first marketing job

My First Marketing Job: 9 Marketers Share Their Experiences

We asked eight experts including founders and CEOs about their first marketing job and the experiences that shaped their careers. From the engaging customer relationships as a brand ambassador to the adaptability required in a startup experience, these leaders share their diverse and insightful journeys into the world of marketing.

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Brand Ambassador: Engaging Customers, Building Relationships

My first marketing job was a brand ambassador for a well-known company, I could actively engage with potential customers, create brand awareness, and build relationships. My role involved attending trade shows, conducting product demonstrations, and answering queries. 

I also organized and executed promotional events to showcase the brand’s products. Through this experience, I honed my interpersonal skills, developed a deep understanding of the brand’s values and offerings, and learned to adapt my approach to different audiences. 

Being a brand ambassador allowed me to embody the brand’s image and values, and make a lasting impact on potential customers.

marketing a saas business ben lau

Ben Lau, Founder, Featured SEO Company

Unexpected Marketing Journey: From Blogging to Vietnam

I ended up in my first marketing job unexpectedly. I’m a dietitian from South Africa and have started a blog focused on nutrition. While running the blog, I learned about content marketing and SEO. 

A year later, I was approached by a Danish affiliate marketer in Vietnam who offered me a fascinating opportunity. This led me into a new world of marketing that brought about intense challenges, forcing me to expand my knowledge and skills. 

Despite the difficulties, I learned valuable lessons and gained a deeper understanding of marketing strategies and global dynamics. I learned to adapt, improvise, and collaborate across cultures while exploring the lively streets of Vietnam. 

In hindsight, my journey into marketing transformed me into a more versatile and insightful professional. I gained more knowledge and experience than my initial career path would have offered.

Lize Ferreira Featured My First Marketing Job: 9 Marketers Share Their Experiences

Lize Ferreira, Head of SEO, BaseCloud

Entrepreneurial Insight: Marketing From a Business Owner’s Perspective

Though SmashBrand is my first formal marketing job, I’ve been involved in marketing since launching my first business at 21. As a business owner, you quickly realize that metrics like website traffic or social media followers are secondary to activities that genuinely bring customers. It’s crucial to focus on actions that drive leads to the business.

Jason Vaught Featured 1 My First Marketing Job: 9 Marketers Share Their Experiences

Jason Vaught, Director of Content, SmashBrand

Selling Sandals: Lessons in Persistence and Understanding Customers

My first marketing job involved selling old sandals to garment workers. I would approach people I had never met before to inform them about the affordable sandals available through my local agent. The experience was challenging and somewhat disheartening as I had to engage with unfamiliar individuals and convince them to consider purchasing these sandals.

I recognize the valuable lessons that this initial marketing job imparted. It taught me persistence, resilience, and the importance of tailoring your message to your audience. It demonstrated the need to understand the concerns and motivations of potential customers in order to effectively address their needs.

Forekan Sadik Featured My First Marketing Job: 9 Marketers Share Their Experiences

Forekan Sadik, CEO and Founder, Crocs Bazaar

eBay Beginnings: Understanding Customer Psychology

My first foray into the world of marketing was selling products on eBay. It was both challenging and enlightening. I had to learn the complexities of the platform and understand how to create product listings, take photos, and determine the best pricing strategies. The immediate feedback I received proved incredibly valuable as it taught me the importance of customer service. Real-time interactions and reviews played a role in shaping my reputation.

This hands-on experience highlighted the significance of communication and building trust. Every sale, question, or feedback provided me with insights into customer psychology. The feedback loop helped me understand market demand better while enhancing my sales techniques.

In retrospect, my humble beginning on eBay laid a solid foundation for my broader understanding of digital marketing and e-commerce. The skills I acquired through this experience are something that textbooks or classrooms alone could never have taught me.

jake maslow first marketing job

Jake Maslow, Owner, Streetwise Journal

From Side Gig to Passion: Birth of a Marketing Agency

My journey into the world of marketing had a humble beginning—it started as a side gig. My very first marketing job was more of an experiment, a way to explore a new avenue while holding onto my stable job. Little did I know that this side hustle would spark an obsession that eventually led me to make a life-changing decision.

I remember feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. Crafting my first campaign felt like cracking a code. Some things worked, others didn’t, but every move taught me something new. And I loved it. The satisfaction of seeing positive results fueled my determination to dive deeper.

Before I knew it, my side hustle was evolving into a full-blown passion. I left my regular job behind and fully embraced the entrepreneur path. This decision was far from easy, but it felt right. This marked the birth of my digital marketing agency built upon my journey, experiences, and relentless enthusiasm for the field.


Samantha Hawrylack, CEO, SJ Digital Solutions

Marketing for Impact: Non-Profit Campaigns and Social Change

My first marketing job was as a marketing assistant for a non-profit organization. It was a fulfilling experience, as I got to work on campaigns that aimed to raise awareness and funds for important social causes. I was involved in developing and implementing marketing strategies to maximize the impact of these campaigns. 

One project I worked on was a fundraising event to support education initiatives for underprivileged children. I collaborated with the team to create compelling messaging, design promotional materials, and coordinate with sponsors and volunteers. Seeing the event come together successfully and witnessing the positive impact it had on the beneficiaries was incredibly rewarding. 

This role taught me the power of marketing to make a difference in society, while honing my skills in campaign management, communication, and relationship building.

Yoana Wong Featured My First Marketing Job: 9 Marketers Share Their Experiences

Yoana Wong, Co-Founder, Secret Florists

Startup Experience: Social Media Coordination and Adaptability

My first marketing job was as a Social Media Coordinator for a small tech startup. The experience was enlightening, as it allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios. Crafting social media content, monitoring engagement, and analyzing metrics taught me the importance of data-driven decision-making. 

Collaborating with cross-functional teams enhanced my communication skills. The dynamic nature of startups exposed me to diverse tasks, fostering adaptability and resourcefulness. This role laid a solid foundation for my marketing career, instilling the value of creativity, analytics, and collaboration in achieving impactful results.

Aviad Faruz Featured My First Marketing Job: 9 Marketers Share Their Experiences

Aviad Faruz, CEO, Know Mastery

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