In-house Social Manager vs. An Agency

12 Reasons to Hire an In-house Social Manager vs. An Agency

To shed light on the ongoing debate of hiring an in-house social manager vs. an agency, we’ve gathered insights from twelve industry professionals, including Marketing Directors and Social Media Managers. From the assertion that an in-house manager enhances content quality to the belief that an in-house manager tells the best brand story, this article presents diverse perspectives on the best approach for businesses.

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In-House Manager Enhances Content Quality

Between an in-house social manager vs. an agency, As a marketing director, I’ve had the privilege of working with both types of social media setups, but having an in-house social media manager is far better!

Personal interaction with a social media manager improves the quality of your profile’s content. Hiring the right person who aligns with your brand’s identity and voice makes it easier to create engaging content. 

I am lucky to have found a creative, bubbly, and highly skilled social media manager named Tania Iturbide. 

When Tania and I meet in person, there’s a creative energy we can share that helps us create quality posts. Also, there have been times when our best ideas have come to us randomly, like when walking to an event together. 

Having Tania close by lets us quickly swap ideas and plan for the next set of posts.

This dynamic creative relationship is harder to achieve with an agency. Having someone on your team who is fully invested in your social media strategy beats an agency that has to focus on others.

In-house Social Manager vs. Using An Agency with Gustavo Munguia

Gustavo Munguia, Marketing Director, CD Law

In-house Social Manager vs. An Agency: Decision Hinges on Company Resources

The decision between an in-house social manager vs. an agency largely hinges on the existing resources and expertise within a business. If a company lacks the manpower, expertise, or time to curate content and manage social platforms effectively, hiring a dedicated in-house social manager vs. an agency might be the optimal choice. Having someone solely focused on the brand’s voice and strategies can ensure consistent messaging and timely engagement.

Conversely, if a business already possesses the necessary knowledge, creative assets, and a competent team capable of managing social media proficiently, keeping it in-house can offer more control and immediate responsiveness to evolving trends. However, if complexities arise, agencies might offer specialized skills, broader industry insights, and scalability that an in-house team might not readily provide. 

Ultimately, the decision should align with the company’s goals, resources, and the depth of expertise needed for an impactful social media presence.

In-house Social Manager vs. Using An Agency with Bridget Cramer

Bridget Cramer, Director of Marketing, Lindus Construction

Outsourcing Provides Access to Experts

In the tight recruiting landscape, more and more firms are turning to third-party marketing agencies to set them apart, and Bemana is no exception.

In between an in-house social manager vs. an agency, I used to think that in-house marketing was the way to go, reasoning that no one knew my company as well as my own team.

However, understanding a small business is easy, while social media advertising and SEO are complex specialties. There is no comparison, and expecting one or two of my own workers to stay atop the ever-changing field of behavioral science and search engine algorithms was foolish.

By outsourcing this work, I gained access to an entire team of experts, each spending day in and day out perfecting their specific specialty, be it networking, memes, keywords, or burgeoning AI software. There is no way an in-house social manager vs. an agency could have kept up similarly.

In-house Social Manager vs. Using An Agency with Linn Atiyeh

Linn Atiyeh, CEO, Bemana

In-House Talent Ensures Relationship Building

When it comes to an in-house social manager vs. an agency, An agency may be able to get your social accounts set up, branded, and scheduled faster than a single person working on one or more brands, but in my experience, in-house talent is always better. The point of social media is to provide an interactive medium for current and prospective customers to engage with your brand. That interactivity constitutes a relationship, and you should never outsource your customer relationships. 

Having that individual on the team internally ensures they can learn the audience and make them a priority, pivot quickly, and keep the brand voice consistent. Agencies are great for moving fast, but if growing an audience through social channels is a priority, you’re safer committing to the full-time hire in the long run.

In-house Social Manager vs. Using An Agency with Kevin Kitchen

Kevin Kitchen, Marketing Director, Clickfunnels

In-House Managers Build Brand Essence

In Between an in-house social manager vs. an agency, Contractors don’t know your brand; your employees do. Hiring someone in-house to handle content ensures that they truly care about the company and consistently provide the output necessary to make your brand grow on all platforms.

On top of this, an in-house social media manager is always around the other departments, peeling back the curtain on what really goes on, effectively building the essence of the brand.

At Kanga, we strive to entertain, not promote!

Contractors have two things in mind: growth and sales. While these are good metrics, they aren’t brand-builders.

In-house Social Manager vs. Using An Agency with Robby Girardin

Robby Girardin, Social Media Manager, Kanga Coolers

In-House Managers Understand Company Nuances

Regarding an in-house social manager vs. an agency, I’ve worked with agencies, and they are fantastic when you don’t have the resources to have an in-house social media manager. However, an in-house social media manager will always be a better choice.

