9 Proven Strategies for Managing and Reducing Negative Online Reviews 9 Proven Strategies for Managing and Reducing Negative Online Reviews

9 Proven Strategies for Managing and Reducing Negative Online Reviews

In the digital age, managing online reputation is crucial, so we’ve gathered specific strategies from founders and marketing professionals on how to handle negative feedback. From implementing a feedback evolution program to resolving issues with considerate gestures, explore these nine insightful strategies to manage and reduce negative online reviews.

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Implement a Feedback Evolution Program

We took the position that every bad review was part of the evolutionary process. We had a one-on-one conversation with “the enemy,” the reviewer herself, and asked them to be part of a “solution-making program” by inviting the reviewer to test what has changed based on their feedback or to be part of a new services beta group. 

Not only have we often converted detractors to promoters by doing it this way, but it has also shown that we are listening and willing to make a difference publicly.

Sarah Jeffries Featured 9 Proven Strategies for Managing and Reducing Negative Online Reviews

Sarah Jeffries, Founder, First Aid Courses Manchester

Acknowledge and Learn from Critiques

Getting a negative review always stings a bit, doesn’t it? Just yesterday, I found one for my business. The way I handle it depends on the review itself. If it’s just a 1-star rating without any details, there’s not much to work with. But if the reviewer has explained their reasons, that’s where I can step in.

Sometimes, you encounter customers who will find a reason to complain no matter what. That’s just part of running a business. But if a review points out a genuine issue, I acknowledge it, apologize, and thank the customer for bringing it to our attention. If there’s a lesson there, we definitely work on it.

I’ve learned that sometimes a few negative reviews can actually be beneficial. They help manage expectations, showing that we’re great at what we do, but we’re not everything to everyone. And that’s okay.

James McNally Featured 9 Proven Strategies for Managing and Reducing Negative Online Reviews

James McNally, Managing Director, SDVH [Self Drive Vehicle Hire]

Engage Quickly with Personal Responses

One way I’ve found to handle and lessen the sting of negative online reviews is by jumping in and engaging with them quickly and personally. Instead of ignoring bad feedback, I make sure to respond right away. This shows that we really listen to our customers and want to make things better for them.

When someone leaves a negative review, I address their specific issues and try to offer a fix or some form of compensation. This can often change an unhappy customer into a happy supporter. It’s not just about solving the problem, but also about showing that we truly care.

This approach hasn’t just helped soften the blow of negative reviews; it’s also helped us build stronger connections with our audience. It proves that there are real, caring people behind our brand who are focused on making sure our customers are satisfied.

Swena Kalra Featured 2 9 Proven Strategies for Managing and Reducing Negative Online Reviews

Swena Kalra, Chief Marketing Officer, Scott & Yanling Media Inc.

Utilize E-commerce Tools for Improvement

We found a pretty simple way to deal with those negative online reviews. We installed an e-commerce tool, Yotpo, to keep an ear to the ground, listening to what customers had to say. At first, it felt like a flood of gripes and groans. But when we dove into the data, it turns out most folks had good things to say.

Sorting through all the feedback, we managed to flip the script. Instead of getting defensive, we started using the critiques as a roadmap for getting better. And for the products that got a thumbs-down? We now knew exactly how to spruce them up.

Here’s the kicker: leaning into the critique, not running from it, turned out to be our secret sauce. It did wonders not just for dodging the negative review bullet but also made our client look like a champ—quick to listen, eager to improve. In the end, it was all about showing that they genuinely care about what their customers think.

Will Hawkins Featured 9 Proven Strategies for Managing and Reducing Negative Online Reviews

Will Hawkins, Owner, Digital Business

Proactively Address and Resolve Concerns

A key strategy we employ to manage and reduce negative online reviews or feedback is to proactively address the concerns raised. We prioritize understanding the root cause of the issue and responding promptly with empathy and transparency.

By offering sincere apologies and outlining concrete steps to address the issue, we aim to demonstrate our commitment to customer satisfaction. Additionally, we focus on fostering open communication channels to resolve grievances and rebuild trust with our audience.

This approach helps mitigate the impact of negative feedback and showcases our dedication to maintaining a positive brand reputation.

Marco Genaro Palma Featured 5 9 Proven Strategies for Managing and Reducing Negative Online Reviews

Marco Genaro Palma, Chief Marketing Officer, PRLab

Collect Positive Reviews

When we have a client who loves our work and expresses gratitude, we are quick to follow up by asking for a G2 review. This helps us proactively collect good reviews to potentially water down any poor reviews that may come in.

Corey Schwitz Featured 9 Proven Strategies for Managing and Reducing Negative Online Reviews

Corey Schwitz, CEO & Founder, Skydog Ops

Offer Personalized Solutions to Feedback

We prioritize understanding the root cause of negative feedback. Whether it’s a miscommunication or a genuine service issue, we directly engage with the reviewer to address their concerns. 

Our strategy involves offering personalized solutions, such as refunds, discounts, or revisiting the service to rectify any shortcomings. By demonstrating our commitment to resolving issues, we not only salvage the relationship with the reviewer but also showcase our dedication to customer satisfaction, ultimately turning negative experiences into positive outcomes.

Adam Seguin Featured 3 9 Proven Strategies for Managing and Reducing Negative Online Reviews

Adam Seguin, Owner, Myrtle Beach Home Buyers

Make Tangible Improvements from Feedback

One specific strategy I have used is to proactively address customer concerns and make improvements based on their feedback. I take their feedback into consideration and make tangible changes to enhance the service, whether it involves revising internal processes, improving communication channels, or providing additional training.

Actively working to correct shortcomings and demonstrating a commitment to improvement, I show customers that their feedback is valued and that I am dedicated to providing a better experience. This approach helps to manage and reduce negative online reviews, leading to improved customer satisfaction and a positive brand perception.

Travis Willis Featured 9 Proven Strategies for Managing and Reducing Negative Online Reviews

Travis Willis, Director of Customer Success, Aspire

Resolve Issues with Considerate Gestures

One effective strategy that we use to deal with negative online reviews is to contact the customers and try to resolve any issues they may have had. One of the common complaints we receive is about our slow processing time, although it is our standard processing time. Customers are often eager to receive their final products, and this can lead to frustration. 

Therefore, once we receive a negative online review, we immediately send an email to the customer. We apologize for the delay and offer them a free cleaning kit for their upcoming product. A cleaning kit is very useful because many customers do not know how to properly clean their retainers. Providing them with a cleaning kit is a way to address the issue of hygiene and care, and it also helps to improve the customer’s experience. This gesture often changes the customer’s review from one about the processing time to one about the quality of the final product.

Lindsey Wolf Featured 1 9 Proven Strategies for Managing and Reducing Negative Online Reviews

Lindsey Wolf, Marketing Manager, SportingSmiles

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