9 Alternatives to Branded Podcasts for Content Marketing 9 Alternatives to Branded Podcasts for Content Marketing

9 Alternatives to Branded Podcasts for Content Marketing

Exploring alternatives to branded podcasts for content marketing, we turned to a diverse group of experts, including CEOs and founders, for their unique perspectives. From choosing video marketing for its high engagement to fostering interaction with interactive content, discover the top nine innovative strategies these professionals recommend.

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Choose Video Marketing for Engagement

I would recommend video marketing over branded podcasts. Creating short videos is more engaging for many audiences and can be embedded on your website, social channels, and in emails. 

For example, we produced a series of 1-2 minute explainer videos on topics like “What is SEO?” and “Should You Redesign Your Website?” These intro-level videos educate viewers on services they may need while positioning us as experts. The videos average over 1,000 views each month and have generated many new leads.

Like podcasts, video does require an investment of time and resources to produce quality content. However, platforms like Wistia or Vimeo make it easy to host and track video analytics to see how viewers are engaging. For DIY marketers, a smartphone and a tripod can work great for short videos. Focus on topics that inspire and problems you can solve. Viewers will appreciate the value and see your brand in a new light.

Josh Cremer Featured 3 9 Alternatives to Branded Podcasts for Content Marketing

Josh Cremer, CEO, and Creative Director, Redfox Visual

Leverage E-Books for In-Depth Education

Branded e-books are an alternative content marketing tactic to consider. As the founder of an agency focused on digital experiences, I’ve leveraged e-books to educate readers on industry topics while promoting our services.

E-books allow you to establish thought leadership and trust. You can explore a topic in depth, highlighting your expertise. For example, we created an e-book on voice search optimization strategies. It positioned us as experts in an emerging area.

You have creative freedom with e-books. Add interactive elements like videos, quizzes, and surveys to increase engagement. E-books also have a longer shelf life than a single blog post. Readers can refer to them as a resource, which builds brand recognition over time.

Promote your e-book across channels to maximize downloads. Offer it as a lead magnet in exchange for someone’s email address. Nurture those new contacts with your other content to build familiarity with your brand. E-books are an investment but can yield big rewards.

With the right topic and promotion strategy, e-books are a powerful tool for educating your audience while boosting brand visibility. They demonstrate your thought leadership in a format that provides value to readers. In an age of shrinking attention spans, e-books cut through the noise and make a lasting impression.

Brian Kratt Featured 3 9 Alternatives to Branded Podcasts for Content Marketing

Brian Kratt, Founder and CEO, Plumb Development, Inc

Create Interactive Data Visualizations

Making interactive data visualizations offers another option for content marketing besides branded podcasts. Based on my experience in data analytics, we’ve learned that turning complex marketing insights into eye-catching, interactive visuals has a strong impact. These visualizations are easier to share than podcasts and can get valuable information across, making them perfect for grabbing attention in today’s fast-moving digital world.

Nicolas Garfinkel Featured 1 9 Alternatives to Branded Podcasts for Content Marketing

Nicolas Garfinkel, Founder, Kixely

Host Engaging Live Video Streams

An alternative to branded podcasts that I would recommend is hosting live video streams or webinars. Live streaming allows for real-time interaction with your audience, building a deeper connection and trust. 

For example, in my mastermind groups, I host monthly live video Q&As. Participants log in, ask their most pressing business questions, and get live feedback and advice. These live streams consistently drive the highest engagement of any content I produce. I’ve had over 2,000 live viewers for a single stream before.

The key is keeping the content highly valuable, focusing on actionable advice and tangible strategies people can implement right away in their business. You have to over-deliver in the live environment. Viewers also get access to the replay, so the content lives on and continues to drive traffic and leads to your offers.

Will Mitchell Featured 4 9 Alternatives to Branded Podcasts for Content Marketing

Will Mitchell, Founder, StartupBros

Capitalize on Video Content’s Versatility

One great alternative to branded podcasts for content marketing is video content marketing, which you can share on platforms like YouTube, LinkedIn, and other social media channels. Here’s why video content can be a game-changer for your brand:

