Boost Marketing Productivity

7 Tools and Apps Marketers Use to Boost Marketing Productivity and Efficiency

To help marketers Boost Marketing Productivity and be more time efficient, we asked seven professionals, including CEOs and General Managers, to share their most useful tools or apps. From Canva as a must-have for content creation to HubSpot and Marketo for marketing automation, discover the top seven tools these experts can’t live without.

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Canva: A Must-Have for Content Creation to Boost Marketing Productivity

The most useful app to boost marketing productivity for me—and my team—is Canva. There are so many templates to use for everything from social posts to proposals that it’s become a “must-have” for the team. 

I also appreciate the ability to save different branding guides (colors, fonts, etc.) for different clients and projects. It makes adhering to brand guidelines as easy as one click. 

Using the team feature allows each one of us to start projects and share them with others, so we can add and edit within Canva. The ability to copy an older design to reuse it saves time and makes us as efficient as possible. 

Over time, Canva has saved us weeks, if not months, of time. Most importantly, it’s allowed us to create the best content for our clients and for ourselves.

Boost Marketing Productivity with Janet Granger

Janet Granger, CEO/Marketing Strategist/Mentor/Coach, Two Beagles

Buffer: Simplifying Social Media Scheduling

The single most useful tool I use as a digital marketer that can help boost marketing productivity is Buffer. It’s an app that enables you to schedule posts across multiple social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This allows me to plan out my entire week’s worth of content in advance. 

With just a few clicks, I can have my entire week organized and scheduled without having to constantly log in throughout the day and manually post for each account.

Boost Marketing Productivity with Alex Murray

Alex Murray, Search Director, Tilious

Trello: Streamlining Project Management

As a marketer, the single most useful tool or app I rely on to boost marketing productivity and time efficiency is definitely a project-management software called Trello. It’s a simple and intuitive platform that helps me stay organized and prioritize my tasks effectively. 

With Trello, I can create boards for different projects, add lists for various stages, and create cards for specific tasks. This allows me to track the progress of each project, assign tasks to team members, and set deadlines. Additionally, Trello’s collaboration features enable seamless communication and file sharing among team members, making it easier to work together efficiently. 

Overall, Trello has become an indispensable tool in my daily workflow, helping me streamline my tasks and achieve better time management.

Boost Marketing Productivity with Lukasz Zelezny

Lukasz Zelezny, SEO Consultant, SEO Consultant London

Flow: Balancing Work and Breaks

The most useful app to boost marketing productivity for me is Flow, a Pomodoro timer app for Apple devices. It helps you stay on track and get things done. It efficiently balances work and break periods, especially for marketers prone to distractions. You can set work and break timers for custom durations. Its minimalist interface will make you feel less stressed and more focused on the work. Marketers, it’s worth a shot.

Boost Marketing Productivity with Shivbhadrasimh Gohil

Shivbhadrasinh Gohil, CMO and Co-Founder, Meetanshi

Zapier: Automating Repetitive Tasks

Zapier is the most useful tool to boost marketing productivity for marketers to maximize time efficiency. It automates repetitive tasks across various apps, allowing marketers to focus on strategic activities. 

For example, when a new lead is generated on a website, Zapier can automatically add the lead to the CRM, send a notification email, and create a task for the sales team. By eliminating manual work, Zapier saves significant time and streamlines processes.

Boost Marketing Productivity with Ben Lau

Ben Lau, Founder, Featured SEO Company

Asana: Enhancing Collaboration and Planning

In marketing, Asana is one tool that has proven to be a beacon of efficiency and boost marketing productivity. This project-management app has been pivotal in streamlining our workflows and enhancing team collaboration. There was a campaign where multiple team members juggled various tasks, from content creation to client communication and data analysis. 

Implementing Asana allowed us to centralize our communications, task assignments, and progress tracking, ensuring every member was in sync and every task was accounted for and executed on time. It saved time by reducing back-and-forth communications and provided a clear visual of our project timelines and milestones, enhancing our strategic planning and execution across the board.

Boost Marketing Productivity with Jon James

Jon James, CEO, Ignited Results

HubSpot and Marketo: For Marketing Automation

To help boost marketing productivity, Software for marketing automation, such as HubSpot or Marketo, is one of the most helpful tools for maximizing the effective use of one’s time in marketing. 

These platforms make it possible to streamline and automate a variety of marketing processes, such as email marketing, lead nurturing, and analytics. As a result, you may save a substantial amount of time while keeping the quality of your marketing efforts consistent.

Boost Marketing Productivity with Joy Toy

Jay Toy, General Manager, 88stacks

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