Grow Your Brand On TikTok

6 Effective Strategies to Grow Your Brand on TikTok

To help you effectively grow your brand on TikTok, we’ve gathered six insightful tips from CEOs and SEO heads. From positioning your brand as a knowledge hub to collaborating with other brands, discover the strategies these experts believe can make a significant impact on your TikTok presence.

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Position as a Knowledge Hub To Grow Your Brand on TikTok

Position yourself as a knowledge hub in your brand’s niche on TikTok. Regularly showcase new tools, provide updates on industry news, or share valuable insights. 

Consistently feeding your audience with relevant content has proven to be effective in boosting growth for my accounts. Once you’ve established trust, you can weave in your sales pitches and product information so it becomes much more organic and accepted by the audience.

Andy Feliciotti Featured 6 Effective Strategies to Grow Your Brand on TikTok

Andy Feliciotti, Travel Photographer, ihitthebutton

Create Engaging, Relevant Content to Grow Your Brand on TikTok

Create engaging content that relates to your target audience. TikTok is a visual platform, so your content should be visually appealing and attention-grabbing. It should also apply to your target audience’s interests. If you can create content that people want to watch and share, you will be more likely to attract new followers.

Brenton Thomas Featured 1 6 Effective Strategies to Grow Your Brand on TikTok

Brenton Thomas, CEO, Twibi

Collaborate With Influencers to Grow Your Brand on TikTok

Collaborating with influencers on TikTok is another powerful way to grow your brand’s following. Influencers already have a large and engaged following on the platform, and by partnering with them, you can tap into their audience and expose your brand to potential new followers.

Choose influencers whose followers align with your target audience and who share similar values with your brand. This ensures that their followers are more likely to be interested in your brand and follow you for more content. 

Also, make sure the collaboration feels natural and authentic, as TikTok users can easily spot and are often put off by overly promotional content. A genuine and creative collaboration with an influencer can help boost your brand’s visibility and attract more followers on TikTok.

Nyla Rose Featured 6 Effective Strategies to Grow Your Brand on TikTok

Nyla Rose, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, JuseBeauty

Ride the TikTok Trends to Grow Your Brand on TikTok

One super-effective tip to boost your brand’s following on TikTok is to ride the trends. Seriously, this strategy is like a golden ticket to visibility and engagement.

Here’s why it works like magic: TikTok’s algorithm loves fresh content that’s in line with the latest trends. When you hop on a trending challenge or use a popular sound, your videos are more likely to show up on people’s For You Page. And that’s exactly what you want—exposure to a broader audience!

Think about it this way: When you join in on a trend that’s already gaining traction, you’re tapping into a wave of existing interest. People are searching for those trends and sounds, so if your content matches up, they’re more likely to discover and follow your brand.

But remember, don’t just copy-paste what others are doing. Put your unique spin on it! Add your brand’s personality, humor, or value to the trend. This sets you apart and makes viewers curious about your content.

Harsh Verma Featured 1 6 Effective Strategies to Grow Your Brand on TikTok

Harsh Verma, SEO Head, CodeDesign

Narrow Your Niche to Grow Your Brand on TikTok

One way to grow your following for your brand on TikTok is to narrow your niche to something specific. Use keywords that are popular in that niche, and you will connect to those looking for your product or service much faster. 

This may involve looking at other top creators in the niche first to see what they are saying, their hashtags, and what words they use. However, you’ll get a great idea of what works quickly.

Baruch Labunski Featured 6 Effective Strategies to Grow Your Brand on TikTok

Baruch Labunski, CEO, Rank Secure

Collaborate With Other Brands to Grow Your Brand on TikTok

Collaborating with other TikTok brands can help tap into each other’s audiences, leading to mutual growth and increased brand following. By joining forces and creating unique content together, both brands can attract new followers who may not have been exposed to their individual content before. 

This collaborative approach adds variety and novelty to both brands’ content, making it more engaging and shareable. For example, a clothing brand and a dance troupe can collaborate to create fun and energetic videos showcasing the brand’s apparel, appealing to both fashion-conscious users and dance enthusiasts. 

Such collaborations generate cross-promotion and word-of-mouth, exposing each brand to a wider audience and increasing their following on TikTok.

Ben Lau Featured 2 6 Effective Strategies to Grow Your Brand on TikTok

Ben Lau, Founder, Featured SEO Company

Thanks for reading our experts opinions on how to grow your brand on TikTok!

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