6 Retargeting Tools That Improve Ad Performance 1 6 Retargeting Tools That Improve Ad Performance

6 Retargeting Tools That Improve Ad Performance

Advertising strategies are like a finely tuned orchestra—the right tools and techniques can produce a masterpiece while the wrong ones can just create noise. Learn firsthand from a director and a founder how to orchestrate successful retargeting tactics. Starting with transformational insights on utilizing Facebook Pixel and concluding with advice on targeting users on LinkedIn, this article compiles six critical strategies from industry experts to enhance your ad performance.

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Utilize Facebook Pixel

We’re really getting a lot out of Facebook Pixel as it allows us to track visitors to our clients’ websites and then target them with more precision than ever. It lets us create custom audiences based on specific actions users took on the site, like those who have checked out a product but haven’t bought it. 

By retargeting these users with tailored ads that remind them of what caught their interest, we can give them a little nudge towards completing the purchase for our clients. We can even give them a special discount if the client wants to, which can make it even more exciting. 

Doing this generally gives our clients an increase in conversion rates, and there’s less cart abandonment. Pixel really just makes it easier to reconnect with potential customers to get better results. You can’t lose.

Esther Buttery Featured 6 Retargeting Tools That Improve Ad Performance

Esther Buttery, Director, CLIQ Marketing Content

Leverage Perfect Audience

Retargeting tools like Perfect Audience have been instrumental in scaling our clients’ ad campaigns. Perfect Audience’s ability to create hyper-targeted display ads based on a visitor’s on-site behavior has increased our click-through rates by over 30% year over year.

For example, if someone visited a product page on our e-commerce client’s site, Perfect Audience would instantly serve a retargeting ad featuring that exact product across the web. The custom messaging leads to high conversion rates.

We’ve also used Perfect Audience’s conversion tracking to see which on-site actions, like add-to-carts or content downloads, lead to sales. Then we retarget visitors who took those actions but didn’t buy to capture more customers. For one client, retargeting visitors who added to cart but didn’t check out drove a 10% monthly revenue increase.

Tools like Perfect Audience let us scale retargeting for all clients in one platform. The custom targeting has been a game-changer for boosting our clients’ performance.

Doug Steinberg Featured 6 Retargeting Tools That Improve Ad Performance

Doug Steinberg, Founder & President, Magnetik

Employ AdRoll Effectively

One of the retargeting tools that significantly improved my ad performance is AdRoll. I used it for a client in the fitness industry who was struggling to convert website visitors into paying customers. We initially noticed that while a substantial number of people visited their site, very few followed through with a purchase. AdRoll allowed us to retarget these lost visitors with personalized ads across multiple platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and the Google Display Network. 

We created segmented campaigns based on user behavior, such as which pages they visited or how far they got in the checkout process. By keeping our brand top-of-mind and serving relevant offers based on their specific interests, we were able to significantly increase the click-through rate (CTR) by 30%.

The result was remarkable. In just three months, we saw a 45% increase in conversions and a 28% rise in average order value, turning casual browsers into loyal customers. The ability to track user behavior and optimize ad spend helped ensure we were reaching the right people at the right time, which dramatically increased our ROI. This experience reinforced how powerful retargeting tools like AdRoll can be when you align your messaging with customer behavior and use the right platforms to re-engage them.

Ronald Osborne Featured 6 Retargeting Tools That Improve Ad Performance

Ronald Osborne, Founder, Ronald Osborne Business Coach

Use Google Ads Remarketing

We have found that Google Ads’ remarketing tool has significantly improved our ad performance. Remarketing allows us to target users who have previously visited our website, ensuring that our ads reach an audience already familiar with our brand.

By using Google Ads’ Remarketing, we have seen a notable increase in conversion rates and a higher return on ad spend (ROAS). The ability to tailor ads based on users’ previous interactions with our site has led to more relevant and engaging ad experiences, which in turn has driven more effective follow-up actions from potential clients.

For those looking to enhance ad performance through re-targeting:

  • Segment your audience based on their behavior and interactions to deliver more personalized ads.
  • Regularly test and optimize your ad creatives to keep them fresh and engaging.
  • Use dynamic remarketing to show tailored ads featuring products or services users have previously viewed.
  • Monitor and analyze performance metrics to adjust strategies and maximize ROI.

Andrew Ross, Director, Andrew Ross Technologies

Explore Facebook Retargeting

Facebook retargeting is a good tool for e-commerce businesses and visually appealing products like handmade jewelry. Facebook’s extensive user data, including demographics, interests, behaviors, and purchase patterns, allows for precise targeting. The visual nature of Facebook and Instagram makes them perfect for showcasing products through high-quality photos and videos, with ad formats like carousels and lifestyle-focused ads boosting product appeal. 

In addition to targeting website visitors, Facebook enables reaching look-alike audiences, previous engagers, and even targeting based on app activity. This flexibility supports many marketing goals, from addressing cart abandonment to building brand awareness and driving upsells. With robust analytics and A/B testing capabilities, Facebook retargeting presents significant potential.

Lloyd Pilapil Featured 6 Retargeting Tools That Improve Ad Performance

Lloyd Pilapil, Founder, Pixelmojo

Target Users on LinkedIn

LinkedIn retargeting has been particularly effective for us in the B2B space, where reaching decision-makers is crucial. Although it’s more expensive than other channels, the quality of engagement we get from LinkedIn is unmatched. Users on this platform are in a business mindset and more receptive to our messaging, making them more likely to convert. The net value is greater, considering the size of B2B deals and the impact a single conversion can have on our overall ROI. This makes the higher cost worthwhile, as it allows us to connect with high-intent professionals who are more aligned with our services.

Ashwin Thapliyal, Head of Marketing, Exemplifi

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