8 Alternatives to Market Research Surveys for Consumer Insights 1 8 Alternatives to Market Research Surveys for Consumer Insights

8 Alternatives to Market Research Surveys for Consumer Insights

To explore innovative alternatives to traditional market research surveys, we asked industry experts this question for their top suggestions. From leveraging social media listening to implementing A/B testing for insights, here are eight specific methods shared by founders and digital marketers to gain valuable consumer insights.

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Leverage Social Media Listening

One effective alternative to traditional market research surveys for gaining consumer insights is social media listening. By monitoring social media platforms, businesses can gather real-time, unfiltered opinions and trends directly from consumers. 

For example, we used social media listening to understand the common pain points and needs of healthcare professionals regarding patient feedback. By analyzing conversations and comments on platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn, we identified specific areas where our content and tools could provide more value. 

This approach not only saved time and resources compared to traditional surveys but also provided us with a wealth of actionable insights that directly influenced our product development and content strategy.

Natalie Nicole Featured 8 Alternatives to Market Research Surveys for Consumer Insights

Natalie Nicole, Head of Customer Success & Experience, SurveyStance

Utilize Site Heatmaps and Session Recordings

As an alternative to surveys, I highly recommend site heatmaps and session recordings. These tools provide visual insights into how users actually interact with your website. 

For example, after analyzing heatmaps for one e-commerce client, I found that many visitors were scrolling past the main call-to-action on the homepage. We made the CTA button larger and changed the color to draw more attention. This small fix led to a significant boost in click-through rates and revenue. 

Session recordings are also invaluable. By watching actual user sessions, I’ve identified points of friction in the checkout process and made changes to simplify the experience. For one client, shortening the checkout form and removing unnecessary fields increased conversion rates by over 15%. 

Tools like Hotjar and Mouseflow make heatmaps and session recordings accessible for businesses of all sizes. The insights they provide into real user behavior can drive major improvements. I highly recommend integrating them into your conversion-optimization efforts.

Chase Chappell Featured 6 8 Alternatives to Market Research Surveys for Consumer Insights

Chase Chappell, Founder, Sirge

Engage with Online Communities

Online communities, also known as consumer advisory boards (CABs), are an alternative to market research surveys for consumer insights. These platforms allow companies to engage with a targeted group of consumers in a more interactive and ongoing manner. By inviting users to participate in discussions, interviews, and workshops, companies can gather deep insights about consumer behaviors, preferences, and pain points. 

For example, Procter & Gamble uses its Pampers CAB to collect feedback about diaper design, usage, and advertising. Through online communities, companies can obtain richer and more nuanced insights than traditional surveys and ongoing conversations. This helps companies iterate and improve their products and marketing strategies over time.

Fahad Khan Featured 12 8 Alternatives to Market Research Surveys for Consumer Insights

Fahad Khan, Digital Marketing Manager, Ubuy Nigeria

Use Consumer Review Platforms

Think about utilizing venues for consumer reviews. These platforms are great because they allow you to get feedback from your clients in real-time. You could, for instance, utilize SurveyMonkey or Trustpilot to get direct input from consumers who have already connected with your brand. Consider conducting a brief Trustpilot survey where clients can share their experiences using your product or service. 

This helps you understand what’s going well and what could be improved by providing you with quick, honest feedback. It’s similar to having a discussion with your clients without having to arrange official questionnaires. You may better understand their requirements and preferences by paying attention to what they have to say on these platforms. This information can be very helpful when making business decisions.

Kartik Ahuja Featured 9 8 Alternatives to Market Research Surveys for Consumer Insights

Kartik Ahuja, Digital Marketer, kartikahuja.com

Monitor Government Contract Bids

In my opinion, monitoring government contract bids can give us lots of useful information. I’ve seen how companies list their products and prices when they try to sell to the government. This can tell us what features are important and how much things cost. For instance, I once saw a bid for new computers that showed what specs schools wanted. It’s like getting a sneak peek at what big customers are looking for without asking them directly.

Josh Ladick Featured 8 Alternatives to Market Research Surveys for Consumer Insights

Josh Ladick, President, GSA Focus

Conduct Focus Groups

Focus groups are a popular alternative to market research surveys when it comes to gaining consumer insights. These are small, organized discussions with a selected group of individuals who represent the target audience for a particular product or service. Focus groups are useful in gathering detailed and nuanced information from participants, which can be difficult to obtain through surveys alone.

For example, a company that manufactures skin-care products may conduct focus groups with women aged 25-40 to gain insights into their purchasing habits and preferences. Through these discussions, the company can gather information on what types of ingredients or packaging appeal to this demographic, as well as any concerns or challenges they face when it comes to skin care.

In addition to providing valuable insights, focus groups also allow for real-time feedback and discussion among participants. This can lead to more in-depth conversations and uncovering hidden opinions or attitudes towards a product or service.

Evan Tunis Featured 1 8 Alternatives to Market Research Surveys for Consumer Insights

Evan Tunis, President, Florida Healthcare Insurance

Analyze Online Customer Reviews

I think analyzing online customer reviews is a great alternative to surveys. I love reading what people say about products on Amazon and other websites. It’s like getting a sneak peek into what customers really think without having to ask them directly. For example, when I was looking at headphones, I noticed many people complained about the ear cushions being uncomfortable. This kind of information helps companies improve their products without doing expensive surveys.

Cyrus Partow Featured 8 Alternatives to Market Research Surveys for Consumer Insights

Cyrus Partow, CEO, ShipTheDeal

Implement A/B Testing for Insights

A powerful alternative to market research surveys is utilizing A/B testing to gain consumer insights. Let me share a specific example: We once had a client in the e-commerce sector who was struggling with low conversion rates on their product pages. Instead of relying solely on traditional surveys, we implemented A/B testing on various elements like product descriptions, images, and call-to-action buttons. 

One test revealed that swapping out generic product images for ones showing the product in real-life usage increased conversions by 15%. This direct experimentation allowed us to understand consumer preferences in a practical, impactful way, highlighting how users actually engage with content. This approach not only provides data-driven insights but also leads to actionable changes that can significantly boost conversion rates.

Utilizing A/B testing as a research method can lead to profound discoveries about consumer behavior that traditional surveys might miss. By observing real interactions, businesses can fine-tune their strategies to better meet customer expectations and enhance overall user experience.

Jorg Dennis Kruger Featured 1 8 Alternatives to Market Research Surveys for Consumer Insights

Jörg Dennis Krüger, Author, Expert and Mentor, The Conversion Hacker®

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