Super Bowl Super Bowl Commercial Vs. Mr. Beast Shout Out: Which Holds More Value?

Super Bowl Commercial Vs. Mr. Beast Shout Out: Which Holds More Value?

To shed light on the debate between the value of a Super Bowl commercial and a shout out in a Mr. Beast video, we asked a Director of Advertising for their expert opinion. In this one insightful response, they discuss how the “Target Audience Dictates Advertising Platform.” Dive into this article to explore their perspective on this intriguing question.

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Target Audience Dictates Advertising Platform

It really depends on the product, target audience, and budget, but for the work I do, MrBeast would be more impactful. A large segment of my audience is high school- and college-aged. Much of our budget is focused on digital strategies, and I put very little into broadcast media. Our paid media strategy is based on “going where our audience already is.” For young audiences, that’s not on traditional, linear broadcast. 

The bulk of the audience consuming video influencer content is under 25. While the Super Bowl has seen some gains in Millennial and Gen Z markets, I’ve seen figures indicating that more than half the market is 35-44. While that’s a useful influencer segment, in terms of bang for your buck in reaching the actual intended “customer,” the ROI would not be there.

Instead, we look at who our audience already is, we audit how they use media and how they want to receive information, and then invest in strategies to place our media on platforms where they spend time.

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Margaret Hardigan, Director of Advertising

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