Video Marketing 9 Innovative Ways AI is Revolutionizing Video Marketing

9 Innovative Ways AI is Revolutionizing Video Marketing

Discovering innovative applications of artificial intelligence in video marketing is key for staying ahead in the digital age. We’ve gathered insights from content marketing managers to executive producers, covering everything from strategizing content with AI to promoting coaching with AI videos. Here are the top nine inventive ways these professionals are harnessing AI to revolutionize video marketing.

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Strategize Content with AI

By planning content strategically and scripting with AI, we’re diving deep into audience preferences and trends. This helps us create a killer content calendar for maximum engagement—so we can focus on the creative parts of video content!

Diane Howard Featured 2 9 Innovative Ways AI is Revolutionizing Video Marketing

Diane Howard, RN and Founder, Esthetic Finesse

Craft Dynamic, Adaptive Ads

An innovative use of AI in video marketing is in crafting dynamic ads that adapt in real time. This AI technology analyzes viewer data to instantly customize video content, such as showing different products or messages that match the viewer’s interests and past behaviors.

This means everyone gets a unique ad experience tailored just for them, making the ads more relevant and engaging. It’s a smart way to grab attention in a crowded online world, showing how AI can make marketing more personal and effective.

Marco Genaro Palma Featured 4 9 Innovative Ways AI is Revolutionizing Video Marketing

Marco Genaro Palma, Content Marketing Manager, PRLab

Try AI-Assisted Pre-Production

I believe that one of the best current use cases for leveraging the power of AI in video marketing actually takes place in the pre-production and planning phase. 

Before cameras are rolling or scenes are set, a tremendous amount of work goes into conceptualizing a creative video ad. Generally, decision-makers—such as the client or producers—are responsible for signing off on a particular creative project idea. It’s the job of the creative director to communicate the proposed approach in an efficient and effective way to these decision-makers. 

With AI tools, it’s becoming a lot easier to visually demonstrate these ideas. Rather than having a client read through a lengthy video treatment, now, with some basic text-to-video prompting, directors can assemble an actual rough cut of the video before ever stepping near a camera. This not only saves time and money but also reduces the likelihood of any stakeholders in the project being dissatisfied with the final product.

Gabe Roy Featured 9 Innovative Ways AI is Revolutionizing Video Marketing

Gabe Roy, Founder & Creative Director, Zest Media Productions 

Gauge Audience Sentiment

AI brings a fresh perspective to video marketing through its knack for personalization and optimization. AI’s role in gauging audience sentiment within video content is one standout innovation. Through sophisticated algorithms, marketers can gauge real-time reactions and emotions, allowing for quick adjustments to content strategies to better resonate with viewers. The more you resonate, the more you are able to connect.

Additionally, AI enables the creation of interactive video experiences tailored to individual preferences, fostering deeper engagement and driving conversions. This seamless integration of AI and video marketing strengthens brand connections and propels campaigns toward heightened success. Like most things, the more time you put into steering the AI in the direction you want, the better your outcomes.

Cody Jensen Featured 9 Innovative Ways AI is Revolutionizing Video Marketing

Cody Jensen, CEO & Founder, Searchbloom

Generate AI Avatars for Content

Companies such as Synthesia have developed fully AI-generated human avatars, able to present information in a variety of e-learning styles. This service is being used by businesses and brands to generate a wealth of thought-leadership content, simply from a scripted text prompt and without the need for video equipment, crew, or a live presenter. 

This provides a huge opportunity to create innovative and time-sensitive informational content within hours and at no cost beyond that of the platform itself. It can also be used on websites and socials to provide how-to content on a business product or service.

Ryan Stone Featured 9 Innovative Ways AI is Revolutionizing Video Marketing

Ryan Stone, Founder & Creative Director, Lambda Films London

Enhance SEO with AI Transcription

Automatic transcription of video content, which is then integrated into the webpage’s content to enhance SEO, allows search engines to crawl and index the text alongside the video, making the page more likely to rank for relevant queries. 

Additionally, AI can optimize the transcription for keywords and phrases, aligning with SEO best practices. This not only improves the accessibility of video content for viewers who prefer or require text but also leverages the video content to boost the page’s SEO performance, driving more organic traffic to the site.

Harry Boxhall Featured 9 Innovative Ways AI is Revolutionizing Video Marketing

Harry Boxhall, Shopify SEO Expert, Swirl SEO

Create Personalized Videos

One of the most innovative ways AI is used in video marketing is through personalized video creation. By analyzing the data of individual customers, AI algorithms can create unique videos that resonate with that consumer’s particular interests and needs. 

This allows companies to cater to each individual more personally, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty. The days of one-size-fits-all video marketing are becoming a thing of the past, thanks to the advancements of AI.

Jared Floyd Featured 9 Innovative Ways AI is Revolutionizing Video Marketing

Jared Floyd, Executive Producer, Ajax Creative

Tailor Content with Real-Time AI

AI-driven personalization in video marketing tailors content in real time based on viewer data, such as viewing habits and demographics. This technology can customize aspects like names, imagery, and product recommendations within videos to enhance engagement and conversion rates.

Michael Shafia Featured 9 Innovative Ways AI is Revolutionizing Video Marketing

Michael Shafia, Producer, Cinedyne Films Inc

Promote Coaching with AI Videos

I used AI videos to create promotional reels for my coaching practice. I created 30-second adverts and introductory videos to demonstrate my professional background, life learnings, and business philosophy, introduce the strategy guide I’ve recently published, and give an overview of all the coaching programs. 

These videos are now hosted on YouTube and my website and are used in social media and PR kits. I am not sure about the innovative way, but they are definitely unique in my industry.

Erin Andrea Craske Featured 9 Innovative Ways AI is Revolutionizing Video Marketing

Erin Andrea Craske, Executive Coach, Business Advisor, Educator, Effortless

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