Social Media Engagement 9 Unique Social Media Engagement Strategies that Deliver Tangible Results

9 Unique Social Media Engagement Strategies that Deliver Tangible Results

In search of innovative tactics to foster authentic connections on social media, we’ve gathered insights from CEOs and top executives. From hosting interactive live events to sending friendly social media reminders, discover the nine unique strategies that have driven real engagement and results.

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Host Interactive Live Events

With social media, it’s not all about posting content. It’s not just about letting your audience interact with you. In fact, it’s about your brand interacting with your audience. The unique strategy in this scenario? Hosting live events for them. 

Regardless of whether it is online or in-person, live events let your followers ask questions and can let you interact with them effectively. Not only does this create real-time engagement, but it also allows for direct interaction.

Address questions and comments in real-time. Personalize your responses. How? Mention the name of the person and acknowledge them. This creates a sense of connection for your followers.

Let them engage with a more direct approach to your brand. Let them in on your insights, provide exclusive content, and showcase your brand transparency. This type of engagement helps strengthen the relationship between your brand and its target audience, creating a loyal and engaged community.

Nicholas Robb Featured 9 Unique Social Media Engagement Strategies that Deliver Tangible Results

Nicholas Robb, Head Honcho, Design Hero

Create a Community Facebook Group

One effective approach we’ve taken is creating a Facebook Group. This isn’t just a page; it’s a lively community hub. Here, our followers can chat, ask questions, and bond over shared interests. It’s all about nurturing a sense of belonging. We actively engage in the group, forging real connections. 

This not only ramps up interaction but also builds a loyal community. The key is keeping the group spam-free and valuable. This straightforward yet impactful strategy has brought us closer to our audience and enhanced our social media presence.

Amar Ghose Featured 2 9 Unique Social Media Engagement Strategies that Deliver Tangible Results

Amar Ghose, CEO, ZenMaid

Employ Problem-Solution-Humor Content

One unique strategy that has proved effective in engaging our followers on social media, leading to tangible results, is our “Problem-Solution-Humor Approach.” Okay, the name needs work.

Even though our business operates in a highly technical realm, we understand that our audience primarily includes non-technical users who value relatable content over tech jargon.

Instead of highlighting the technical prowess, our social media content focuses on potential issues our customers might be experiencing and how our service can provide a solution. We’ve found this to be much more relatable, and this strategy converts followers to customers at a significantly higher rate.

What’s more, we have interwoven humor in our posts, taking a traditionally “dry” topic and making it engaging and fun. This has not only humanized our brand but has also significantly increased our brand’s reach and engagement through shares and likes.

We’ve found this light-hearted, problem-focused approach to breaking down barriers, opening a wider conversation around cybersecurity. Ultimately, this leads to users who are more likely to trust and choose our services when they need a solution.

Craig Bird Featured 9 Unique Social Media Engagement Strategies that Deliver Tangible Results

Craig Bird, Managing Director, CloudTech24

Feature Followers with “Fan Spotlight”

I’ve employed a “Fan Spotlight” strategy. Regularly feature a dedicated follower or customer on social media, highlighting their story or experiences with your brand. This not only fosters a sense of community but also incentivizes engagement from others seeking recognition. 

In one instance, this approach led to a 30% increase in user-generated content and a 15% boost in overall engagement, demonstrating the power of recognizing and showcasing your dedicated followers.

Gregory Rozdeba Featured 1 9 Unique Social Media Engagement Strategies that Deliver Tangible Results

Gregory Rozdeba, CEO, Dundas Life

Incentivize User-Generated Content

Tapping into users’ inherent desire to engage with brands they love, we leveraged user-generated content and hashtags to spur organic participation with our brand on Instagram. By searching relevant hashtags and reposting great photos from customers, we amplified visibility while showing appreciation for their advocacy.

We took it a step further by incentivizing users. We announced that anyone who posted photos of our products using our branded hashtag would get a special discount code for our online store.

The response was tremendous—in one month, we had over 500 organic posts, and sales driven by the discount codes increased by 14%. The user content also enhanced our brand image as a trusted product that people proudly advocated for online.

By incentivizing and reposting user-generated content (UGC), we saw tangible business growth while strengthening our community. The right incentives can inspire advocacy and greatly extend reach.

Alex Adekola Featured 2 9 Unique Social Media Engagement Strategies that Deliver Tangible Results

Alex Adekola, CEO and Founder, Remove My Mugshot

Foster Conversations with Resonant Questions

You must provide questions that easily resonate with your audience while developing meaningful conversations. You can also analyze responses to get valuable insights and tailor content to preferences. With this method, you can experience a boost in engagement by great numbers that enhance your brand’s loyalty and drive tangible growth.

Faizan Khan Featured 5 9 Unique Social Media Engagement Strategies that Deliver Tangible Results

Faizan Khan, Public Relations and Content Marketing Specialist, Ubuy UK

Personalize Responses to Customer Interactions

Don’t just send “canned” responses. If customers ask for help, then provide it to them in a comment and point them in the right direction. If they post something funny, consider how your brand wants to react to this, but don’t ignore the chance of an interaction.

Tracey Beveridge Featured 9 Unique Social Media Engagement Strategies that Deliver Tangible Results

Tracey Beveridge, HR Director, Personnel Checks

Organize “Ask Me Anything” Sessions

This strategy involves dedicating a specific time period where your audience can ask you anything and receive direct, real-time responses. To implement this strategy, announce the upcoming AMA session a few days in advance on your social media platforms. Encourage your followers to submit their questions beforehand or during the session using a designated hashtag or through a comment section. During the session, go live on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, and answer the questions that have been submitted.

The key to a successful AMA session is to be open, authentic, and transparent in your responses. Take the time to provide detailed and thoughtful answers, sharing insights, personal experiences, and expertise relevant to the questions asked. This helps to foster a deeper connection with your audience and positions you as a knowledgeable and approachable authority in your field.

AMA sessions offer a unique opportunity for your followers to engage with you directly, get their burning questions answered, and gain valuable insights. This interactive format encourages active participation, generates engaging conversations, and strengthens the relationship between you and your followers.

Chris Mcguire Featured 9 Unique Social Media Engagement Strategies that Deliver Tangible Results

Chris McGuire, Real Estate Investor, Real Estate Exam Ninja

Send Friendly Social Media Reminders

In a few cases, we have people on social media who express interest in talking to us for an introductory sales conversation, but they don’t actually reach out to us.

So, we send them friendly reminders from our business social account to connect with us for a call. It essentially becomes a follow-up, but instead of a more standard email message, it’s a message on social media.

Robert Brill Featured 2 9 Unique Social Media Engagement Strategies that Deliver Tangible Results

Robert Brill, CEO, Brill Media

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