5 Alternatives to Tiktok Challenges for User Engagement 5 Alternatives to Tiktok Challenges for User Engagement

5 Alternatives to Tiktok Challenges for User Engagement

Seeking fresh alternatives to TikTok Challenges for boosting user engagement, we’ve gathered insights from industry leaders, including CEOs and senior community managers. From hosting video contests on Instagram to leveraging Instagram Stories for real estate, explore five unique strategies that stand out for engaging audiences in meaningful ways.

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Host Video Contests on Instagram

User engagement alternatives to TikTok challenges include video contests. For example, we ran an Instagram Story contest asking followers to share their business goals for 2019. The prize was a free audit of their social media profiles. We saw a 42% increase in Story views and gained 317 new followers. People want to be heard and recognized. Giving them a platform to share their voice, and rewarding them for it, builds loyalty.

Live streaming is another option. We broadcast a weekly Facebook Live show discussing digital marketing news. Viewers can ask questions and get advice. Our average live stream gets 3,000 views and over 200 comments. The real-time interaction and value given to viewers translates into new leads and clients. Authenticity and expertise are key.

Finally, user-generated content (UGC) is highly engaging. For a client’s product launch, we asked fans to share photos using the new item. The brand reposted their photos and saw a significant boost in website traffic and sales that quarter. When followers become part of the story, they invest in the brand and spread the word to their networks. UGC gives fans ownership and a chance to participate in the brand experience.

Josh Cremer Featured 1 5 Alternatives to Tiktok Challenges for User Engagement

Josh Cremer, CEO, and Creative Director, Redfox Visual

Create an Original Content Series

I’d recommend creating an original series. I’ve seen an uptick of “The Office” style content popping up on my For You page. Accounts like Mohawk Chevrolet and Dr. Miami are great examples. Because, unlike a TikTok challenge, they actually build an invested audience who will have a reason to come back for more content. There’s a storyline to follow. 

With TikTok challenges, we often don’t even remember the original creator, just the most popular one. While it might give you a lot of brand awareness, it won’t necessarily convert those new viewers into followers or fans of your brand.

Qetsiyah Jacobson Featured 5 Alternatives to Tiktok Challenges for User Engagement

Qetsiyah Jacobson, Social Media Community Manager

Engage With Live Interactive Events

Another effective alternative to TikTok challenges for user engagement is hosting live interactive events. The real-time nature of these events allows for immediate interaction between the host and the audience, creating a dynamic and engaging experience.

Live interactive events provide a sense of immediacy and excitement that pre-recorded content cannot match. Users feel a part of something happening in real-time, which creates a compelling shared experience.

The ability to ask questions, make comments, and see responses instantly fosters a deeper connection between the content creator and the audience. This increases user retention, as people are more likely to return for future live events if they have had a positive experience.

Additionally, live interactive events can be highly versatile, catering to various interests and demographics. This ensures that there is something for everyone, encouraging broader participation and engagement.

Lastly, leveraging the unique strengths of live interactive content creates a more engaging and community-driven user experience.

Peter Bryla Featured 2 5 Alternatives to Tiktok Challenges for User Engagement

Peter Bryla, Senior Community Manager, Resume-Now

Empower Users to Generate Expert Content

A compelling alternative to TikTok challenges is user-generated expert content. Instead of relying on short-lived trends, brands can empower their most passionate users to create in-depth, valuable content. This approach boosts engagement and positions the brand as a thought leader. By providing guidelines and incentives, brands can generate a steady stream of high-quality content that resonates with their target audience, fostering a strong sense of community and trust.

Raviraj Hegde Featured 2 5 Alternatives to Tiktok Challenges for User Engagement

Raviraj Hegde, SVP of Growth & Sales, Donorbox

Leverage Instagram Stories for Real Estate

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, TikTok Challenges have become a popular method for engaging users. However, one specific and effective alternative to consider is Instagram Stories. From our grassroots perspective as a real estate team on the Big Island of Hawaii, Instagram Stories offer a unique blend of immediacy, interactivity, and visual appeal that can drive substantial user engagement.

Instagram Stories, with their ephemeral nature, create a sense of urgency and exclusivity. Each Story remains live for just 24 hours, encouraging users to check in frequently so they don’t miss out. This temporal limitation plays on the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) psychology, ensuring that audiences stay engaged and consistently return for more content. For us, this means we can keep potential homebuyers and clients coming back to see the latest property listings, behind-the-scenes tours, or local event highlights.

One of the standout features of Instagram Stories is their interactive elements. Unlike the more passive consumption of TikTok Challenges, Instagram Stories offer multiple ways for users to actively participate. Polls, question stickers, quizzes, and swipe-up links allow us to engage our audience in meaningful conversations. For instance, we can post a poll asking followers which feature they love most in a home, or use question stickers to field inquiries about the Big Island lifestyle. This interaction fosters a sense of community and connection, making our audience feel heard and valued.

The visual storytelling potential of Instagram Stories is another critical advantage. Given our location, the beauty of Hawaii is one of our strongest selling points. Stories let us showcase stunning sunsets, lush landscapes, and the vibrant culture of the islands through a series of captivating images and short videos. The ability to string together multiple pieces of content into a cohesive narrative helps us tell the story of each property and the unique lifestyle it offers in a way that resonates deeply with viewers.

Moreover, Instagram’s integration with Facebook allows for broader reach and cross-platform promotion. We can leverage Instagram Stories to target specific demographics and interests, ensuring our content reaches the right audience. This is particularly valuable in real estate, where connecting with the right potential buyers can make all the difference.

James Morrison Featured 5 Alternatives to Tiktok Challenges for User Engagement

James Morrison, Realtor, The Papakea Collection

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