marketer personal brand

7 Tips for Marketers to Improve Their Personal Brand Online

Looking to enhance your personal brand online? We’ve gathered seven insightful tips from CEOs, directors, and other industry professionals. From leveraging podcasts for personal branding to applying the 80/20 rule in content, discover the strategies these experts recommend for marketers.

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Leverage Podcasts for Personal Branding

As a marketer, I can tell you that podcasts are really underused right now, despite their extremely promising potential to build a personal brand. While blogs and written content have their place, podcasts present a distinct opportunity to connect with your audience on a personal level. 

In today’s content-saturated landscape, podcasts account for only a fraction of the total content available. This creates significant potential for growth, especially in industries that are yet to offer valuable podcast content. Get a few episodes recorded, bring in some experts, and with some effort, you can get extra traffic and a bunch of new folks interested in what you’ve got to say. 

I actually started my WordPress podcast on, and it was super simple. You can record and edit right on the mobile app and then share it on various podcast platforms. If you can’t start your own, you can look to join other podcasters, chat with other experts, and leverage this to promote your brand.

Samantha Hawrylack Featured 3 7 Tips for Marketers to Improve Their Personal Brand Online

Samantha Hawrylack, CEO, SJ Digital Solutions

Engage in Online Conversations

Marketers looking to establish a following should begin by engaging in online conversations. However, this doesn’t mean they should only join marketing-specific forums or groups. 

Instead, they should gravitate to areas where they can offer genuine value and cultivate an audience. For instance, if your expertise is in tech, take part in tech communities and provide marketing insights when appropriate. 

The more content you generate and the help you offer, the greater the chance of converting these interactions into followers or website visitors.

Jason Vaught Featured 3 7 Tips for Marketers to Improve Their Personal Brand Online

Jason Vaught, Director of Content, SmashBrand

Network and Share New Ideas

Some of the best ways to improve your personal branding are embracing networking and having an affinity for sharing new ideas. Engaging in chat groups or discussions with people who have similar interests can really help build a personal brand. 

Surrounding yourself with people who have been in this field for a long time can help you find new ideas and loopholes in their branding.

Faizan Khan Featured 1 7 Tips for Marketers to Improve Their Personal Brand Online

Faizan Khan, PR and Content Marketing Specialist, Ubuy UK

Actively Engage Your Audience

You can boost your online personal brand by actively engaging with your audience. Be active on your website and on social media platforms to answer customers’ questions. 

Post relevant content and try to engage the audience in your content. This approach fosters connections, raising your credibility and visibility.

Alex Murray Featured 7 Tips for Marketers to Improve Their Personal Brand Online

Alex Murray, Search Director, Tilious

Maintain Consistency Across Platforms

For marketers aiming to enhance their personal brand online, consistency is key. Ensure your messaging, visual identity, and content align across all digital platforms. This reinforces brand recognition and establishes credibility and trustworthiness in your niche. 

Regularly sharing valuable insights and engaging with your audience further solidifies your position as an industry thought leader.

Khurram Mir Featured 7 Tips for Marketers to Improve Their Personal Brand Online

Khurram Mir, Founder and Chief Marketing Officer, Kualitatem, Kualitatem Inc.

Utilize LinkedIn for Personal Branding

Stay active on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is built for professionals, which is why every personal branding strategy should start here. Creator tools make it easy to share your expertise as quick posts, long articles, polls, or other content. 

You can also share your insights in topic-focused groups, add hashtags to your posts, and ultimately go viral with your wisdom. The more consistent you are, the more the algorithms will favor you. 

Also, you can connect your personal brand to your company. Since people can see where you work via your LinkedIn profile, you’re adding credibility to yourself as well as the company you represent.

Alli Hill Featured 7 Tips for Marketers to Improve Their Personal Brand Online

Alli Hill, Founder and Director, Fleurish Freelance

Apply the 80/20 Rule in Content

Here is one specific tip for marketers looking to improve their personal brand online: Leverage the 80/20 rule. Devote 80% of your content to adding value for your audience and only 20% to self-promotion. Generosity and useful insights build credibility and trust. 

Strategic self-promotion has more impact once you’ve established goodwill. Restraint allows you to highlight achievements without a hard sales pitch.

Vikrant Shaurya Featured 1 7 Tips for Marketers to Improve Their Personal Brand Online

Vikrant Shaurya, CEO, Authors On Mission

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