alex Cornici Featured 3 8 Ways SEO Audits Identify and Fix Crawl Errors for University Websites

Alex Cornici, SEO Manager Awesome Hibachi

Leverage Crawl Reports for Error Identification

One effective tip for using SEO audits on a university website is to leverage crawl reports from tools like Google Search Console or Screaming Frog SEO Spider to identify and categorize crawl errors. 

These tools can pinpoint issues such as 404 errors, server errors, or problems with redirects that might hinder a search engine’s ability to index the site effectively. Once these errors are identified, prioritize them based on their impact on user experience and SEO. 

For instance, fixing 404 errors on high-traffic pages should take precedence, as these can significantly affect both user engagement and search rankings.

Jason Hennessey Featured 14 8 Ways SEO Audits Identify and Fix Crawl Errors for University Websites

Jason Hennessey, CEO, Hennessey Digital

Review Site Architecture Regularly

A best practice for using SEO audits to identify and fix crawl errors on a university website involves conducting a thorough review of the site’s architecture. Ensuring that the sitemap is up-to-date and accurately reflects the site’s current structure is crucial.

Additionally, implementing consistent, scheduled checks for broken links and redirect errors can prevent common crawl issues. These steps help maintain a clean, accessible site structure, which not only improves the website’s usability for prospective students and faculty but also enhances its overall search engine visibility.

Marco Genaro Palma Featured 13 8 Ways SEO Audits Identify and Fix Crawl Errors for University Websites

Marco Genaro Palma, Freelance CMO and SEO Consultant, SEO Coach

Conduct Thorough Crawl Reports with SEO Tools

The best practice for identifying and resolving crawl errors involves conducting thorough crawl reports. This step is crucial because it helps pinpoint various issues like broken links, duplicate content, or improper redirects that can negatively impact SEO performance. Regularly running these audits ensures that the website remains optimized for search engines, enhancing visibility and user experience.

I recommend using comprehensive SEO tools like Screaming Frog. It provides detailed insights into your website’s technical health by listing out specific errors and warnings that need attention. This allows you to prioritize critical issues like not-optimized titles, H1 headers, fixes for broken links, and optimizing internal linking.

Ihor Lavrenenko Featured 1 8 Ways SEO Audits Identify and Fix Crawl Errors for University Websites

Ihor Lavrenenko, CEO, Dental SEO Expert

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