9 Ways to Develop Content to Target SERP Features Like Knowledge Panels 9 Ways to Develop Content to Target SERP Features Like Knowledge Panels

9 Ways to Develop Content to Target SERP Features Like Knowledge Panels

In the quest to dominate Search Engine Results Page (SERP) features, we’ve compiled specific tips from nine digital marketing experts, including SEO Consultants and Marketing Managers. From becoming a digital detective to creating branch articles for SERP amplification, these professionals offer their best techniques for targeting knowledge panels and other SERP features.

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Become a Digital Detective

One specific tip for developing content to target SERP features, like knowledge panels, is to become a digital detective. Imagine you’re Sherlock Holmes, but instead of solving crimes, you’re solving the mysteries of search intent. Dive deep into the questions your audience is asking and the problems they’re trying to solve. 

Craft your content to be the ultimate answer, the definitive guide, the holy grail of information on that topic. Use structured data markup to make your content easily digestible for search engines. 

Think of it as giving Google a neatly organized report rather than a jumbled notebook. And don’t forget to include authoritative sources and internal links to boost credibility. It’s like sprinkling a bit of magic dust that makes your content irresistible to those coveted SERP features.

Lukasz Zelezny Featured 16 9 Ways to Develop Content to Target SERP Features Like Knowledge Panels

Lukasz Zelezny, SEO Consultant, SEO ANT LTD

Ensure Data Consistency Across Platforms

Knowledge panel tip: Aim for data consistency about yourself across the top sites ranking on Google when you search your name. Here’s the process: 

1. Search your name on Google. List the pages that you have “control” over. These are pages where you can go and make edits to the content. For example, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, personal website, etc. Ignore the pages you don’t have control over for now. 

2. Write a concise self-introduction about yourself. For inspiration, search for other similar figures to you online and see what their personal brand introduction is. 

3. Go to each site you have control over and edit the content so that it aligns with your new self-introduction. Do it for LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, your personal website, and any other platforms where you can access and edit the data. 

4. For sites you don’t have control over, like a podcast you were interviewed on, determine if it’s worth reaching out to the owner to ask them to make edits. If it’s worth it, reach out and ask politely for them to update your intro to the new one you wrote up. 

This will create consistency across your personal data online, and Google will take note of it. It will help Google to use that content when creating your knowledge panel on Google. And it will then make it easier for people to understand who you are when they search for you on Google.

Connor Gillivan Featured 4 9 Ways to Develop Content to Target SERP Features Like Knowledge Panels

Connor Gillivan, Entrepreneur, Owner and CMO, TrioSEO

Answer Popular Queries Clearly

A practical technique to target SERP features, like “FAQ,” is to create content that directly answers questions related to your highest-ranking keywords. By identifying popular queries in your niche and crafting clear, concise answers, you can significantly increase your chances of being featured.

This not only boosts visibility but also positions your content as authoritative, improving engagement and driving more traffic to your site.

Marco Genaro Palma Featured 1 9 Ways to Develop Content to Target SERP Features Like Knowledge Panels

Marco Genaro Palma, Freelance CMO and SEO Consultant, SEO Coach

Incorporate High-Quality Visuals

The truth is, a lot of consideration goes into the creation of content that actually ends up succeeding at generating results and serving the purpose it was intended to serve. 

However, one of the many considerations I never fail to make when developing content to target SERP features is deciding the nature of content I should be focused more on creating. 

The fact is, focusing more on written content and articles will not always be the way to go, because the truth is that today, audiences have come to value and appreciate image and video content more, and this is also why Google now prioritizes the inclusion of visual explanations. 

Hence, I have learned that one of the tricks to developing impactful content that ranks high is by incorporating high-quality visuals that boost understanding while also improving visitors’ experience as they encounter your content.

Gideon Omeruta Featured 2 9 Ways to Develop Content to Target SERP Features Like Knowledge Panels

Gideon Omeruta, SEO and Content Lead, Findbyplate

Implement a Structured Data Markup

Structured data markup, also known as schema markup, is a code that can be added to your website’s HTML to provide additional information about your content to search engines. By implementing structured data markup on your website, you can provide more context and detail about your content, making it more likely to be featured in knowledge panels on search engine results pages (SERPs). This can also increase the visibility of your website and help you stand out from other real estate agents.

