Marketing Metrics for Small Businesses

4 Important Marketing Metrics for Small Businesses to Evaluate Campaign Success

Seasoned Founders and a CMO share their invaluable insights on the key marketing metrics for small businesses that truly reflect the success of a marketing campaign. From gauging campaign pipeline impact with SQLs to assessing the cost per acquisition to determine success.

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SQLs: Gauging Campaign Pipeline Impact as Marketing Metrics for Small Businesses

As a small business marketer, I closely track Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs)—new, high-quality leads ready for a sales conversation. After campaigns, I monitor the number of visitors who request proposals from my sales team. These signal interest in potentially buying, so SQLs show a campaign’s pipeline impact.

Beyond just SQL quantity, I look at marketing-influenced SQLs that cited a specific campaign that attracted them. This helps me double down on what’s working to drive real revenue opportunities. 

With small budgets, I have to be judicious in marketing spend. Seeing campaign-driven SQLs increase over time directly shows my work is positively affecting the business. SQLs provide the quantifiable marketing metrics for small businesses ROI. They take the guesswork out of evaluating success.

Marketing Metrics for Small Businesses with Bertrand Li

Bertrand Li, Founder, RevieWise

CAC: Assessing Campaign Financial Efficiency

One key marketing metrics for small businesses I focus on evaluating the success of a marketing campaign is the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC). This metric is crucial, as it directly relates to the efficiency of the campaign in terms of the financial investment required to win a new customer. 

By calculating the total cost of the campaign (including ad spend, labor, tools, etc.) and dividing it by the number of new customers gained, we get the CAC. A lower CAC shows the campaign is effectively using resources to gain new customers, which is essential for the sustainable growth of the business. 

Monitoring CAC helps in assessing the immediate effectiveness of a campaign as well as provides insights for future budgeting and strategy development. It ensures that our marketing efforts are creative and engaging while also being financially viable and conducive to the overall health of the business.

Marketing Metrics for Small Businesses with Alex Stasiak

Alex Stasiak, CEO and Founder, Startup House

Conversion Rate: Strategic Campaign Indicator

As a marketer for small businesses, I prioritize the conversion rate as a key metric to assess the success of campaigns. In my experience, these marketing metrics for small businesses offer invaluable insights into how effectively potential leads are transformed into actual customers. 

By closely monitoring conversion rates, I can evaluate the impact of my unique marketing strategies on encouraging significant actions, whether it’s a purchase, a newsletter sign-up, or other desired outcomes. 

This emphasis on conversion rates, based on my expertise and knowledge, establishes a direct link between my marketing efforts and tangible business outcomes, guiding me to make strategic decisions for future campaigns.

Marketing Metrics for Small Businesses with Etienne Marais

Etienne Marais, Director, Events Hospitality

Cost Per Acquisition: Budget Allocation Guide

As a small business marketer, one key marketing metrics for small businesses that I focus on evaluating the success of my campaign is the cost per customer acquisition. This metric measures the amount of money it takes for me to acquire each new customer through my marketing efforts. 

As a small business with limited resources, it’s crucial for me to know how much I’m spending to gain each new customer. These marketing metrics for small businesses help me determine the effectiveness of my marketing efforts and allow me to make informed decisions on where to allocate my budget for future campaigns. 

By tracking this metric, I can also identify any areas where I may overspend and make adjustments to optimize my campaign’s ROI.

Marketing Metrics for Small Businesses with Keith Sant

Keith Sant, CMO, Eazy House Sale

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