  • Higher Engagement Rates – People love watching videos. They’re engaging, and the combination of visuals and sound grabs attention quickly, making it easier to convey your message and keep your audience interested.
  • Versatility – Videos are incredibly versatile. You can create tutorials, product demos, interviews, customer testimonials, behind-the-scenes looks, and live streams. This flexibility allows you to try different content types and see what your audience enjoys the most.
  • SEO Benefits – Search engines like Google prioritize video content. By optimizing your video titles, descriptions, and tags, you can improve your SEO rankings and attract more organic traffic to your website.
  • Increased Reach and Shareability – Videos are highly shareable on social media, significantly boosting your reach and visibility. Engaging videos are more likely to be shared by viewers, increasing the potential for your content to go viral.
  • Enhanced Communication – Videos can communicate complex information more effectively than text. With visual and auditory elements, it’s easier to explain detailed concepts or processes, making your content more accessible and understandable.
  • Stronger Emotional Connection – Videos have the power to evoke emotions and create a stronger connection with your audience. Storytelling through video can be more impactful and memorable, helping you build a deeper relationship with your viewers.

Focusing on video content marketing can help you take advantage of its growing popularity and effectiveness. By doing so, you can reach a broader audience, boost engagement, and achieve better results with your content marketing strategy.

Jolene Rheault Featured 9 Alternatives to Branded Podcasts for Content Marketing

Jolene Rheault, Marketing Specialist, Refreshing Solutions

Utilize YouTube for Brand Positioning

As an alternative to podcasts, I’d recommend YouTube video content. Over the years, I’ve found YouTube to be highly effective for positioning brands and driving leads.

One medical practice client struggled with attracting new patients. We created a series of short videos on common health topics and posted them to YouTube. Within two months, their channel gained over 5,000 views and 150 subscribers. More importantly, new patient calls increased by 27%.

While podcasts have their place, YouTube reaches a massive global audience, and videos tend to rank higher in search results. For most businesses, YouTube is an accessible way to establish authority and boost web traffic. With a smart YouTube content strategy, companies of any size can achieve real results.

Jeff McGeary Featured 4 9 Alternatives to Branded Podcasts for Content Marketing

Jeff McGeary, Founder & CEO, PracticeVIP LLC

Engage Consumers With Experiential Marketing

One rare but effective alternative is experiential marketing. This could take the form of interactive activations, pop-up events, immersive exhibitions, and live demonstrations. It helps create memories that will directly engage consumers and allow them to interact with a brand. 

Unlike podcasts, which are primarily consumed passively, experiential marketing allows brands to create impactful moments where consumers will touch, feel, and experience the brand’s values, products, or services firsthand. This direct interaction will evoke strong emotions and leave a lasting impression on participants.

Remember, this requires significant planning, logistics, and investment to execute successfully. Brands need to carefully design experiences that align with their overall marketing objectives and resonate with their target audience. However, when done right, experiential marketing can drive brand awareness, foster deeper connections with consumers, and generate positive word-of-mouth and social media buzz.

Lastly, experiential activations provide brands with opportunities to collect valuable data and insights about consumer behavior and preferences through participant engagement and feedback.

Peter Bryla Featured 8 9 Alternatives to Branded Podcasts for Content Marketing

Peter Bryla, Senior Community Manager, Resume-Now

Establish Authority With a Blog Series

An alternative to branded podcasts in content marketing is running a blog series. With a good blog series, you can delve well into the topics your audience finds interesting and thereby establish your brand as an authority in the sector. They differ from podcasts in that they can be found on search engines and shared on various channels, which makes it easier for them to generate organic site visits, unlike podcasts. 

Plus, they can include multimedia like images, videos, and infographics to make the content more engaging. And they’re for people who prefer to skim text over listening, so you can reach and appeal to more people.

Gaby Alexander Featured 9 Alternatives to Branded Podcasts for Content Marketing

Gaby Alexander, Sales Director, SERPninja

Foster Engagement With Interactive Content

While branded podcasts have undoubtedly become a popular content marketing tool, interactive content offers a more engaging and effective alternative.

In the fast-paced, attention-deficit world we live in, capturing and retaining audience interest is paramount. Branded podcasts, while valuable for building relationships and thought leadership, can be time-consuming to produce and consume. Interactive content, on the other hand, provides immediate gratification and fosters deeper engagement.

We’ve experimented with interactive quizzes, calculators, and even virtual reality experiences to educate our audience about the impact of charitable giving. These formats deliver valuable information and encourage active participation, making the content more memorable and shareable.

Raviraj Hegde Featured 9 9 Alternatives to Branded Podcasts for Content Marketing

Raviraj Hegde, SVP of Growth & Sales, Donorbox

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