8 Ways to Craft Email Subject Lines to Increase Open Rates in B2B Marketing 8 Ways to Craft Email Subject Lines to Increase Open Rates in B2B Marketing

8 Ways to Craft Email Subject Lines to Increase Open Rates in B2B Marketing

In the quest to boost B2B email marketing success, we’ve gathered insights from CEOs and Content Marketing Managers on how to create subject lines that increase open rates. From using “People Also Ask” in subject lines to adding urgency and personality to subject lines, here are the top eight expert tips to transform your email campaigns.

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Use “People Also Ask” in Subject Lines

One of my favorite tricks I learned was using Google’s “People Also Ask” as the subject lines for your B2B marketing emails. The idea is simple: Google knows more than we will ever know about how people are searching, and the questions they’re asking, so take that information and use it to your advantage.

Since people already seem to want to know the answers to these questions, including the question in the subject line intrigues your subscriber list. You can use Google’s information for your benefit while developing email content specifically tailored to your audience and what they’re searching for.

Using a “People Also Ask” question allows you to create email content that’s informative, engaging, and relevant to their needs—all because of a simple subject line.

Garrett Carlson Featured 8 Ways to Craft Email Subject Lines to Increase Open Rates in B2B Marketing

Garrett Carlson, Content Marketing Manager, The Loop Marketing

Personalize with Company or Pain Points

Crafting email subject lines that resonate in B2B marketing requires personalization and relevance. Mentioning the recipient’s company or addressing a specific pain point grabs attention. 

For instance, “Boost Your Team’s Productivity with These Tools” speaks directly to a common business need. Keeping it concise and clear ensures your message stands out in a crowded inbox, significantly increasing open rates.

Joe Davies Featured 1 8 Ways to Craft Email Subject Lines to Increase Open Rates in B2B Marketing

Joe Davies, CEO, FATJOE

Highlight Solutions to Audience Problems

Tailor your subject line so that it highlights a problem that your audience is looking to solve, and points to a clear solution. People are inundated with emails these days. Most folks are already overwhelmed with their day-to-day responsibilities, so the best way to capture their attention is by providing them with information to make their life easier. 

If you can catch their eye by helping them solve a problem that they’re facing at that exact moment, then they’re likely to click on your email. Just make sure that the content you’re providing actually helps them. 

If not, then you’re just stuffing their inbox with clickbait. If you have to trick your audience into opening emails, then they’re likely going to unsubscribe or stop opening your emails—which is the opposite of your goal. In short, keep your emails short, sweet, and helpful to stand out.

Katie White Featured 8 Ways to Craft Email Subject Lines to Increase Open Rates in B2B Marketing

Katie White, Content Marketing Manager, Centime

Showcase Benefits and Solutions Concisely

Crafting email subject lines in B2B marketing hinges on precision and value. Highlight a clear benefit or solution. For instance, instead of “Monthly Newsletter,” use “Boost Your Q2 Sales by 20%—Learn How.” 

This approach directly addresses the recipient’s needs, sparking curiosity and demonstrating immediate value, leading to higher open rates. The key is to be concise, relevant, and benefit-driven.

Koray Tugberk GUBUR Featured 2 8 Ways to Craft Email Subject Lines to Increase Open Rates in B2B Marketing

Koray Tugberk GUBUR, Founder and Owner, Holistic SEO

Offer Specific Benefits with Quantifiable Data

In B2B marketing, one of the most effective techniques for crafting email subject lines to increase open rates is to highlight a specific, tangible benefit or solution that addresses a pain point your audience is experiencing. B2B recipients are often looking for ways to solve problems or improve their business processes, so a subject line that clearly communicates the value they’ll receive from opening the email can be highly compelling.

For instance, instead of a generic subject line like “Latest Industry News,” try something more targeted and benefit-driven, such as “Boost Your Sales by 30% with These Proven Strategies.” This subject line immediately tells the recipient that the email contains valuable information that can have a direct positive impact on their business.

Additionally, using data and specific numbers can enhance credibility and attract attention. For example, a subject line like “How [Your Company] Reduced Costs by 20% in 3 Months” provides a clear, quantifiable benefit that speaks directly to the recipient’s interests.

By focusing on the recipient’s needs and offering a clear benefit, you can create subject lines that not only stand out in a crowded inbox but also drive higher open rates and engagement.

Erin Siemek Featured 8 Ways to Craft Email Subject Lines to Increase Open Rates in B2B Marketing

Erin Siemek, CEO, Forge Digital Marketing, LLC

Leverage Data-Driven Insights and Benefits

One effective tip for crafting email subject lines to increase open rates in B2B marketing is to leverage data-driven insights and clear benefits. When I was working with a FinTech startup in 2018, we utilized subject lines like “Unlock a 25% Increase in Your Revenue with Our Solution” to directly address a primary concern of potential clients. This straightforward, benefit-oriented approach increased our open rates by 36%. 

In 2019, while redesigning the search experience for 33 online marketplaces, I found that subject lines incorporating specific metrics and immediate value resonated well. We used “Find Your Perfect Product in Just 2 Clicks—See How,” which resulted in a 30% higher click-through rate. This kind of concrete, time-saving promise proved highly effective for our busy B2B audience. 

Additionally, incorporating urgency can significantly boost open rates. In 2021, while managing the design for a data analytics platform, I found success with subject lines like “Don’t Miss Out on Our Limited-Time Insights,” which prompted immediate action, increasing our open rates by 28%. This strategy works well because it compels readers to prioritize the email due to its time-sensitive nature.

Hansjan Kamerling Featured 8 Ways to Craft Email Subject Lines to Increase Open Rates in B2B Marketing

Hansjan Kamerling, Co-Founder, Adaptify AI

Pique Interest with Curiosity-Inducing Questions

Injecting curiosity into B2B email subject lines can significantly boost open rates. Use a question or a surprising fact relevant to their industry. For instance, “Are you missing this key strategy?” 

This piques interest and promises value, making recipients more likely to open the email. Tailoring the message to their specific needs and challenges adds that personal touch that drives engagement.

Petteri Pucilowski Featured 1 8 Ways to Craft Email Subject Lines to Increase Open Rates in B2B Marketing

Petteri Pucilowski, CEO, Search Engine Wizards

Add Urgency and Personality to Subject Lines

One great way to increase open rates for B2B email marketing is to add personality your subject lines and add a sense of urgency. Personalized subject lines make your emails feel more relevant, while urgency makes people want to open them right away. We have also seen better results with this tactic.

For example, instead of something generic like “Discover Our New Features,” you could use “John, Unlock New Features Before They’re Gone!” This not only addresses the recipient by name but also implies that they might miss out if they don’t act quickly. 

First, use the recipient’s name in the subject line. This makes the email feel more personal and less like it’s part of a mass mailing. Next, highlight a benefit or solution they care about. Clearly state what they will gain by opening the email. Focus on something that addresses their needs or pain points. Finally, create a sense of urgency. Use phrases like “limited time,” “exclusive offer,” or “last chance” to encourage them to act now. You can make your emails stand out in crowded inboxes and get more people to open them.

Swapnil Kumar Featured 8 Ways to Craft Email Subject Lines to Increase Open Rates in B2B Marketing

Swapnil Kumar, Growth and Marketing Manager, Smartlead

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