Voice Search Optimization

5 Emerging Trends in Voice Search Optimization Impacting SEO Strategies

In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO, voice search optimization stands out as a game-changer. We’ve gathered insights from digital marketing managers to founders, distilling the essence of the emerging trends in this field. From adapting to conversational voice queries to diversifying marketing amidst AI algorithm challenges, explore these five crucial trends that could redefine your SEO strategies.

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Voice Search Optimization Adapt to Conversational Voice Queries

With more people using voice assistants like Alexa, Google Home, and Siri, it’s super important for those who work in SEO to think about how they make their websites friendly for voice search optimization. These aren’t like the usual searches we type into Google. When we talk to our voice assistants, we use normal, everyday language, just like we’re chatting with a friend.

So, if you’re working in SEO, here’s the deal: you’ve got to create content that sounds natural and answers the kind of questions people ask out loud. Think about using longer phrases that someone might say instead of just short keywords.

Also, it’s a good idea to make sure that voice assistants can easily understand and find your content. This can be done by using structured data markup to help Google and others figure out what’s on your page.

The “Speakable (Article, WebPage)” schema is a neat tool for websites. It helps pick parts of a webpage that sound good when read out loud by voice assistants like Google Assistant. This is especially handy for smart speaker users who want to hear news or information just by asking. This schema is currently in beta, but you can already implement it.

Right now, the “speakable” feature is available for folks in the U.S. who use Google Home and have it set to English. It’s also for publishers who create content in English. The good news is, there are plans to expand it to more countries and languages once more publishers start using this feature. So, I believe it’s just the beginning!

Voice Search Optimization with Vlad Makarov

Vlad Makarov, Digital Marketing Manager, edna

Incorporate Long-Tail, Question-Based Keywords

Let’s consider a website that sells eco-friendly home products. To have voice search optimization, instead of just using short keywords like “eco-friendly products,” the SEO strategy would include conversational, long-tail keywords and questions that users might ask voice assistants.

For voice search optimization content, try a different approach. “What are the best eco-friendly products for a sustainable home?” “How can I find environmentally friendly kitchenware?”

“Tell me about affordable eco-friendly cleaning supplies.”

These long-tail, question-based phrases mimic how people naturally speak, aligning with the way users interact with voice search technologies. This approach not only targets specific queries but also makes the content more likely to be picked up by voice assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, or Alexa.

Voice Search Optimization with Muhammad Nurul Afsar

Muhammad Nurul Afsar, SEO Manager, Numinix

Prioritize Localized Voice Search Content

The rise in local search queries through voice search is notable. According to statistics provided by WebFX, 72% of individuals who own voice-activated speakers use voice search to gather information about local businesses. These users are not solely searching for products or services but are seeking immediate solutions and answers within their locality. 

As a result, voice search optimization strategies will need to adapt accordingly, shifting from traditional broad optimization techniques to more localized and targeted approaches. Businesses must now prioritize local keywords and incorporate localized content into their websites. 

Additionally, voice search optimization there will be a greater emphasis on “near me” searches, which have gained popularity in voice queries. As this trend grows, more businesses will register on Google My Business listings and establish relationships with local influencers.

Voice Search Optimization with Dmytro Sokhach

Dmytro Sokhach, Digital Marketer, SEO Entrepreneur, CEO, Editorial.Link

Monitor AI-Driven Voice Search Responses

One trend that is interesting to watch is how voice search optimization is working with AI-related search in terms of their responses. Until now, most voice search platforms quoted directly from the top listings, but now they seem to be testing out using the AI-generated snippets created by things like Google’s SGE.

Voice Search Optimization with Isaac Hammelburger

Isaac Hammelburger, Founder, Search Pros

Diversify Marketing Amidst AI Algorithm Challenges

I wouldn’t call it a trend, but right now, Google is a mess. This new AI search algorithm is a disaster; there’s tons of spam. Sites that have no backlinks and copy-and-pasted descriptions are ranking over established sites with unique content; nothing really makes sense. 

While we’re still continuing to do everything we’ve always done, which has worked, and are playing the long game, we are putting more time and effort towards things like SMS and email marketing, trying to make the most of our customer base and lists. We’re trying to spend more time and energy on social media, basically voice search optimization trying to find other ways to continue to bring in traffic and revenue while this Google thing hopefully passes. 

I can’t look to who’s ranking and say, “Let’s copy what these guys are doing,” because I have more backlinks, better photos, more reviews, better content. I’d have to make my page worse to try to copy those ranking right now.

Voice Search Optimization with John Frigo

John Frigo, eCommerce Manager, Best Price Nutrition

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