Another tip is to focus on creating high-quality, informative content that answers common questions and provides valuable insights for potential clients. This type of content is more likely to be featured in knowledge panels as it provides useful information for users.

Regularly updating and refreshing your content can also help improve its chances of being featured in SERP features like knowledge panels. This shows search engines that your content is relevant and up-to-date, increasing its relevance and authority.

Lastly, optimizing your website for mobile devices can also enhance your chances of being featured in knowledge panels. With the majority of searches now being done on mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly website can help improve your overall search engine rankings and increase the likelihood of your content being featured in SERP features.

Alex Taylor Featured 5 9 Ways to Develop Content to Target SERP Features Like Knowledge Panels

Alex Taylor, Head of Marketing, CrownTV

Optimize Content for Featured Snippets

Crafting content tailored for SERP features, like knowledge panels, requires strategic structuring. One effective tip I employ is optimizing content for featured snippets by providing concise, informative answers to common queries. By focusing on addressing user intent and structuring content with clear headings and bullet points, we increase the likelihood of appearing in knowledge panels. This approach enhances visibility and positions our brand as an authoritative source within our niche.

Koray Tugberk GUBUR Featured 6 9 Ways to Develop Content to Target SERP Features Like Knowledge Panels

Koray Tugberk GUBUR, Founder and Owner, Holistic SEO

Use Schema Markup Strategically

When aiming to appear on SERP features like knowledge panels, I would recommend using Schema Markup strategically to make sure search engines understand the content of a page with better clarity.

There are many types of schema markup that are relevant to specific content. For example, if you’re writing about a person, organization, event, or product, there are specific schema types available for each.

Once implemented, to validate the schema markup, use tools such as Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool.

Brenda Benitez Featured 9 Ways to Develop Content to Target SERP Features Like Knowledge Panels

Brenda Benitez, Digital Marketing Manager

Combine Structured Data with Credible Content

One specific tip for developing content to target SERP features like knowledge panels, from my experience, is to effectively use structured data markup. Implementing Schema.org structured data helps Google understand the context and relevance of your content. For example, if you’re creating a profile for a person, use the “Person” schema to include detailed information like name, birthdate, occupation, and notable achievements. This structured approach increases the likelihood of your content being featured in a knowledge panel.

Additionally, ensure your content is authoritative and well-cited. Google favors information from trusted sources, so include citations from reputable sites and keep your content updated. High-quality visuals, such as professional headshots for individuals or logos for companies, also enhance credibility. By combining structured data with comprehensive, reliable content, you can significantly boost your chances of securing a knowledge panel.

Mujahid Shaikh Featured 9 Ways to Develop Content to Target SERP Features Like Knowledge Panels

Mujahid Shaikh, Associate Software Developer, UpInFifty

Create Branch Articles for SERP Amplification

Optimizing content to increase awareness and mindshare through search engine result page amplifiers—like knowledge panels and featured snippets—has become a crucial organic strategy I prioritize with content teams. Beyond comprehensive technical topic coverage, one optimization I found to be highly effective when it comes to targeting key informant panels is called ‘branches’—essentially, branching supplementary articles spawned from core guides structured intentionally in attractive sound-bite formats search algorithms readily promote.

For example, our analyst recently overhauled an expansive thought leadership guide deconstructing ransomware tactics and updated it with crisp, history sidebar explainers highlighting notorious global campaigns, plus various appended listicles targeting things like the most common initial infection vectors or top warning signs that imminent attacks exhibit in affected systems.

These complementary branch pieces, extending thematically from central content ‘tree trunks,’ effectively multiply keyword targeting and clickable exposure in SERPs by diversifying what associated concepts core topics can rank for. And the digestible presentation in panel-friendly list, stats, and history formats attracts preferential indexing treatment.

Yvonne Meredith Featured 2 9 Ways to Develop Content to Target SERP Features Like Knowledge Panels

Yvonne Meredith, Marketing Manager, MJ Flood Security

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