hire part-time marketing

9 Effective Methods to hire Part-Time Marketing Talent

To help you find the best places to hire part-time marketing talent, we’ve gathered nine insightful answers from founders, CEOs, business owners, and other professionals. From Upwork as a reliable freelancing platform to Facebook groups as a hub for part-time professionals, discover the top platforms these leaders recommend for sourcing marketing talent.

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Hire part-time marketing on Upwork: A Reliable Freelancing Platform

Upwork is one of the best places I have used to hire part-time marketing talent. It is a popular freelancing platform that connects businesses with skilled professionals all around the world. The platform offers a wide range of marketing services, including social media management, content creation, SEO, and more. What makes Upwork a great option is its user-friendly interface and robust screening process. 

The platform also allows businesses to post job listings, review proposals from interested candidates, and choose the best fit for their needs. Finally, Upwork offers various tools to ensure effective communication and collaboration with the hired talent.

hire part-time marketing with Zach Shelley

Zach Shelley, Founder and CEO, A-List Properties

Onlinejobs.ph: Quality Solutions

As an agency owner focused on providing quality solutions for our clients, there are two places I turn to when I need qualified talent to pinch-hit on a project. If you want to hire part-time marketing, Upwork is one of my favorites, as you get a really great public representation of their talents and qualifications. I have hired content writers, ad experts, and logo creators off Upwork. 

The other place I turn to is Onlinejobs.ph. This is a bit of a longer process, but you create a job posting, then people in the Philippines can apply and be vetted, and we have found some amazing part-time talent this way.

hire part-time marketing with Lewis Vandervalk

Lewis Vandervalk, Owner, Blue Crocus Solutions

LinkedIn: A Vast Network of Professionals

If you want to hire part-time marketing, We’ve found great success hiring part-time marketing talent through LinkedIn. This platform stands out for its vast network of professionals, allowing us to target individuals with specific marketing skills, from digital marketing to SEO expertise.

LinkedIn’s user profiles offer valuable insights into candidates’ professional experiences and skills, backed by endorsements and recommendations. This pre-validates their capabilities, making the screening process more efficient.

Moreover, LinkedIn’s job posting feature enables us to reach a broader audience, including those not actively seeking jobs but open to part-time opportunities. This has been crucial in attracting high-quality candidates who align well with our specific needs.

In summary, LinkedIn’s comprehensive features and professional network make it an ideal platform for sourcing skilled part-time marketing talent, crucial for our dynamic and evolving marketing strategies.

Rick Young Featured 9 Effective Methods to hire Part-Time Marketing Talent

Rick Young, Founder and COO (Chief Operations Officer), Promotional Product Inc.

Local Incubators and Co-Working Spaces: Discovering Talent

Local business incubators and co-working spaces can be unexpected but excellent places to hire part-time marketing talent. These environments attract entrepreneurs and freelancers, including marketing professionals seeking flexible work arrangements.

By networking within these communities, you can uncover skilled individuals passionate about marketing. For example, let’s say you have a small business located in a co-working space. By interacting with co-workers, you might meet a marketing professional who enjoys freelancing part-time. This approach allows you to tap into a specialized talent pool, not actively searching on traditional job boards or freelancing platforms.

hire part-time marketing with Yoana Wong

Yoana Wong, Co-Founder, Secret Florists

University Talent Pools: A Local Place to Tap

If you want to hire part-time marketing, Local universities or colleges offer a pool of talented and enthusiastic students eager to gain practical experience in marketing. A great example is partnering with the marketing department of a local university, where you can post part-time job opportunities to attract talented students. 

Provide a clear job description, emphasizing the skills and experience required. Offer competitive compensation and flexible working hours to accommodate their study schedule. By leveraging this resource, you can find passionate individuals who bring fresh ideas to your marketing initiatives while helping them develop their skills.

hire part-time marketing with Roy Lau

Roy Lau, Co-Founder, 28 Mortgage

People Per Hour: Gaining Access to Global Talent

Upwork and People Per Hour are both freelance websites with a huge number of people if you want to hire part-time marketing. These platforms are open worldwide to both clients and freelancers. You can easily hire someone (usually within a few minutes of your job post going live) for a single task or an entire project. 

The platforms charge a small fee to set up a job, but most of the fees are taken from the freelancer’s side. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of marketing talents available to choose from. Many are a fraction of the price compared to a native employee and deliver just as good (sometimes better) results.

Remember to always hire on a trial basis first. Sometimes people have great profiles, but sometimes their work does not match the standards you expect.

Also, set deadlines in stone. Time is often flexible in many parts of the world. Make sure to be clear about when you expect projects to be finished, especially if it is a foreign person outside of the US/Europe.

hire part-time marketing with Jake Perry

Jake Perry, Content Writer, Jake Perry Writes

Freelance Websites: A World of Marketing Skills

Freelance websites like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr are among the greatest venues to hire part-time marketing skills. These platforms provide access to a worldwide network of people with a range of marketing-related talents and knowledge. 

It will be simpler to choose the best candidate for your part-time marketing needs if you look through their profiles, sample work, and customer testimonials. The platforms also offer safe payment and communication channels, which expedite the hiring process for freelancers and employers alike.

hire part-time marketing with Joy Toy

Jay Toy, General Manager, 88stacks

Fiverr: A Platform for Talented Marketers

We’ve found some incredibly talented marketers from Fiverr for short-term projects and hire part-time marketing. It’s a common misperception that the platform is a place to find lower-quality work for five dollars (hence the name). Fiverr has moved far from those days. Now, you can find many talented professionals who do excellent work for fair prices there.

hire part-time marketing Scott Sidders

Scott Sidders, Co-Founder, Scott & Yanling Media Inc.

Facebook Groups: A Hub for Part-Time Professionals

There are excellent Facebook groups filled with talented marketing professionals. So if you are want to hire part-time marketing, many of them are running their own businesses and prefer to work on a part-time basis. Searching through other people’s posts or writing your own and asking for referrals is a great way to get strong candidates.

hire part-time marketing with Kelli Anderson

Kelli Anderson, Career Coach, Resume Seed

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