While agencies are great at what they do, an in-house social media manager will be immersed in the day-to-day operations of the company and will understand the nuances of messaging that can’t be easily translated to an agency. There is also the ability to be more agile with content, as the in-house social media manager’s sole focus is the company—with immediate access to employees, events, or any other company functions.

In-house Social Manager vs. Using An Agency with Malisa Vincenti

Malisa Vincenti, Director of Marketing

Full-Time Employee Dedication to Content Creation

When it comes to in-house social manager vs. an agency, As an in-house paid social manager, I believe it’s the best way for businesses to go. No one is going to know your brand better than an employee of your company. The value of having a full-time employee who can dedicate themselves to creating content solely for your organization is immeasurable. 

Agency employees often have to juggle multiple clients and brands, making it more challenging to know the ins and outs of each organization and their products and service offerings.

In-house Social Manager vs. Using An Agency with Ashley Lloyd

Ashley Lloyd, Social Media Strategist, PSECU

Balanced Approach Utilizes Both Strengths

In regard to an in-house social manager vs. an agency, The optimal approach for businesses is to strike a balance by utilizing both an in-house marketing professional and an agency for social media management. An in-house professional plays a vital role in understanding the specific nuances of the business, and ensuring that the social media strategy aligns with the company’s goals and values. 

The agency, on the other hand, brings expertise in broader social media marketing trends, audience engagement, and conversion strategies. They can provide a fresh, external perspective and have the specialized skills to capture and maintain a broader online audience. 

This dual approach allows businesses to capitalize on the in-house team’s knowledge of the company’s unique needs and the agency’s broader understanding of the ever-evolving social media landscape. By working together, they can create a more comprehensive and effective social media strategy that both engages the audience and converts them into customers, boosting overall success.

In-house Social Manager vs. Using An Agency with Taylor Caplan

Taylor Caplan, Marketing Manager

Decision Based on Business Needs

When it comes to in-house social manager vs. an agency, the question of whether to hire an in-house social media expert or outsource to an agency is a major headache for most businesses. This is because there is no clear answer to this question. In my professional opinion, businesses should consider engaging an agency in their social media marketing efforts as opposed to hiring in-house, since it is the cheaper option. 

However, they should take other aspects of their business into consideration before making this decision. In terms of in-house social manager vs. an agency brand knowledge, in-house talent will have an upper hand, but in terms of industry knowledge and trends, the agency will be better. Brands should weigh their decisions based on what will serve them best.

In-house Social Manager vs. Using An Agency with Sam Kariuki

Sam Kariuki, Media Buyer and Digital Marketing Strategist, Owendenny

In-House Team Maintains Consistent Voice

When it comes to in-house social manager vs. an agency, There’s nothing like having someone in-house to handle all your social needs. Creating a sense of community through your social media channels is imperative, and that “social voice” needs to be consistent, thoughtful, and on-brand. 

Having a team in-house social manager vs. an agency allows you all to build, maintain, and utilize a consistent social presence unique to your company, avoiding any generic language or interaction that may not be 100% within your brand guidelines.

In-house Social Manager vs. Using An Agency with Justin Rapp

Justin Rapp, Social Media Director

Consider Business Strengths and Challenges

When it comes to between in-house social manager vs. an agency, I’m not sure I believe there is one right answer to whether to keep social in-house or utilize an agency. However, I think it is important to consider strategically where you are strong as a business and how well you can create and follow processes. No one knows your business like you, but if day-to-day you struggle to manage time, in-house may not make sense. 

However, if you struggle to communicate and provide assets in a timely manner, working with an agency will be equally if not more challenging because they will need your photos, videos, and thoughts to launch successful campaigns. Both require different levels of discipline and planning that should be considered before making a decision.

In-house Social Manager vs. Using An Agency with Dominique Johnson-Lindsay

Dominique Johnson-Lindsay, Principal, Marketing Strategist at Be Digital

In-House Manager Tells Best Brand Story

Nobody is going to tell your own brand story better than somebody who is within your walls, part of your culture, and holds your brand close to their heart. 

A big part of marketing these days is being agile and nimble—one of Hammer Made’s core values, by the way. And when you have your own in-house social manager vs. an agency, you’re positioned to share your stories on the fly, whether it’s major breaking news or an impromptu interview with a key partner or VIP consumer who stops by.

In-house Social Manager vs. Using An Agency with

Garett Graubins, Marketing Director, Hammer Made

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